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Tutorial: Porting Alya kernels with BOAST


This tutorial explains how we used BOAST to port one of Alya Kernels. Here, we focus on the kernel nsi_element_assembly_split_oss which is a kernel assembly of Navier Stokes equations using the split OSS Variational Multiscale Model. This tutorial is written using the org-mode of Emacs, it follows the literate programming style and contains the entire source code to generate the kernel. The source code is split into blocks which are explained step by step. Two different kinds of sections compose this tutorial, the first kind explains how the core of the kernel is ported with BOAST, this is the description of the kernel. The second kind addresses more technical aspects such as assembling all the different pieces of the kernel together and is marked by the tag technical. As the code is split this way, code blocks are referenced by <<some-block>> and are included in other code blocks using org-mode functionality.

The .org version of this tutorial (available here: can be used to generate the necessary ruby files to generate the kernel by using the org-mode tangling function by press C-c C-v t.

Original FORTRAN source code

This section contains 2 FORTRAN source code versions of the kernel nsi_element_assembly_split_oss. The version 1 is deprecated and has only been kept for information purpose. Only the second version is used as reference implementation to check the BOAST generated version.


      subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss(&

      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: pnode,pgaus,pevat
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpden(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvis(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gppor(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp1(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp2(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvol(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsha(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpcar(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,mnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpadv(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpvep(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpprp(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)      
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpgrp(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gprhs(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvel(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus,*)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsgs(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus,*)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: wgrgr(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: agrau(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elvel(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pnode,*)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elauu(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode*ndime,pnode*ndime)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaup(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode*ndime,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapp(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapu(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode*ndime)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbu(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbp(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtinv_loc(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtsgs(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_p(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_v(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: c1(VECTOR_SIZE),c2(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: c3(VECTOR_SIZE),c4(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: alpha(VECTOR_SIZE),beta(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact0(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact1(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact2(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact3(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact4(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact5(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact6(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact7(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact8(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: gpveo(VECTOR_SIZE,3)
      real(rp)                   :: fact1_p(VECTOR_SIZE)
      integer(ip)                :: inode,jnode,idofn,jdofn,idofv,jdof2,jdof3
      integer(ip)                :: idof1,idof3,idof2,igaus,idime,jdof1,jdofv,itime

#ifdef OPENACC
#define DEF_VECT ivect

! possibility of using only pressure stabilization - not ready with limiter - nor with shock capturing

      gpsp1_p = gpsp1
      gpsp1_v = gpsp1
!if(1==2) gpsp1_v = 0.0_rp
!if(1==2) gpsp1_p = min(gpsp1_p,1.0_rp/dtinv_loc)    ! Activate this line only if runing without subscales
! and you want to limit tau1 like most groups do for small time step

! Initialization

      elrbp = 0.0_rp
      elrbu = 0.0_rp
      elapp = 0.0_rp
      elauu = 0.0_rp
      elaup = 0.0_rp
      elapu = 0.0_rp

! Test functions

! AGRAU = rho * (a.grad) Ni
! WGRGR = grad(Ni) . grad(Nj)
      if( ndime == 2 ) then

         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) =  gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * (                    &
               &                gpadv(DEF_VECT,1,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) &
               &              + gpadv(DEF_VECT,2,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) )
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) = &
                  &             gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus) &
                  &           + gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) 
               end do
            end do
         end do


         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) =  gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * (                    &
               &                gpadv(DEF_VECT,1,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) &
               &              + gpadv(DEF_VECT,2,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) &
               &              + gpadv(DEF_VECT,3,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus) )
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) = &
                  &             gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus) &
                  &           + gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) & 
                  &           + gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,jnode,igaus) 
               end do
            end do
         end do

      end if

! Auu

! Galerkin + ( tau2 * div(u) , div(v) ) + ( tau1 * rho*a.grad(u), rho*a.grad(v) )
      if( ndime == 2 ) then

         do igaus = 1,pgaus

            fact0(DEF_VECT) = gpsp2(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact6(DEF_VECT) = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact7(DEF_VECT) = gpsp1_v(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) 
            fact8(DEF_VECT) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT) + gppor(DEF_VECT,igaus)

            do inode = 1,pnode

               idof1 = 2*inode-1
               idof2 = 2*inode

               fact1(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) ! div(u) * tau2' * dv/dx
               fact2(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) ! div(u) * tau2' * dv/dy
               fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)

               do jnode = 1,pnode    

                  jdof1 = 2*jnode-1
                  jdof2 = 2*jnode

                  fact5(DEF_VECT) = fact4(DEF_VECT) * ( agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) + fact8(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) ) & ! ( rho/dt N_j + s Nj + rho*(a.grad)Nj ) Ni
                  &         +  fact6(DEF_VECT) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) & ! mu * grad(Ni) . grad(Nj)
                  &         +  fact7(DEF_VECT) * agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! tau1 * rho*(a.grad)Nj * rho*(a.grad)Ni

                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus) + fact5(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof1) + fact2(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof2) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) 
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) + fact5(DEF_VECT)

               end do

            end do
         end do


         do igaus = 1,pgaus

            fact0(DEF_VECT) = gpsp2(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact6(DEF_VECT) = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact7(DEF_VECT) = gpsp1_v(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact8(DEF_VECT) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT) + gppor(DEF_VECT,igaus)

            do inode = 1,pnode

               idof1 = 3*inode-2
               idof2 = 3*inode-1
               idof3 = 3*inode

               fact1(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) ! div(u) * tau2' * dv/dx
               fact2(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) ! div(u) * tau2' * dv/dy
               fact3(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus) ! div(u) * tau2' * dv/dz
               fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)

               do jnode = 1,pnode    

                  jdof1 = 3*jnode-2
                  jdof2 = 3*jnode-1
                  jdof3 = 3*jnode

                  fact5(DEF_VECT) = fact4(DEF_VECT) * ( agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) + fact8(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) ) & ! ( rho/dt N_j + s Nj + rho*(a.grad)Nj ) Ni
                  +  fact6(DEF_VECT) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) & ! mu * grad(Ni) . grad(Nj)
                  +  fact7(DEF_VECT) * agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! t1 * rho*(a.grad)Nj * rho*(a.grad)Ni

                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus) + fact5(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof1) + fact2(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof1) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus)

                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof2) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) 
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) + fact5(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof2) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus) 

                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof3) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,jnode,igaus) 
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof3) + fact2(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,jnode,igaus)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,jnode,igaus) + fact5(DEF_VECT)

               end do

            end do
         end do

      end if

      if( fvins_nsi > 0.9_rp ) then
! ( mu*duj/dxi , dv/dxj ) (only div form)
         if( ndime == 2 ) then
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     idofv =  (inode-1)*ndime+idime
                     do jnode = 1,pnode
                        fact1                       = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,jnode,igaus)     
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                     end do
                     if( fvins_nsi == 2.0_rp ) then
                        fact1 = -2.0_rp/3.0_rp * gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)
                        do jnode = 1,pnode
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1 
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus)
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus)
                        end do
                     end if
                  end do
               end do
            end do
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
                     do jnode = 1,pnode
                        fact1                       = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,jnode,igaus)     
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 3
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus)
                     end do
                     if( fvins_nsi == 2.0_rp ) then
                        fact1                          = -2.0_rp / 3.0_rp * gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)
                        do jnode = 1,pnode
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,jnode,igaus)
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,jnode,igaus)
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 3
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,jnode,igaus)
                        end do
                     end if
                  end do
               end do
            end do
         end if
      end if

! Lumped evolution matrix (only backward euler)
      if( kfl_lumped == 1 ) then 
! Remove Galerkin term and add lumped term 
         if( ndime == 2 ) then
            call runend('PREGUNTAR A MATIAS QUE LO PROGRAME')
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               gpveo(DEF_VECT,1:3) = 0.0_rp
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime) = gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime) + elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
                  end do
               end do
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  idof1                       = 3*inode-2
                  idof2                       = 3*inode-1
                  idof3                       = 3*inode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,idof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,idof2) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,idof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,idof3) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) - fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime)
                     elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) + fact0(DEF_VECT) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2)
                  end do
                  do jnode = 1,pnode 
                     jdof1                       = 3*jnode-2
                     jdof2                       = 3*jnode-1
                     jdof3                       = 3*jnode
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) - fact0*gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) - fact0*gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) - fact0*gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  end do
               end do
            end do
         end if

      else if( kfl_lumped == 2 ) then 
! No time term have been added up to now: add Galerkin term
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            fact0(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT)
            do inode = 1, pnode
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  idof1                       = (inode-1) * ndime + idime
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2)
               end do
            end do
         end do

      end if

! Apu and Aup
! ( div(u) , q ) and - ( p , div(v) ) 
      if( ndime == 2 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               idof1 = 2*inode-1
               idof2 = 2*inode
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  fact1(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                  fact2(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) - fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) - fact2(DEF_VECT)
               end do
            end do
         end do
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               idof1 = 3*inode-2
               idof2 = 3*inode-1
               idof3 = 3*inode
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  fact1(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                  fact2(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                  fact3(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof3) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof3) + fact3(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) - fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) - fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof3,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof3,jnode) - fact3(DEF_VECT)
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end if

! App
! Pressure: ( tau1' * grad(p) , grad(q) )
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         do inode = 1,pnode
            do jnode = inode+1,pnode
               fact1(DEF_VECT)             = gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               elapp(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
               elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
            end do
            fact1(DEF_VECT)             = gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
         end do
      end do

