This behavior tree is in the early stages of development, therefore if you want to implement a feature please ask first by opening an issue. Please feel free to contribute bug fixes.
I would very much appreciate any constructive feedback so please open an issue to offer your advice.
Please offer Feature Requests as well. If you have a possible implementation in mind, feel free to elaborate.
Contribute Example Scenes: Yes, Please do! Please keep in mind that you cannot use assets that are improperly licensed. Preferably, use Godot example assets or any Creative Commons assets that are licensed as CC0. This way anyone using the assets in their own projects, even commercial ones, may do so without needing to sift through which assets they can use commercially and which ones they may not.
Contribute Documentation: Yes, Please do! Documentation is not one of my strongest areas. If you know how to put together good, clear documentation I will be extremely grateful.
Thanks! Nathan