is an extension of UIActionSheet
that uses blocks instead of a delegate.
The code compiles under Apple LLVM compiler 4.0 and above. It also requires the base SDK of iOS 5.0.
[[RBActionSheet actionSheetWithTitle:@"An Awesome Titile"
otherButtonTitles:@[ @"Eleborate", @"Expand", @"Expelliarmus" ] // an array literal
clickedBlock:^( RBAlertView *alert, NSInterger buttonIndex )
switch ( buttonIndex )
case 0: // Awesome // cancel button
NSLog( @"Awesome" ); break;
case 1:
NSLog( @"Eleborate" ); break;
case 2:
NSLog( @"Expand" ); break;
case 3:
NSLog( @"Expelliarmus" ); break;
] showInView:self.view]; // just assuming this code is inside a view controller