! bu and bp
! P1  = P [ tau1' * rho * a.grad(u) ]
! P1' = P1 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
! P2  = P [ tau1' * ( grad(p) - f ) ]
! P2' = P2 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt + tau1' * f 
! Limiter
      if( kfl_limit_nsi == -1 ) then

         gpvep(DEF_VECT,:,:) = 0.0_rp

      else if( kfl_limit_nsi > 0 ) then

         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            c1(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            c2(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            c3(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            do idime = 1,ndime
               c4(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  c4(DEF_VECT) = c4(DEF_VECT) + agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,1)
               end do
               c4(DEF_VECT) = gpsp1(DEF_VECT,igaus) * c4(DEF_VECT)
               c1(DEF_VECT) = c1(DEF_VECT) + ( gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) - c4(DEF_VECT) )**2
               c3(DEF_VECT) = c3(DEF_VECT) + gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
               c2(DEF_VECT) = c2(DEF_VECT) + c4(DEF_VECT) * c4(DEF_VECT)
            end do
            c3(DEF_VECT)   = sqrt( c2(DEF_VECT) ) + sqrt( c3(DEF_VECT) )
            c1(DEF_VECT)   = sqrt( c1(DEF_VECT) )
            beta(DEF_VECT) = c1(DEF_VECT) / ( c3(DEF_VECT) + epsilon(1.0_rp) )
            if( kfl_limit_nsi == 1 ) then
               alpha(DEF_VECT) = min(1.0_rp,2.0_rp*(1.0_rp-beta(DEF_VECT)))
            else if( kfl_limit_nsi == 2 ) then
               alpha(DEF_VECT) = 0.5_rp*(tanh(20.0_rp*(beta(DEF_VECT)-0.8_rp))+1.0_rp)
            end if
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = alpha(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
            end do
         end do

      end if
! P2 <= P2 + tau1' * f
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         do idime = 1,ndime
            gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
         end do
      end do
! P1 <= P1 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
! P2 <= P2 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
      if( kfl_sgsti_nsi == 1 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus 
            fact1(DEF_VECT)    = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtsgs(DEF_VECT) * gpsp1_v(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            fact1_p (DEF_VECT) = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtsgs(DEF_VECT) * gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus)
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + fact1(DEF_VECT)   * gpsgs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus,2)
               gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + fact1_p(DEF_VECT) * gpsgs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus,2)
            end do
         end do
      end if
! bu = ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v ) + ( rho * a.grad(v) , tau1' * rho u'^n/dt + P1 ) 
!    = ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v ) + ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
! bp = ( f + rho*u'^n/dt , tau1' grad(q) ) + ( P2 , grad(q) )
!    = ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
      if( ndime == 2 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT)
            do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,1,igaus,itime)  
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,2,igaus,itime)
            end do
            do inode = 1,pnode
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v )
               fact3(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,1,inode)  = elrbu(DEF_VECT,1,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) 
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,2,inode)  = elrbu(DEF_VECT,2,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) 
               elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)    = elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)   + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * ( & ! ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
               &    gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,1,igaus)  &
               &  + gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,2,igaus)  )
            end do
         end do
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_loc(DEF_VECT)
            do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,1,igaus,itime)  
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,2,igaus,itime)
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,3,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,3,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,3,igaus,itime)
            end do
            do inode = 1,pnode
               fact1          = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
               fact3          = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,1,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,1,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) 
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,2,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,2,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) 
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,3,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,3,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,3,igaus) + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,3,igaus) 
               elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)   = elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)   + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * ( &
               &    gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,1,igaus) &
               &  + gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,2,igaus) &
               &  + gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,3,igaus) )
            end do
         end do
      end if

      end subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss


      subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss(&
      pnode,pgaus,gpden,gpvis,gppor,gpsp1,gpsp2,gpvol,   &
      gpsha,gpcar,gpadv,gpvep,gpgrp,gprhs,gprhc,gpvel,   &
      gpsgs,elvel,elpre,elbub,elauu,elaup,elapp,elapu,   &
      elrbu,elrbp,dtinv_loc,dtsgs,pbubl,gpsha_bub,       &
! Original global variables

      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_lumped
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: mnode
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: ntens
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_duatss
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: fact_duatss
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_stabi_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fvins_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fcons_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: bemol_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_regim_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fvela_nsi(3)
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_rmom2_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_press_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_p1ve2_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_linea_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: pabdf_nsi(*)
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_confi_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: nbdfp_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_sgsti_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_nota1_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_limit_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_penal_nsi
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: penal_nsi
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_bubbl_nsi

      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: pnode,pgaus
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpden(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvis(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gppor(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp1(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp2(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvol(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsha(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpcar(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,mnode,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpadv(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpvep(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpgrp(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gprhs(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gprhc(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvel(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus,*)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsgs(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus,*)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elvel(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pnode,*)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elpre(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,*)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elbub(VECTOR_SIZE)
! Matrices
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elauu(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode*ndime,pnode*ndime)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaup(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode*ndime,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapp(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapu(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode*ndime)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbu(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbp(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode)
! Others
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtinv_loc(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtsgs(VECTOR_SIZE)
      integer(ip), intent(in)    :: pbubl(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsha_bub(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpcar_bub(VECTOR_SIZE,ndime,pgaus)
! Enrichement Element matrices
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elauq(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode*ndime,1)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapq(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,1)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqu(VECTOR_SIZE,1,pnode*ndime)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqp(VECTOR_SIZE,1,pnode)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqq(VECTOR_SIZE,1,1)
      real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbq(VECTOR_SIZE,1)
! Local arrays
      real(rp)                   :: wgrgr(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: agrau(VECTOR_SIZE,pnode,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_p(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_v(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: gpsp2_v(VECTOR_SIZE,pgaus)
      real(rp)                   :: c1(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: c2(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: c3(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: c4(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: alpha(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: beta(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact0(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact1(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact2(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact3(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact4(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact5(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact6(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact7(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: fact8(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: gpveo(VECTOR_SIZE,3)
      real(rp)                   :: fact1_p(VECTOR_SIZE)
      real(rp)                   :: dtinv_mod(VECTOR_SIZE)
      integer(ip)                :: inode,jnode,jdime
      integer(ip)                :: idofv,jdof2,jdof3,ivect
      integer(ip)                :: idof1,idof3,idof2,igaus
      integer(ip)                :: idime,jdof1,jdofv,itime

#ifdef OPENACC
#define DEF_VECT ivect
      dtinv_mod = dtinv_loc

! possibility of using only pressure stabilization - not ready with limiter - nor with shock capturing

      gpsp1_p = gpsp1
      gpsp1_v = gpsp1
      gpsp2_v = gpsp2

      if( kfl_nota1_nsi == 1 ) gpsp1_v = 0.0_rp 

! Initialization

      elrbp = 0.0_rp
      elrbu = 0.0_rp
      elapp = 0.0_rp
      elauu = 0.0_rp
      elaup = 0.0_rp
      elapu = 0.0_rp

! Test functions

! AGRAU = rho * (a.grad) Ni
! WGRGR = grad(Ni) . grad(Nj)
      agrau(DEF_VECT,:,:)   = 0.0_rp
      wgrgr(DEF_VECT,:,:,:) = 0.0_rp 
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         do inode = 1,pnode
            do idime = 1,ndime
               agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) =  agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) + &
               &                         gpadv(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)
            end do
            agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) =  gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) 
            do jnode = 1,pnode
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) = wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) + &
                  &                              gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)*gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,jnode,igaus)
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end do

! Auu
! Galerkin + ( tau2 * div(u) , div(v) ) + ( tau1 * rho*a.grad(u), rho*a.grad(v) )
      do igaus = 1,pgaus

         fact0(DEF_VECT) = gpsp2_v(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
         fact6(DEF_VECT) = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus)   * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
         fact7(DEF_VECT) = gpsp1_v(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
         fact8(DEF_VECT) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_mod(DEF_VECT) + gppor(DEF_VECT,igaus)

         do inode = 1,pnode
            do idime = 1,ndime

               idofv           = (inode-1)*ndime+idime
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)      

               do jnode = 1,pnode    
! div(u) * tau2' * div(v)
                  do jdime = 1,ndime                   
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime+jdime
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,jdime,jnode,igaus)                   
                  end do
! ( rho/dt N_j + s Nj + rho*(a.grad)Nj ) Ni 
! + mu * grad(Ni) . grad(Nj)
! + t1 * rho*(a.grad)Nj * rho*(a.grad)Ni
                  jdofv           = (jnode-1)*ndime+idime
                  fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
                  fact5(DEF_VECT) = fact4(DEF_VECT) * ( agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) + fact8(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) ) & 
                  &           + fact6(DEF_VECT) *   wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode,igaus) &                                               
                  &           + fact7(DEF_VECT) *   agrau(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)   
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact5(DEF_VECT)

               end do
            end do
         end do
      end do
! ( mu*duj/dxi , dv/dxj ) (only div form)
      if( fvins_nsi > 0.9_rp ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
                  do jnode = 1,pnode
                     fact1(DEF_VECT) = gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,jnode,igaus)     
                     do jdime = 1,ndime
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + jdime
                        elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,jdime,inode,igaus)
                     end do
                  end do
                  if( fvins_nsi == 2.0_rp ) then
                     fact1(DEF_VECT) = -2.0_rp / 3.0_rp * gpvis(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)
                     do jnode = 1,pnode
                        do jdime = 1,ndime
                           jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + jdime
                           elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idofv,jdofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,jdime,jnode,igaus)
                        end do
                     end do
                  end if
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end if

