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Please install the included font before running the program

Please keep in mind I am limited to a resolution of 480480 due to the rotation feature and the resoluton of most UMPCs (800480)

Press the rename button if no item is selected (or delete if an item is selected) to test red alert (no file will be deleted unless you click "Override Safeties")

If a file is selected and you press rename, you can see the onscreen keyboard as well as a sensor scan like from the show

Options available:
-Muting the sound
-Using the filesize inside the LCAR like it appears on the show. The number will be base 10 scientific notation, with the left 3 digits being the value, and the rightmost digit being the exponent (filesize = value * 10 ^ exponent) It's harder to read this way but looks closer to the show
-Increasing the font size
-UI mode: You can use the classic LCAR look with or without anti aliasing. As well as the 3D-ish Nemesis LCAR look in the future
-I will also be adding inertia to the lists

I've hidden the ability to edit/view those circular LCARs from the Star Trek movies and older ships scene in TNG. If you don't want to look for it, then scroll down for the location.

The . button above the Rotate Screen button