A Node.JS Discord bot that track using Riot API stats of summoners. Create a server leaderboard and beat your friends !
- Docker Engine
- Docker Compose
- Make sure Docker Daemon is running and working before starting the application
- Follow this tutorial to create your Discord bot token
- Add your bot to your server by generating a link in your developper dashboard (make sure to give enought permissions)
- Get your client ID (right click on your profile then copy ID)
- Login to Riot Developper Portal
- Click 'Register a product' button
- Select Personnal API Key and follow the steps
- Go to your profile and you should have your Personnal API Key (Riot must approve your app, it can take several days) (TIP: You can use your developpement key while waiting this key expire every day)
- Go to config/config.json and replace 'x' with your keys like below :
Build the docker image
> docker-compose build
Run the application
> docker-compose up
You should see something like this :
Successfully connected to the database!
Logged in as LoL Tracker#XXXX!
Present in 1 guild(s)
- You can update your database password in the