!call nsi_element_system_output(&
!     pnode,elauu(1,:,:),elaup(1,:,:),elapp(1,:,:),elapu(1,:,:),elrbu(1,:,:),elrbp(1,:),&
!     elauq(1,:,:),elapq(1,:,:),elaqu(1,:,:),elaqp(1,:,:),elaqq(1,:,:),elrbq(1,:))
! Lumped evolution matrix (only backward euler)
      if( kfl_lumped == 1 ) then 
! Remove Galerkin term and add lumped term 
         if( ndime == 2 ) then
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               gpveo(DEF_VECT,1:3) = 0.0_rp
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime) = gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime) + elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
                  end do
               end do
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  idof1                       = 3*inode-2
                  idof2                       = 3*inode-1
                  idof3                       = 3*inode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * dtinv_mod(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,idof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,idof2) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,idof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,idof3) + fact0(DEF_VECT)
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) - fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpveo(DEF_VECT,idime)
                     elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) + fact0(DEF_VECT) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2)
                  end do
                  do jnode = 1,pnode 
                     jdof1                       = 3*jnode-2
                     jdof2                       = 3*jnode-1
                     jdof3                       = 3*jnode
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,jdof1) - fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof2,jdof2) - fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                     elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof3,jdof3) - fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  end do
               end do
            end do
         end if

      else if( kfl_lumped == 2 ) then 
! No time term have been added up to now: add Galerkin term
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            fact0(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_mod(DEF_VECT)
            do inode = 1, pnode
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = fact0(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  idof1                       = (inode-1) * ndime + idime
                  elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) = elauu(DEF_VECT,idof1,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,2)
               end do
            end do
         end do

      end if

! Apu and Aup
! ( div(u) , q ) and - ( p , div(v) ) 
      if( ndime == 2 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               idof1 = 2*inode-1
               idof2 = 2*inode
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)       * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  fact1(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT)             * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                  fact2(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT)             * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) - fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) - fact2(DEF_VECT)
               end do
            end do
         end do
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               idof1 = 3*inode-2
               idof2 = 3*inode-1
               idof3 = 3*inode
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  fact0(DEF_VECT)             = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)       * gpsha(DEF_VECT,jnode,igaus) 
                  fact1(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT)             * gpcar(DEF_VECT,1,inode,igaus)
                  fact2(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT)             * gpcar(DEF_VECT,2,inode,igaus)
                  fact3(DEF_VECT)             = fact0(DEF_VECT)             * gpcar(DEF_VECT,3,inode,igaus)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof1) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof2) + fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof3) = elapu(DEF_VECT,jnode,idof3) + fact3(DEF_VECT) 
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof1,jnode) - fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof2,jnode) - fact2(DEF_VECT)
                  elaup(DEF_VECT,idof3,jnode) = elaup(DEF_VECT,idof3,jnode) - fact3(DEF_VECT)
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end if

! App
! Pressure: ( tau1' * grad(p) , grad(q) )
      if( kfl_stabi_nsi /= -1 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               do jnode = inode+1,pnode
                  fact1(DEF_VECT)             = gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
                  elapp(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,jnode,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
                  elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,jnode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
               end do
               fact1(DEF_VECT)             = gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * wgrgr(DEF_VECT,inode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT)
            end do
         end do
      end if
! Penalization
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact1(DEF_VECT) = penal_nsi * gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus)
         do inode = 1,pnode
            elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) = elapp(DEF_VECT,inode,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus)
            elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)       = elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode)       + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * elpre(DEF_VECT,inode,1) 
         end do
      end do

! bu and bp
! P1  = P [ tau1' * rho * a.grad(u) ]
! P1' = P1 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
! P2  = P [ tau1' * ( grad(p) - f ) ]
! P2' = P2 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt + tau1' * f 
! Limiter
      if( kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 ) then

         gpvep(DEF_VECT,:,:) = 0.0_rp 

      else if( kfl_limit_nsi == -1 ) then

         gpvep(DEF_VECT,:,:) = 0.0_rp

      else if( kfl_limit_nsi > 0 ) then

         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            c1(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            c2(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            c3(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
            do idime = 1,ndime
               c4(DEF_VECT) = 0.0_rp
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  c4(DEF_VECT) = c4(DEF_VECT) + agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * elvel(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,1)
               end do
               c4(DEF_VECT) = gpsp1(DEF_VECT,igaus) * c4(DEF_VECT)
               c1(DEF_VECT) = c1(DEF_VECT) + ( gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) - c4(DEF_VECT) )**2
               c3(DEF_VECT) = c3(DEF_VECT) + gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
               c2(DEF_VECT) = c2(DEF_VECT) + c4(DEF_VECT) * c4(DEF_VECT)
            end do
            c3(DEF_VECT)   = sqrt( c2(DEF_VECT) ) + sqrt( c3(DEF_VECT) )
            c1(DEF_VECT)   = sqrt( c1(DEF_VECT) )
            beta(DEF_VECT) = c1(DEF_VECT) / ( c3(DEF_VECT) + epsilon(1.0_rp) )
            if( kfl_limit_nsi == 1 ) then
               alpha(DEF_VECT) = min(1.0_rp,2.0_rp*(1.0_rp-beta(DEF_VECT)))
            else if( kfl_limit_nsi == 2 ) then
               alpha(DEF_VECT) = 0.5_rp*(tanh(20.0_rp*(beta(DEF_VECT)-0.8_rp))+1.0_rp)
            end if
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = alpha(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
            end do
         end do

      end if
! P2 <= P2 + tau1' * f
      if( kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 ) then
         gpgrp(DEF_VECT,:,:) = 0.0_rp
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
            end do
         end do
! P1 <= P1 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
! P2 <= P2 + tau1' * rho * u'n / dt
         if( kfl_sgsti_nsi == 1 ) then
            do igaus = 1,pgaus 
               fact1(DEF_VECT)    = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtsgs(DEF_VECT) * gpsp1_v(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               fact1_p (DEF_VECT) = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtsgs(DEF_VECT) * gpsp1_p(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + fact1(DEF_VECT)   * gpsgs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus,2)
                  gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) + fact1_p(DEF_VECT) * gpsgs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus,2)
               end do
            end do
         end if
      end if
! bu = ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v ) + ( rho * a.grad(v) , tau1' * rho u'^n/dt + P1 ) 
!    = ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v ) + ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
! bp = ( f + rho*u'^n/dt , tau1' grad(q) ) + ( P2 , grad(q) )
!    = ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact4(DEF_VECT) = gpden(DEF_VECT,igaus) * dtinv_mod(DEF_VECT)
         do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gprhs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) = gprhs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(DEF_VECT) * gpvel(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus,itime)
            end do
         end do
         do inode = 1,pnode
            fact1(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v )
            fact3(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * agrau(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) ! ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
            do idime = 1,ndime
               elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) = elrbu(DEF_VECT,idime,inode) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gprhs(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) &
               &                                                    + fact3(DEF_VECT) * gpvep(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)              
            end do
            elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode) = elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode) + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * gprhc(DEF_VECT,igaus) ! ( rhs, q )
            do idime = 1,ndime
               elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode) = elrbp(DEF_VECT,inode) + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus) ! ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
            end do
         end do
      end do

! Pressure bubble

      if( maxval(pbubl) == 1 ) then
         if( kfl_stabi_nsi /= -1 ) then
            write(6,*) 'BUBBLE NOT CODED FOR SPLIT OSS'
         end if
! Initialization
         elauq = 0.0_rp
         elapq = 0.0_rp
         elaqu = 0.0_rp
         elaqp = 0.0_rp
         elaqq = 0.0_rp
         elrbq = 0.0_rp
! Auq and Aqu
         if( kfl_press_nsi == 1 ) then
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha_bub(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
                     elauq(DEF_VECT,idofv,1) = elauq(DEF_VECT,idofv,1) - fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus)
                     elaqu(DEF_VECT,1,idofv) = elaqu(DEF_VECT,1,idofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus) 
                  end do
               end do
            end do
            do igaus = 1,pgaus
               fact1(DEF_VECT) = gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha_bub(DEF_VECT,igaus)
               do inode = 1,pnode
                  do idime = 1,ndime
                     idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
                     elauq(DEF_VECT,idofv,1) = elauq(DEF_VECT,idofv,1) + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha(DEF_VECT,inode,igaus) * gpcar_bub(DEF_VECT,idime,igaus)
                     elaqu(DEF_VECT,1,idofv) = elaqu(DEF_VECT,1,idofv) + fact1(DEF_VECT) * gpcar(DEF_VECT,idime,inode,igaus) 
                  end do
               end do
            end do
         end if
! Penalization and others
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            elaqq(DEF_VECT,1,1) = elaqq(DEF_VECT,1,1) + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha_bub(DEF_VECT,igaus) * penal_nsi
            elrbq(DEF_VECT,1)   = elrbq(DEF_VECT,1)   + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha_bub(DEF_VECT,igaus) * penal_nsi * elbub(DEF_VECT) 
            elrbq(DEF_VECT,1)   = elrbq(DEF_VECT,1)   + gpvol(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gpsha_bub(DEF_VECT,igaus) * gprhc(DEF_VECT,igaus) 
         end do

      end if

      end subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss


Here our objective is twofold, we do not only want to generate a kernel with BOAST that can be easily optimized and specialized but we also want generate to the exact same kernel than the reference version and to run it using BOAST, in order to compare the results in term of correctness and performances. For the reference implementation we simply need to keep the FORTRAN code and wrap it with BOAST. For the BOAST implementation we use the BOAST dedicated language and the meta-programming style. The kernel nsi_element_assembly_split_oss contains 11 loop nests that we isolated to eases the porting. This gave us the possibility to test and bench them separately and extract them into different subroutine that can be either pasted in the main kernel procedure, either inlined or simply called as normal function.

BOAST preparation

For the both implementations we need to tell to BOAST what are the parameters of the kernel.

Parameters definition

As the different implementations (reference and BOAST) of the kernel and the different loop nests encapsulated into subroutines share common variable definition, the definition of all the variables used by nsi_element_assembly_split_oss (including local variables) are centralized in the following module. When a variable is needed by the main routine (the kernel), it can be used as it is. However when needed by a subroutine, it must be asked by the copy function. Indeed a subroutine may need a variable but with a different direction than originally defined. For instance the agrau variable is defined as :out by the kernel but a subroutine may need to read only this variable and only the :in direction is necessary. Thus copy returns either directly the variable if there is no need to change the original direction or a copy in a different direction than the original one direction is asked. The reason why a copy is needed when changing the original direction of a parameter is that otherwise it will impact the declaration of all the procedures using this parameter.

