Fast C# Extension functions for reading or writing binary data.
Easy to use, fast performance, no or very little allocation parsing utilities.
I have benchmarked these extensions extensively using both mono, and .net core to try and get the best performance possible from both runtimes.
I will update the readme with benchmarks between BinaryPrimatives, BitConverter, BinaryReader and BinaryEx once i put the library on nuget.
TODO: Implement support for IBufferWriter for writing, and ReadOnlySequence for reading
Here is a basic example of reading and writing to an array:
using BinaryEx;
byte[] array = new byte[128];
int pos = 0;
// Write into arary 32 ints
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / sizeof(int); ++i)
array.WriteInt32BE(i, ref pos);
// Read the arrays back from the array
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / sizeof(int); ++i)
int n = array.ReadInt32BE(ref pos);
The library adds extension functions into the following types:
byte[] arrays Span ReadOnlySpan byte* pointers Stream any stream object
Then there are 2 main types of apis: Ref based apis which will keep tabs on the current write offset for you Explicit position based apis that just take in a position to write to.