Play a sound in your NativeScript app.
Run the following command from the root of your project:
tns plugin add nativescript-sound
To use this plugin you must first require() it:
var sound = require("nativescript-sound");
It's important to preload the audio file into the sound module before playing it; there is a delay during creation due to the audio being processed:
var tada = sound.create("~/sounds/tada.mp3"); // preload the audio file
// play the sound (i.e. tap event handler);
A good way to do this is to create a sound collection:
sounds = {
"Tada": sound.create("~/sounds/tada.mp3"),
"Boo": sound.create("~/sounds/boo.mp3"),
// ...
If you wish to play a sound due to a button being tapped, leverage the following code (where name
refers to the name of the audio file to be played):
this.playButtonPressed = function(name) {
if ( {
} else {
var soundFile = sound.create("~/sounds/" + name + ".mp3");;