require 'BOAST'
include BOAST

module Parameters
  $ndime         = Int("ndime", :dir => :in )
  $kfl_lumped    = Int("kfl_lumped",    :dir => :in)
  $mnode         = Int("mnode",         :dir => :in)
  $ntens         = Int("ntens",         :dir => :in)
  $kfl_duatss    = Int("kfl_duatss",    :dir => :in)
  $fact_duatss   = Int("fact_duatss",   :dir => :in)
  $kfl_stabi_nsi = Int("kfl_stabi_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $fvins_nsi     = Real("fvins_nsi",    :dir => :in)
  $fcons_nsi     = Real("fcons_nsi",    :dir => :in)
  $bemol_nsi     = Real("bemol_nsi",    :dir => :in)
  $kfl_regim_nsi = Int("kfl_regim_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $fvela_nsi     = Real("fvela_nsi",    :dir => :in, :dim => [Dim(3)])
  $kfl_rmom2_nsi = Int("kfl_rmom2_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_press_nsi = Int("kfl_press_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_p1ve2_nsi = Int("kfl_p1ve2_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_linea_nsi = Int("kfl_linea_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $pabdf_nsi     = Real("pabdf_nsi",    :dir => :in, :dim => [Dim()])
  $kfl_confi_nsi = Int("kfl_confi_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $nbdfp_nsi     = Int("nbdfp_nsi",     :dir => :in)
  $kfl_sgsti_nsi = Int("kfl_sgsti_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_nota1_nsi = Int("kfl_nota1_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_limit_nsi = Int("kfl_limit_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $kfl_penal_nsi = Int("kfl_penal_nsi", :dir => :in)
  $penal_nsi     = Real("penal_nsi",    :dir => :in)
  $kfl_bubbl_nsi = Int("kfl_bubbl_nsi", :dir => :in)

  $pnode     = Int("pnode",             :dir => :in)
  $pgaus     = Int("pgaus",             :dir => :in)

  $inode     = Int("inode")
  $jnode     = Int("jnode")
  $jdime     = Int("jdime")
  $idofv     = Int("idofv")
  $ivect     = Int("ivect")
  $igaus     = Int("igaus")
  $idime     = Int("idime")
  $jdofv     = Int("jdofv")
  $itime     = Int("itime")
  def self.initialize(vector_length)
    allocate = get_lang == C ? true : false

    $gpden     = Real("gpden",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpvis     = Real("gpvis",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])              
    $gppor     = Real("gppor",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpgvi     = Real("gpgvi",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gptt1     = Real("gptt1",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gptt2     = Real("gptt2",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gplap     = Real("gplap",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gphes     = Real("gphes",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ntens),Dim($mnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gprhs_sgs = Real("gprhs_sgs", :dir => :inout,  :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gprh2     = Real("gprh2",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $rmomu     = Real("rmomu",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $rcont     = Real("rcont",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpsp1     = Real("gpsp1",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpsp2     = Real("gpsp2",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpvol     = Real("gpvol",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpsha     = Real("gpsha",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpcar     = Real("gpcar",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($mnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpadv     = Real("gpadv",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpvep     = Real("gpvep",     :dir => :inout , :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpgrp     = Real("gpgrp",     :dir => :inout , :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gprhs     = Real("gprhs",     :dir => :inout , :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gprhc     = Real("gprhc",     :dir => :inout , :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpvel     = Real("gpvel",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus),Dim()])
    $gpsgs     = Real("gpsgs",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus),Dim()])
    $elvel     = Real("elvel",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode),Dim()])
    $elpre     = Real("elpre",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim()])
    $elbub     = Real("elbub",     :dir => :in,     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)])

    $wgrgr     = Real("wgrgr",     :dir => :out,    :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $agrau     = Real("agrau",     :dir => :out,    :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])

    # Matrices
    $elauu = Real("elauu", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode*$ndime),Dim($pnode*$ndime)])
    $elaup = Real("elaup", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode*$ndime),Dim($pnode)])
    $elapp = Real("elapp", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pnode)])
    $elapu = Real("elapu", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pnode*$ndime)])
    $elrbu = Real("elrbu", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode)])
    $elrbp = Real("elrbp", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode)])
    $rmom2 = Real("rmom2", :dir => :in,  :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpst1 = Real("gpst1", :dir => :in,  :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpgve = Real("gpgve", :dir => :in,  :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])
    $ellum = Real("ellum", :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode)])
    $gppre = Real("gppre", :dir => :in,  :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)]) 

    # Others
    $dtinv_loc = Real("dtinv_loc", :dir => :in, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)])
    $dtsgs     = Real("dtsgs",     :dir => :in, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)])
    $pbubl     = Int("pbubl",      :dir => :in, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)])
    $gpsha_bub = Real("gpsha_bub", :dir => :in, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)])
    $gpcar_bub = Real("gpcar_bub", :dir => :in, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)])

    # Enrichement Element matrices
    $elauq     = Real("elauq",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode*$ndime),Dim(1)])
    $elapq     = Real("elapq",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim(1)])
    $elaqu     = Real("elaqu",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1),Dim($pnode*$ndime)])
    $elaqp     = Real("elaqp",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1),Dim($pnode)])
    $elaqq     = Real("elaqq",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1),Dim(1)])
    $elrbq     = Real("elrbq",     :dir => :out, :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)])

    # Locals
    $ivect  = Int("ivect")
    $kdime  = Int("kdime")
    $xvis2  = Real("xvis2")
    $xvisc  = Real("xvisc")
    $one_rp = Real("one_rp")
    $p1ve2  = Real("p1ve2",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $p1vec  = Real("p1vec",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $p2vec  = Real("p2vec",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $p2sca  = Real("p2sca",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $wgrvi  = Real("wgrvi",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pnode),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)

    $factx     = Real("factx",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $facty     = Real("facty",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $facx1     = Real("facx1",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $facy1     = Real("facy1",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $ugraN     = Real("ugraN",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $gramugraN = Real("gramugraN", :vector_length => vector_length)
    $penal     = Real("penal",     :vector_length => vector_length)
    $gprhh     = Real("gprhh",     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $taupr     = Real("taupr",     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $gpveo     = Real("gpveo",     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime)], :allocate => allocate)
    $gpcar1ji  = Real("gpcar1ji",  :vector_length => vector_length)
    $gpcar2ji  = Real("gpcar2ji",  :vector_length => vector_length)
    $gpcar3ji  = Real("gpcar3ji",  :vector_length => vector_length)
    $p2sca_bub = Real("p2sca_bub", :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $p2vec_bub = Real("p2vec_bub", :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($ndime),Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)

    for i in 1..3 do
      for j in 1..3 do 
        eval '$elauu#{i}#{j} = Real("elauu#{i}#{j}", :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(4*((pnode+3)/4)), Dim($pnode)], :allocate => allocate)'

    for i in 1..4 do
      eval '$factvec#{i} = Real("factvec#{i}", :vector_length => vector_length, :dim=> [Dim(4*((pnode+3)/4))], :allocate => allocate)'

    $gpsp1_p   = Real("gpsp1_p",   :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $gpsp1_v   = Real("gpsp1_v",   :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $gpsp2_v   = Real("gpsp2_v",   :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim($pgaus)], :allocate => allocate)
    $c1        = Real("c1",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $c2        = Real("c2",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $c3        = Real("c3",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $c4        = Real("c4",        :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $alpha     = Real("alpha",     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $beta      = Real("beta",      :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)

    $gpveo     = Real("gpveo",     :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(3)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $fact1_p   = Real("fact1_p",   :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $dtinv_mod = Real("dtinv_mod", :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(1)],      :allocate => allocate)
    $fact      = Real('fact',      :vector_length => vector_length, :dim => [Dim(9)],      :allocate => allocate)

    $idof      = Int("idof", :dim => [Dim(3)], :allocate => allocate)
    $jdof      = Int("jdof", :dim => [Dim(3)], :allocate => allocate)

  def self.copy(arg, direction = nil)
    if direction == arg.direction or direction.nil? then
      return arg
      (copy = arg.clone).direction = direction
      return copy

BOAST Kernel declaration

For each implementation we need to declare the prototype of the function nsi_element_assembly_split_oss with BOAST.

Declaring the parameters

First we declare the parameters of the kernel with BOAST using the module Argument.

@args = []
@args.push @ndime         = $ndime
@args.push @kfl_lumped    = $kfl_lumped
@args.push @mnode         = $mnode
@args.push @ntens         = $ntens
@args.push @kfl_duatss    = $kfl_duatss
@args.push @fact_duatss   = $fact_duatss
@args.push @kfl_stabi_nsi = $kfl_stabi_nsi
@args.push @fvins_nsi     = $fvins_nsi
@args.push @fcons_nsi     = $fcons_nsi
@args.push @bemol_nsi     = $bemol_nsi
@args.push @kfl_regim_nsi = $kfl_regim_nsi
@args.push @fvela_nsi     = $fvela_nsi
@args.push @kfl_rmom2_nsi = $kfl_rmom2_nsi
@args.push @kfl_press_nsi = $kfl_press_nsi
@args.push @kfl_p1ve2_nsi = $kfl_p1ve2_nsi
@args.push @kfl_linea_nsi = $kfl_linea_nsi
@args.push @kfl_confi_nsi = $kfl_confi_nsi
@args.push @nbdfp_nsi     = $nbdfp_nsi
@args.push @kfl_sgsti_nsi = $kfl_sgsti_nsi
@args.push @kfl_nota1_nsi = $kfl_nota1_nsi
@args.push @kfl_limit_nsi = $kfl_limit_nsi
@args.push @kfl_penal_nsi = $kfl_penal_nsi
@args.push @penal_nsi     = $penal_nsi
@args.push @kfl_bubbl_nsi = $kfl_bubbl_nsi

@args.push @pnode     = $pnode
@args.push @pgaus     = $pgaus
@args.push @gpden     = $gpden
@args.push @gpvis     = $gpvis
@args.push @gppor     = $gppor
@args.push @gpsp1     = $gpsp1
@args.push @gpsp2     = $gpsp2
@args.push @gpvol     = $gpvol
@args.push @gpsha     = $gpsha
@args.push @gpcar     = $gpcar
@args.push @gpadv     = $gpadv
@args.push @gpvep     = $gpvep
@args.push @gpgrp     = $gpgrp
@args.push @gprhs     = $gprhs
@args.push @gprhc     = $gprhc
@args.push @gpvel     = $gpvel
@args.push @gpsgs     = $gpsgs
@args.push @elvel     = $elvel
@args.push @elpre     = $elpre
@args.push @elbub     = $elbub

@args.push @wgrgr     = $wgrgr
@args.push @agrau     = $agrau

# Matrices
@args.push @elauu     = $elauu
@args.push @elaup     = $elaup
@args.push @elapp     = $elapp
@args.push @elapu     = $elapu
@args.push @elrbu     = $elrbu
@args.push @elrbp     = $elrbp
# Others
@args.push @dtinv_loc = $dtinv_loc
@args.push @dtsgs     = $dtsgs
@args.push @pbubl     = $pbubl
@args.push @gpsha_bub = $gpsha_bub
@args.push @gpcar_bub = $gpcar_bub
# Enrichement Element matrices
@args.push @elauq     = $elauq
@args.push @elapq     = $elapq
@args.push @elaqu     = $elaqu
@args.push @elaqp     = $elaqp
@args.push @elaqq     = $elaqq
@args.push @elrbq     = $elrbq

Generate procedure header

Then we create the Procedure nsi_element_assembly_split_oss using the parameters defined previously and specifying the functions that will be used by the kernel.

def declare_procedure(functions = nil)
  return Procedure("nsi_element_assembly_split_oss", @args, :functions => functions)

Kernel wrapper

The previous operations are common for the reference and BOAST implementation, thus, the following class is used to encapsulate the different implementation of the kernel by gathering the parameters declaration and the generation of the procedure header.

require_relative '../Common/Parameters.rb'
class KSplitOss
  include Parameters
  attr_reader :kernel

  def initialize(options)
    @opts = {:vector_length => 1, :preprocessor => false, :nests => (1..10).to_a, :unroll => false, :inline => :included}


Generate reference implementation

Here we simply reuse the FORTRAN code that we simply manipulate as string. For convenience purpose we replaced the macro VECTOR_LENGTH and DEF_VECT by ruby variable $p_vector_length and $p_def_vect that will either use DEF_VECT and VECTOR_LENGTH or either paste directly the corresponding values depending to the options passed to the kernel.


