Explore and filter HuggingFace models with ease. This utility web application enables users to view all models from a specific HuggingFace user, offering advanced filtering options tailored for Large Language Models (LLMs).
🔗 Live Version: https://netroscript.github.io/huggingface-llm-filtering/
- Quick Search: Instantly search for models by their names.
- Flexible Filtering: Filter by model type (GGML, GPTQ, GGUF), model size, and licensing.
- Custom Sorting: Organize models based on time, downloads, or likes.
- Framework: SvelteKit
- UI Toolkit: skeleton.dev
- Data Source: The app fetches models from a HuggingFace author through the official API and processes the data for optimized display.
Install the necessary dependencies:
pnpm install
# Alternatively, you can use npm install or yarn
To start a development server:
pnpm run dev
Or to start the server and launch the app in a new browser tab:
pnpm run dev -- --open
To generate a production-ready version of the app (exported as static HTML):
pnpm run build
Preview the production build using:
pnpm run preview
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