This widget lets you display a Narrative Moment on your own site.
First you need to register a Narrative Open Platform app.
- Sign in to and Create a New App
- Add your sites domain to the Redirect URIs, this will also white list this domain in CORS.
- Copy your apps Client ID and Client secret
Grap the UUID for the Moment you want to display, it's the last part of a shared Moment link. Looking something like this 4f0c241562a24bce86a9e24a009c845d
Then add both the jquery plugin and the css file to your site. Lastly add the following to your html.
var clientID = '<Your Client ID>';
var clientSecret = '<Your Client Secret>';
var momentUUID = '<The Moments UUID you want to display, needs to be public>';
$('#nrtv__current-photo').nrtvScrubb(momentUUID, clientID, clientSecret);
And this HTML code
<div id="nrtv__current-photo" class="nrtv__loading">
<div class="nrtv__progress"></div>
<div class="nrtv__meta"></div>