Some variables/functions are not available so we need to fake them like it is the case with pabdf_nsi :

def generate_mocks
  mocks = <<EOF
  function pabdf_nsi(x) result(y)
    integer,intent(in) :: x 
    real :: y
    y = 1.0
  end function pabdf_nsi
return mocks  

Def parameters

Here is the code extracted from def_parameters.f90. We can get rid of ndime and vector_size because we can easily modify these parameters with BOAST.

def gen_def_parameters
  parameters =<<EOF
  integer,     parameter  :: ip    = 4               ! 4-byte integer
  integer,     parameter  :: rp    = 8               ! Double precision 

  real(rp),    parameter  :: zeror = epsilon(1.0_rp) ! Almost zero
  integer(ip), parameter  :: TET04 = 30              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: TET10 = 31              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: PYR05 = 32              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: PYR14 = 33              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: PEN06 = 34              ! 3D  
  integer(ip), parameter  :: PEN15 = 35              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: PEN18 = 36              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: HEX08 = 37              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: HEX20 = 38              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: HEX27 = 39              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: HEX64 = 40              ! 3D 
  integer(ip), parameter  :: SHELL = 51              ! 3D shell element
  integer(ip), parameter  :: BAR3D = 52              ! 3D bar element
  return parameters

Function declaration

Here by calling gen_def_parameters we just paste the code of def_parameters just between the function header and the parameters declaration.

def generate_ref_declaration
     decl_ref =<<EOF
     subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss(ndime,&


     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: ndime 
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_lumped
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: mnode
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: ntens
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_duatss
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: fact_duatss
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_stabi_nsi
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fvins_nsi
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fcons_nsi
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: bemol_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_regim_nsi
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: fvela_nsi(3)
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_rmom2_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_press_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_p1ve2_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_linea_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_confi_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: nbdfp_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_sgsti_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_nota1_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_limit_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_penal_nsi
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: penal_nsi
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: kfl_bubbl_nsi

     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: pnode,pgaus
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpden(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvis(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gppor(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp1(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsp2(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvol(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsha(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpcar(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,mnode,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpadv(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpvep(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gpgrp(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gprhs(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(inout) :: gprhc(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpvel(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus,*)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsgs(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus,*)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elvel(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pnode,*)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elpre(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,*)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: elbub(#{$p_vector_length})

     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: wgrgr(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,pnode,pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: agrau(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,pgaus)

     ! Matrices
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elauu(#{$p_vector_length},pnode*ndime,pnode*ndime)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaup(#{$p_vector_length},pnode*ndime,pnode)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapp(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,pnode)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapu(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,pnode*ndime)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbu(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pnode)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbp(#{$p_vector_length},pnode)
     ! Others
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtinv_loc(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: dtsgs(#{$p_vector_length})
     integer(ip), intent(in)    :: pbubl(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpsha_bub(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp),    intent(in)    :: gpcar_bub(#{$p_vector_length},ndime,pgaus)
     ! Enrichement Element matrices
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elauq(#{$p_vector_length},pnode*ndime,1)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elapq(#{$p_vector_length},pnode,1)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqu(#{$p_vector_length},1,pnode*ndime)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqp(#{$p_vector_length},1,pnode)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elaqq(#{$p_vector_length},1,1)
     real(rp),    intent(out)   :: elrbq(#{$p_vector_length},1)
     ! Local arrays
     real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_p(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp)                   :: gpsp1_v(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp)                   :: gpsp2_v(#{$p_vector_length},pgaus)
     real(rp)                   :: c1(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: c2(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: c3(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: c4(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: alpha(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: beta(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact0(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact1(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact2(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact3(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact4(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact5(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact6(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact7(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: fact8(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: gpveo(#{$p_vector_length},3)
     real(rp)                   :: fact1_p(#{$p_vector_length})
     real(rp)                   :: dtinv_mod(#{$p_vector_length})
     integer(ip)                :: inode,jnode,jdime
     integer(ip)                :: idofv,jdof2,jdof3,ivect
     integer(ip)                :: idof1,idof3,idof2,igaus
     integer(ip)                :: idime,jdof1,jdofv,itime
  if @opts[:preprocessor] then
    decl_ref = decl_ref + <<EOF
    #ifdef OPENACC
    #define DEF_VECT ivect
    #define DEF_VECT 1:#{$p_vector_length}
  return decl_ref 


def generate_ref_initialization
init = <<EOF
   dtinv_mod = dtinv_loc

   gpsp1_p = gpsp1
   gpsp1_v = gpsp1
   gpsp2_v = gpsp2

   if( kfl_nota1_nsi == 1 ) gpsp1_v = 0.0_rp 

   elrbp = 0.0_rp
   elrbu = 0.0_rp
   elapp = 0.0_rp
   elauu = 0.0_rp
   elaup = 0.0_rp
   elapu = 0.0_rp
  return init


First nest

first_nest = <<EOF
 if( ndime == 2 ) then

    do igaus = 1,pgaus
       do inode = 1,pnode
          agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) =  gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * (                    &
          &                gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) &
          &              + gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) )
          do jnode = 1,pnode
             wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) = &
             &             gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus) &
             &           + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) 
          end do
       end do
    end do


    do igaus = 1,pgaus
       do inode = 1,pnode
          agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) =  gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * (                    &
          &                gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) &
          &              + gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) &
          &              + gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus) )
          do jnode = 1,pnode
             wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) = &
             &             gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus) &
             &           + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) & 
             &           + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus)*gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,jnode,igaus) 
          end do
       end do
    end do

 end if

Second nest

second_nest = <<EOF
   if( ndime == 2 ) then

      do igaus = 1,pgaus

         fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp2(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp1_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) 
         fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect}) + gppor(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)

         do inode = 1,pnode

            idof1 = 2*inode-1
            idof2 = 2*inode

            fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) 
            fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) 
            fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)

            do jnode = 1,pnode    

               jdof1 = 2*jnode-1
               jdof2 = 2*jnode

               fact5(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * ( agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) + fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) ) & 
               &         +  fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) & 
               &         +  fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) 

               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof1) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus)
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof2) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) 
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})

            end do

         end do
      end do


      do igaus = 1,pgaus

         fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp2(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp1_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect}) + gppor(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)

         do inode = 1,pnode

            idof1 = 3*inode-2
            idof2 = 3*inode-1
            idof3 = 3*inode

            fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) 
            fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) 
            fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus) 
            fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)

            do jnode = 1,pnode    

               jdof1 = 3*jnode-2
               jdof2 = 3*jnode-1
               jdof3 = 3*jnode

               fact5(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * ( agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) + fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) ) & 
               +  fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) & 
               +  fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) 

               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof1) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus)
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof1) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus)

               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof2) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) 
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof2) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus) 

               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof3) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,jnode,igaus) 
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof3) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,jnode,igaus)
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,jnode,igaus) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})

            end do

         end do
      end do

   end if


Third nest

third_nest = <<EOF
   if( fvins_nsi > 0.9_rp ) then
      if( ndime == 2 ) then
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  idofv =  (inode-1)*ndime+idime
                  do jnode = 1,pnode
                     fact1                       = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,jnode,igaus)     
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
                  end do
                  if( fvins_nsi == 2.0_rp ) then
                     fact1 = -2.0_rp/3.0_rp * gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)
                     do jnode = 1,pnode
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1 
                        elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                        elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus)
                     end do
                  end if
               end do
            end do
         end do
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            do inode = 1,pnode
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
                  do jnode = 1,pnode
                     fact1                       = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,jnode,igaus)     
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 3
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus)
                  end do
                  if( fvins_nsi == 2.0 ) then
                     fact1                          = -2.0_rp / 3.0_rp * gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)
                     do jnode = 1,pnode
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 1
                        elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,jnode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 2
                        elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,jnode,igaus)
                        jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + 3
                        elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,jnode,igaus)
                     end do
                  end if
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end if
   end if

Fourth nest

fourth_nest = <<EOF
   if( kfl_lumped == 1 ) then 
      if( ndime == 2 ) then
         call runend('PREGUNTAR A MATIAS QUE LO PROGRAME')
         do igaus = 1,pgaus
            gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},1:3) = 0.0_rp
            do inode = 1,pnode
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime) = gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime) + elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
               end do
            end do
            do inode = 1,pnode
               idof1                       = 3*inode-2
               idof2                       = 3*inode-1
               idof3                       = 3*inode
               fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,idof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,idof2) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,idof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,idof3) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
               do idime = 1,ndime
                  elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) - fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime)
                  elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2)
               end do
               do jnode = 1,pnode 
                  jdof1                       = 3*jnode-2
                  jdof2                       = 3*jnode-1
                  jdof3                       = 3*jnode
                  elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) - fact0*gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
                  elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) - fact0*gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
                  elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) - fact0*gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end if

   else if( kfl_lumped == 2 ) then 
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect})
         do inode = 1, pnode
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            do idime = 1,ndime
               idof1                       = (inode-1) * ndime + idime
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
               elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2)
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end if

