The hardhat-warp framework overwrites parts of hardhat so that it uses Warp and StarkNet instead of solc and Ethereum.
NOTE: hardhat-warp is in beta and there might be bugs. Please open issues or reach out to us on our discord.
If you're setting up a new project you can use this repository as template.
The project has two peer dependencies which must be used in your hardhat repo.
These are @typechain/hardhat
(over hardhat-typechain) and the latest version
of @typechain/ethers-v5
(^10.1.1). Many older projects have old versions of
these dependencies already installed. Updating them is simple.
Install hardhat-warp
yarn add --dev @nethermindeth/harhdhat-warp
You will need to have python env with an instance of starknet-devnet
See instructions for setting up starknet-devnet
python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install starknet-devnet
We will support starknet-hardhat-plguin's dockerized devnet and starknet cli soon
In hardhat.config.ts
add the import after importing hardhat:
import '@nethermindeth/hardhat-warp';
Then add the following to run on a local testnet:
starknet: {
network: "integrated-devnet",
networks: {
integratedDevnet: {
url: ``,
venv: "<path/to/venv/with/starknet-devnet>",
args: ["--seed", "0", "--timeout", "10000"],
stdout: `stdout.log`, // <- logs redirected to log file
stderr: "STDERR" // <- logs stderr to the terminal
Install the python dependencies of hardhat-warp:
yarn hardhat warp-install
Here's an example configuration from the UniStark repo.
Make the required changes for compatibility with StarkNet, you can checkout some commonly required changes here.
yarn hardhat test
The Cairo files are written to the artifacts