Fifth nest

fifth_nest = <<EOF
   if( ndime == 2 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         do inode = 1,pnode
            idof1 = 2*inode-1
            idof2 = 2*inode
            do jnode = 1,pnode
               fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
               fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
               fact2(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
               elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
               elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
               elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) - fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
               elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) - fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
            end do
         end do
      end do
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         do inode = 1,pnode
            idof1 = 3*inode-2
            idof2 = 3*inode-1
            idof3 = 3*inode
            do jnode = 1,pnode
               fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
               fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
               fact2(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
               fact3(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus)
               elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
               elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
               elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof3) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof3) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect})
               elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) - fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
               elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) - fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
               elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jnode) - fact3(#{$p_def_vect})
            end do
         end do
      end do
   end if

Sixth nest

sixth_nest = <<EOF
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do inode = 1,pnode
         do jnode = inode+1,pnode
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
            elapp(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
         end do
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
      end do
   end do

Seventh nest

seventh_nest = <<EOF
   if( kfl_limit_nsi == -1 ) then

      gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},:,:) = 0.0_rp

   else if( kfl_limit_nsi > 0 ) then

      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         c1(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
         c2(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
         c3(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
         do idime = 1,ndime
            c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
            do inode = 1,pnode
               c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = c4(#{$p_def_vect}) + agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,1)
            end do
            c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp1(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * c4(#{$p_def_vect})
            c1(#{$p_def_vect}) = c1(#{$p_def_vect}) + ( gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) - c4(#{$p_def_vect}) )**2
            c3(#{$p_def_vect}) = c3(#{$p_def_vect}) + gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
            c2(#{$p_def_vect}) = c2(#{$p_def_vect}) + c4(#{$p_def_vect}) * c4(#{$p_def_vect})
         end do
         c3(#{$p_def_vect})   = sqrt( c2(#{$p_def_vect}) ) + sqrt( c3(#{$p_def_vect}) )
         c1(#{$p_def_vect})   = sqrt( c1(#{$p_def_vect}) )
         beta(#{$p_def_vect}) = c1(#{$p_def_vect}) / ( c3(#{$p_def_vect}) + epsilon(1.0_rp) )
         if( kfl_limit_nsi == 1 ) then
            alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) = min(1.0_rp,2.0_rp*(1.0-beta(#{$p_def_vect})))
         else if( kfl_limit_nsi == 2 ) then
            alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.5_rp*(tanh(20.0_rp*(beta(#{$p_def_vect})-0.8_rp))+1.0_rp)
         end if
         do idime = 1,ndime
            gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
         end do
      end do

   end if

Eighth nest

eighth_nest = <<EOF
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do idime = 1,ndime
         gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
      end do
   end do

Nineth nest

nineth_nest = <<EOF
   if( kfl_sgsti_nsi == 1 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus 
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect})    = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtsgs(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsp1_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact1_p (#{$p_def_vect}) = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtsgs(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         do idime = 1,ndime
            gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})   * gpsgs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus,2)
            gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + fact1_p(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsgs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus,2)
         end do
      end do
   end if

Tenth nest

tenth_nest = <<EOF
   if( ndime == 2 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect})
         do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
            gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus,itime)  
            gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus,itime)
         end do
         do inode = 1,pnode
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode)  = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) 
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode)  = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) 
            elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)    = elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)   + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * ( & ! ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
            &    gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus)  &
            &  + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus)  )
         end do
      end do
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_loc(#{$p_def_vect})
         do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
            gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus,itime)  
            gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus,itime)
            gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus,itime)
         end do
         do inode = 1,pnode
            fact1          = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            fact3          = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) 
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) 
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus) 
            elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)   = elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)   + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * ( &
            &    gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},1,igaus) &
            &  + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},2,igaus) &
            &  + gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},3,igaus) )
         end do
      end do
   end if


Frame to generate the kernel

require_relative './KSplitOss.rb'


class KSplitOssRef_v1 < KSplitOss
def generate
  macros = ""

  if @opts[:preprocessor] then
    $p_vector_length = "VECTOR_SIZE"
    $p_def_vect = "DEF_VECT"
    macros = <<EOF
      #define VECTOR_SIZE #{@opts[:vector_length]}
    $p_vector_length = "#{@opts[:vector_length]}"
    $p_def_vect = "1:#{@opts[:vector_length]}"


  @kernel = CKernel::new(:includes => "immintrin.h")
  @kernel.procedure = declare_procedure
  get_output.print macros
  get_output.print generate_mocks
  get_output.print generate_ref_declaration
  get_output.print generate_ref_initialization
  get_output.print first_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 1
  get_output.print second_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 2
  get_output.print third_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 3
  get_output.print fourth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 4
  get_output.print fifth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 5
  get_output.print sixth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 6
  get_output.print seventh_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 7
  get_output.print eighth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 8
  get_output.print nineth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 9
  get_output.print tenth_nest if @opts[:nests].include? 10
  get_output.print "end subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss"


First nest

agrau(#{$p_def_vect},:,:)   = 0.0_rp
    wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},:,:,:) = 0.0_rp 
    do igaus = 1,pgaus
       do inode = 1,pnode
          do idime = 1,ndime
             agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) =  agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) + &
                                           gpadv(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)
          end do
          agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) =  gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) 
          do jnode = 1,pnode
             do idime = 1,ndime
                wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) = wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) + &
             end do
          end do
       end do
    end do

Second nest

do igaus = 1,pgaus

   fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp2_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
   fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)   * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
   fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp1_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
   fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) = pabdf_nsi(1) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_mod(#{$p_def_vect}) + gppor(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)

   do inode = 1,pnode
      do idime = 1,ndime

         idofv           = (inode-1)*ndime+idime
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)      

         do jnode = 1,pnode    
            do jdime = 1,ndime                   
               jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime+jdime
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},jdime,jnode,igaus)                   
            end do

            jdofv           = (jnode-1)*ndime+idime
            fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
            fact5(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * ( agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) + fact8(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) ) + fact6(#{$p_def_vect}) *   wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode,igaus) + fact7(#{$p_def_vect}) *   agrau(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)   
            elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact5(#{$p_def_vect})

         end do
      end do
   end do
end do

Thrid nest

if( fvins_nsi > 0.9_rp ) then
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do inode = 1,pnode
         do idime = 1,ndime
            idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
            do jnode = 1,pnode
               fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,jnode,igaus)     
               do jdime = 1,ndime
                  jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + jdime
                  elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},jdime,inode,igaus)
               end do
            end do
            if( fvins_nsi == 2.0_rp ) then
               fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = -2.0_rp / 3.0_rp * gpvis(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)
               do jnode = 1,pnode
                  do jdime = 1,ndime
                     jdofv                       = (jnode-1)*ndime + jdime
                     elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,jdofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},jdime,jnode,igaus)
                  end do
               end do
            end if
         end do
      end do
   end do
end if

Fourth nest

if( kfl_lumped == 1 ) then 
   if( ndime == 2 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},1:3) = 0.0_rp
         do inode = 1,pnode
            do idime = 1,ndime
               gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime) = gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime) + elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
            end do
         end do
         do inode = 1,pnode
            idof1                       = 3*inode-2
            idof2                       = 3*inode-1
            idof3                       = 3*inode
            fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * dtinv_mod(#{$p_def_vect})
            elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
            elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,idof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,idof2) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
            elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,idof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,idof3) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect})
            do idime = 1,ndime
               elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) - fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpveo(#{$p_def_vect},idime)
               elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) + fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2)
            end do
            do jnode = 1,pnode 
               jdof1                       = 3*jnode-2
               jdof2                       = 3*jnode-1
               jdof3                       = 3*jnode
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jdof1) - fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jdof2) - fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
               elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jdof3) - fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
            end do
         end do
      end do
   end if

else if( kfl_lumped == 2 ) then 
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_mod(#{$p_def_vect})
      do inode = 1, pnode
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = fact0(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
         do idime = 1,ndime
            idof1                       = (inode-1) * ndime + idime
            elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) = elauu(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,2)
         end do
      end do
   end do
end if

Fifth nest

if( ndime == 2 ) then
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do inode = 1,pnode
         idof1 = 2*inode-1
         idof2 = 2*inode
         do jnode = 1,pnode
            fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)       * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
            fact2(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
            elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
            elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) - fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) - fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
         end do
      end do
   end do
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do inode = 1,pnode
         idof1 = 3*inode-2
         idof2 = 3*inode-1
         idof3 = 3*inode
         do jnode = 1,pnode
            fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)       * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,igaus) 
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},1,inode,igaus)
            fact2(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},2,inode,igaus)
            fact3(#{$p_def_vect})             = fact0(#{$p_def_vect})             * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},3,inode,igaus)
            elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof1) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof2) + fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
            elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof3) = elapu(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,idof3) + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) 
            elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof1,jnode) - fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof2,jnode) - fact2(#{$p_def_vect})
            elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jnode) = elaup(#{$p_def_vect},idof3,jnode) - fact3(#{$p_def_vect})
         end do
      end do
   end do
end if

Sixth nest

if( kfl_stabi_nsi /= -1 ) then
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do inode = 1,pnode
         do jnode = inode+1,pnode
            fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
            elapp(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},jnode,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
            elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,jnode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
         end do
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect})             = gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * wgrgr(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode,igaus) * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})
      end do
   end do
 end if

Seventh nest

do igaus = 1,pgaus
  fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = penal_nsi * gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
  do inode = 1,pnode
    elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) = elapp(#{$p_def_vect},inode,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)
    elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)       = elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode)       + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * elpre(#{$p_def_vect},inode,1) 
  end do
end do

Eighth nest

if( kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 ) then
   gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},:,:) = 0.0_rp 
else if( kfl_limit_nsi == -1 ) then
   gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},:,:) = 0.0_rp
else if( kfl_limit_nsi > 0 ) then
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      c1(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
      c2(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
      c3(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
      do idime = 1,ndime
         c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.0_rp
         do inode = 1,pnode
            c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = c4(#{$p_def_vect}) + agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * elvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,1)
         end do
         c4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpsp1(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * c4(#{$p_def_vect})
         c1(#{$p_def_vect}) = c1(#{$p_def_vect}) + ( gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) - c4(#{$p_def_vect}) )**2
         c3(#{$p_def_vect}) = c3(#{$p_def_vect}) + gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
         c2(#{$p_def_vect}) = c2(#{$p_def_vect}) + c4(#{$p_def_vect}) * c4(#{$p_def_vect})
      end do
      c3(#{$p_def_vect})   = sqrt( c2(#{$p_def_vect}) ) + sqrt( c3(#{$p_def_vect}) )
      c1(#{$p_def_vect})   = sqrt( c1(#{$p_def_vect}) )
      beta(#{$p_def_vect}) = c1(#{$p_def_vect}) / ( c3(#{$p_def_vect}) + epsilon(1.0_rp) )
      if( kfl_limit_nsi == 1 ) then
         alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) = min(1.0_rp,2.0_rp*(1.0_rp-beta(#{$p_def_vect})))
      else if( kfl_limit_nsi == 2 ) then
         alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) = 0.5_rp*(tanh(20.0_rp*(beta(#{$p_def_vect})-0.8_rp))+1.0_rp)
      end if
      do idime = 1,ndime
         gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = alpha(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
      end do
   end do
end if

Nineth nest

if( kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 ) then
   gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},:,:) = 0.0_rp
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      do idime = 1,ndime
         gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
      end do
   end do
   if( kfl_sgsti_nsi == 1 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus 
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect})    = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtsgs(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsp1_v(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         fact1_p (#{$p_def_vect}) = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtsgs(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsp1_p(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         do idime = 1,ndime
            gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect})   * gpsgs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus,2)
            gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) + fact1_p(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpsgs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus,2)
         end do
      end do
   end if
end if

Tenth nest

do igaus = 1,pgaus
   fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpden(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * dtinv_mod(#{$p_def_vect})
   do itime = 2,nbdfp_nsi
      do idime = 1,ndime
         gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) = gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) - pabdf_nsi(itime) * fact4(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvel(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus,itime)
      end do
   end do
   do inode = 1,pnode
      fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)  ! ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v )
      fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * agrau(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus)  ! ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
      do idime = 1,ndime
         elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) = elrbu(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gprhs(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) &
              &                                                    + fact3(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpvep(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)              
      end do
      elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode) = elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode) + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * gprhc(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)                ! ( rhs, q )
      do idime = 1,ndime
         elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode) = elrbp(#{$p_def_vect},inode) + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus) * gpgrp(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus) ! ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
      end do
   end do
end do

Eleventh nest

if( maxval(pbubl) == 1 ) then
   if( kfl_stabi_nsi /= -1 ) then
   end if

   elauq = 0.0_rp
   elapq = 0.0_rp
   elaqu = 0.0_rp
   elaqp = 0.0_rp
   elaqq = 0.0_rp
   elrbq = 0.0_rp

   if( kfl_press_nsi == 1 ) then
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha_bub(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         do inode = 1,pnode
            do idime = 1,ndime
               idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
               elauq(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,1) = elauq(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,1) - fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus)
               elaqu(#{$p_def_vect},1,idofv) = elaqu(#{$p_def_vect},1,idofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus) 
            end do
         end do
      end do
      do igaus = 1,pgaus
         fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) = gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha_bub(#{$p_def_vect},igaus)
         do inode = 1,pnode
            do idime = 1,ndime
               idofv = (inode-1)*ndime + idime
               elauq(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,1) = elauq(#{$p_def_vect},idofv,1) + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha(#{$p_def_vect},inode,igaus) * gpcar_bub(#{$p_def_vect},idime,igaus)
               elaqu(#{$p_def_vect},1,idofv) = elaqu(#{$p_def_vect},1,idofv) + fact1(#{$p_def_vect}) * gpcar(#{$p_def_vect},idime,inode,igaus) 
            end do
         end do
      end do
   end if
   do igaus = 1,pgaus
      elaqq(#{$p_def_vect},1,1) = elaqq(#{$p_def_vect},1,1) + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha_bub(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * penal_nsi
      elrbq(#{$p_def_vect},1)   = elrbq(#{$p_def_vect},1)   + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha_bub(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * penal_nsi * elbub(#{$p_def_vect}) 
      elrbq(#{$p_def_vect},1)   = elrbq(#{$p_def_vect},1)   + gpvol(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gpsha_bub(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) * gprhc(#{$p_def_vect},igaus) 
   end do

end if

Frame to generate the kernel

Finally this class assembles everything to generate the reference implementation:

  • the mocks,
  • the variables declaration,
  • the initialization,
  • the different loop nests

The FORTRAN code is then simply printed in the body of the main procedure using get_output.print.

require_relative './KSplitOss.rb'

class KSplitOssRef_v2 < KSplitOss
 def generate
   # opts = {:vector_length => 1, :preprocessor => false, :nests => (1..10).to_a}
   # opts.update(options)
   macros = ""
   if @opts[:preprocessor] then
     $p_vector_length = "VECTOR_SIZE"
     $p_def_vect = "DEF_VECT"
     macros = <<EOF
     #define VECTOR_SIZE #{@opts[:vector_length]}
     $p_vector_length = "#{@opts[:vector_length]}"
     $p_def_vect = "1:#{@opts[:vector_length]}"
   nests = []
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   nests.push <<EOF
   @kernel = CKernel::new(:includes => "immintrin.h")
   @kernel.procedure = declare_procedure
   get_output.print macros
   get_output.print generate_mocks
   get_output.print generate_ref_declaration
   get_output.print generate_ref_initialization

     get_output.print nests[n-1]

   get_output.print "end subroutine nsi_element_assembly_split_oss"
   return @kernel

BOAST implementation

For the BOAST implementation we followed the same logic as previous. We need to declare the kernel header (which is done by the class KSPlitOss) and the local variables, initialize the variables, create mocks and split the kernel according to the different nests.

Local variable declaration

The local variable declaration is simply done using the parameters defined in the module Arguments.

# Local arrays
@gpsp1_p   = $gpsp1_p
@gpsp1_v   = $gpsp1_v
@gpsp2_v   = $gpsp2_v
@c1        = $c1
@c2        = $c2
@c3        = $c3
@c4        = $c4
@alpha     = $alpha
@beta      = $beta

@gpveo     = $gpveo
@fact1_p   = $fact1_p
@dtinv_mod = $dtinv_mod
@inode     = $inode
@jnode     = $jnode
@jdime     = $jdime
@idofv     = $idofv
@ivect     = $ivect
@igaus     = $igaus
@idime     = $idime
@jdofv     = $jdofv
@itime     = $itime

@fact = $fact

@idof = $idof
@jdof = $jdof

decl @gpsp1_p,@gpsp1_v,@gpsp2_v,@c1,@c2,@c3,@c4,@alpha,@beta,


Writing the initialization of the arrays for FORTRAN with BOAST is straight forward but in C we need to use C code to the set the arrays efficiently. These instruction are stored as strings and included into the kernel with get_output.print. <<boast-initialization>>

if get_lang == FORTRAN
  pr @dtinv_mod === @dtinv_loc
  pr @gpsp1_p === @gpsp1
  pr @gpsp1_v === @gpsp1
  pr @gpsp2_v === @gpsp2

  pr If( @kfl_nota1_nsi == 1 => lambda{ pr @gpsp1_v === 0.0 } )

  pr @elrbp === 0.0
  pr @elrbu === 0.0
  pr @elapp === 0.0
  pr @elauu === 0.0
  pr @elaup === 0.0
  pr @elapu === 0.0
elsif get_lang == C
  code =<<EOF
  memcpy(dtinv_mod, dtinv_loc, sizeof(dtinv_mod));
  memcpy(gpsp1_p, gpsp1, sizeof(gpsp1_p));
  memcpy(gpsp1_v, gpsp1, sizeof(gpsp1_v));
  memcpy(gpsp2_v, gpsp2, sizeof(gpsp2_v));

  if (kfl_nota1_nsi == 1) memset(gpsp1_v, 0, sizeof(gpsp1_v));

  memset(elrbp, 0, sizeof(#{@elrbp.type.decl}) * pnode);
  memset(elrbu, 0, sizeof(#{@elrbu.type.decl}) * ndime * pnode);
  memset(elapp, 0, sizeof(#{@elapp.type.decl}) * pnode * pnode);
  memset(elauu, 0, sizeof(#{@elauu.type.decl}) * pnode * ndime * pnode * ndime);
  memset(elaup, 0, sizeof(#{@elaup.type.decl}) * pnode * ndime * pnode);
  memset(elapu, 0, sizeof(#{@elapu.type.decl}) * pnode * pnode * ndime);
  get_output.print code


Like in the reference implementation we split the kernel according to the different loop nests. This gave us the possibility to either wrap the nests into subroutines. We can either inline them manually, rely on the compiler to do it or just use a simple function call. Subroutines are wrapped into classes for more convenience. Like it is the case for the kernel, for each subroutine, the parameters (with their direction :in, :out, :inout) and variables used have to be defined.

Class wrapper

The goal of the class Subroutine is to wrap the different loop nests into subroutines which can either be inlined manually, by the compiler or used as simple subroutine. The properties of a subroutine (such as the vector length) are registered but also the parameters and the variables used by the subroutine which are created dynamically. The usage of a subroutine can either be :included, :call, :inline. Depending on the usage, the function construct will either only return the code of the subroutine to paste it in the kernel or generate a Procedure that can be inlined or not. The function call is here only just avoid to have to specify the arguments when calling the subroutine effectively.

require_relative './arguments.rb'
class Subroutine
  include Arguments
  attr_accessor :code
  def initialize(name,options,functions)
    opts = {:vector_length => 1, :unroll => false, :inline => :included}
    @name = name
    @functions = functions
    @args = []
    @code = nil
    @vector_length = options[:vector_length]
    @usage = opts[:inline]
    @unroll = opts[:unroll]
    @dimensions = @unroll ? [2,3] : [$ndime]
    @nb_original_param = instance_variables.length + 1
  def construct(block)
    if @usage == :included then
      @code = block
      functions = @functions.nil? ? nil : @functions.values
      inlined = @usage == :inlined ? true : false
      @code = Procedure(@name, @args, :inline => inlined, :functions => functions, &block)
  def call
    if @usage == :included then
      eval "pr #{instance_variables[@nb_original_param...instance_variables.length].join(',')} )"

First loop


The values of ndime can be either 2 or 3 and here we unroll the computation of agrau and wgrgr according to this. For this, we build 2 expressions exp1 and exp2 which are unrolled 2 and 3 times. Then these expressions are pasted into the formulas that compute agrau and wgrgr. Next with these formulas, we build 2 loop nests (for each possibility to unroll the computation of agrau and wgrgr, here 2 and 3) that we stack into for1, and finally we wrap these loops in a if statement. <<boast-nest1-body>>

for1 = []

  exp1 = ""
  exp2 = ""
    exp1 += "@gpadv[#{i+1},igaus]*@gpcar[#{i+1},inode,igaus]"
    exp2 += "@gpcar[#{i+1},inode,igaus]*@gpcar[#{i+1},jnode,igaus]"
    exp1 +=  " + " if i+1 < dim
    exp2 +=  " + " if i+1 < dim
  form_agrau = "pr @agrau[inode,igaus] === @gpden[igaus] * (#{exp1})"
  form_wgrgr = "pr @wgrgr[inode,jnode,igaus] === #{exp2}"

  for1.push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
    pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
      eval form_agrau
      pr For(jnode,1,@pnode){                    
        eval form_wgrgr

pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{
        pr for1[0]
      }, else: lambda{
        pr for1[1]

<<boast-nest1-class>> The nest 1 is encapsulated into the class Nest1. First, parameters and local variables are defined. Then the block that contains the nest1 is built by declaring the local variables if the inline is done manually (otherwise they will conflict with the kernel ones) and using the previous descriptions of the nest1 <<boast-nest1-body>>.

require_relative './subroutine.rb'
require_relative './KSplitOss.rb'

class Nest1 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options,functions = nil)
    # ins
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime,:in) 
    @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode,:in)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode,:in)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus,:in)
    @gpden = Parameters.copy($gpden,:in)
    @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar,:in)
    @gpadv = Parameters.copy($gpadv,:in)

    # inouts
    @wgrgr = Parameters.copy($wgrgr,:inout)
    @agrau = Parameters.copy($agrau,:inout)

    @args.push @ndime,@mnode,@pnode,@pgaus,@gpden,@gpcar,@gpadv,@wgrgr,@agrau
  def generate
    # locals
    inode = $inode
    jnode = $jnode
    igaus = $igaus

    block = lambda{
      decl inode,jnode,igaus unless @usage == :included


Second loop


Same principle as before, the code is unrolled according to ndime or not unrolled at all, then the different version of the nest loop are stacked into array, and wrap into an if statement.

for1 = []
  for1.push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){ 
    pr fact[1] === @gpsp2[igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
    pr fact[7] === @gpvis[igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
    pr fact[8] === @gpsp1_v[igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
    pr fact[9] ===  @gpden[igaus] * @functions[:pabdf_nsi].call(1) * @dtinv_loc[1] + @gppor[igaus]

    pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
      pr For(idime,1,dim){
        pr idof[1] === (inode-1)*@ndime+idime
        pr fact[2] === fact[1] * @gpcar[idime,inode,igaus]      
        pr For(jnode,1,@pnode){
          pr For(jdime,1,dim){
            pr jdof[jdime]              === (jnode-1)*@ndime+jdime
            pr @elauu[idof[1],jdof[jdime]] === @elauu[idof[1],jdof[jdime]] + fact[2] * @gpcar[jdime,jnode,igaus]                   

          pr jdof[1]              === (jnode-1)*@ndime+idime
          pr fact[5]              === @gpsha[inode,igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
          pr fact[6]              === fact[5] * ( @agrau[jnode,igaus] + fact[9] * @gpsha[jnode,igaus] ) + fact[7] * @wgrgr[inode,jnode,igaus] + fact[8] *   @agrau[jnode,igaus] * @agrau[inode,igaus]
          pr @elauu[idof[1],jdof[1]] === @elauu[idof[1],jdof[1]] + fact[6]


main_block = lambda{
  decl fact,igaus,inode,jnode,idof,jdof,idime,jdime unless @usage == :included
  if @unroll then
    pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{
            pr for1[0]
          }, else: lambda{
            pr for1[1]
    pr for1[0]

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest2 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)

    # ins
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime,:in)
    @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode,:in)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode,:in)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus,:in)
    @gpden = Parameters.copy($gpden,:in)
    @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar,:in)
    @gpsp2 = Parameters.copy($gpsp2,:in)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol,:in)
    @gpvis = Parameters.copy($gpvis,:in)
    @dtinv_loc = Parameters.copy($dtinv_loc,:in)
    @gppor = Parameters.copy($gppor,:in)
    @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha,:in)
    @gpsp1_v = Parameters.copy($gpsp1_v,:in)
    @wgrgr = Parameters.copy($wgrgr,:in)
    @agrau = Parameters.copy($agrau,:in)

    @elauu = Parameters.copy($elauu,:inout)

    @args.push @ndime,@mnode,@pnode,@pgaus,@gpden,@gpcar,@gpsp2,@gpvol,@gpvis,@dtinv_loc,
  def generate
    # locals
    fact = Parameters.copy($fact)
    igaus = Parameters.copy($igaus)
    inode = Parameters.copy($inode)
    jnode = Parameters.copy($jnode)
    idof = Parameters.copy($idof)
    jdof = Parameters.copy($jdof)
    idime = Parameters.copy($idime)
    jdime = Parameters.copy($jdime)



Third nest


In this nest every expressions and group of expression have been stored into variables, same for the loops as we envision the possibility to reorder the loops as we think it could be beneficial. This way loops and expressions can be reused and eases the reordering. However this feature is not implemented yet and the order follows the reference implementation one.

for_inode = For(inode,1,@pnode)
for_jnode = For(jnode,1,@pnode)
for_idime = For(idime,1,@ndime)
for_jdime = lambda{ |dim| return For(jdime,1,dim) }

exp_fact1 = fact[2] === @gpvis[igaus] * @gpvol[igaus] * @gpcar[idime,jnode,igaus]
exp_idofv = idofv === (inode-1)*@ndime + idime

block_elauu_1 = lambda{
  pr jdofv === (jnode-1)*@ndime + jdime
  pr @elauu[idofv,jdofv] === @elauu[idofv,jdofv] + fact[2] * @gpcar[jdime,inode,igaus]

exp_fact1_2 = fact[2] === -2.0.to_var / 3.0.to_var * @gpvis[igaus] * @gpvol[igaus] * @gpcar[idime,inode,igaus]

block_elauu_2 = lambda{
  pr jdofv === (jnode-1)*@ndime + jdime
  pr @elauu[idofv,jdofv] === @elauu[idofv,jdofv] + fact[2] * @gpcar[jdime,jnode,igaus]

Same principle is in <<boast-nest1-body>> the code can be unrolled for values ndime 2 and 3 or not. We previously defined empty loops, their content can be simply filled by opening it with opn, print expression as usual end closing it with close.

main_block = lambda{ 
  decl igaus,idime,jdime,inode,jnode,fact,idofv,jdofv unless @usage == :included

  pr If(@fvins_nsi > 0.9){
    for1 = []
      for1.push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){ 

        opn for_inode
          opn for_idime
            pr exp_idofv
            opn for_jnode
              pr exp_fact1
                pr, &block_elauu_1
            close for_jnode
            pr If(@fvins_nsi == 2.0){
              pr exp_fact1_2
              opn for_jnode
                pr, &block_elauu_2
              close for_jnode
          close for_idime
        close for_inode
    if @unroll then
      pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{
              pr for1[0]
            }, else: lambda{
              pr for1[1]
      pr for1[0]

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

  class Nest3 < Subroutine
    def initialize(options, functions = nil)
      # ins
      @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus,:in)
      @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode,:in)
      @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode,:in)
      @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime,:in)
      @gpvis = Parameters.copy($gpvis,:in)
      @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol,:in)
      @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar,:in)
      @fvins_nsi = Parameters.copy($fvins_nsi,:in)

      # inouts
      @elauu = Parameters.copy($elauu,:inout)

      @args.push @pgaus,@pnode,@mnode,@ndime,@gpvis,@gpvol,@gpcar,@fvins_nsi,@elauu
  def generate
    # locals
    igaus = $igaus
    idime = $idime
    jdime = $jdime
    inode = $inode
    jnode = $jnode
    fact = $fact
    idofv = $idofv
    jdofv = $jdofv



Fourth nest


Some expressions have been stored into variables as they are used several time in this nest.

exp_fact0 = fact[1] === @gpvol[igaus] * @gpden[igaus] * @dtinv_mod[1]            
exp_fact1 = fact[2] === fact[1] * @gpsha[inode,igaus]
exp_elrbu = @elrbu[idime,inode] === @elrbu[idime,inode] + fact[2] * @elvel[idime,inode,2]

Here we build the loops that compute elauu and elrbu. The 2 first (for_elauu1 and for_elrbu2) can be unrolled for ndime equals 2 and 3 or not unrolled at all. The 2 other (for_elauu2 and for_elrbu1) can only be unrolled for ndime equals 3 or not.

for_elauu1 = []           
for_elrbu2 = []
  for_elauu1.push For(idime,1,dim){
    pr idof[idime] === (inode-1)*dim+idime
    pr @elauu[idof[idime],idof[idime]] === @elauu[idof[idime],idof[idime]] + fact[2]
  for_elrbu2.push For(idime,1,dim){
    pr exp_elrbu

for_elauu2 = For(jdime,1,3){
  pr jdof[jdime] === (jnode-1)*@ndime+jdime
  pr @elauu[idof[jdime],jdof[jdime]] === @elauu[idof[jdime],jdof[jdime]] - fact[2] * @gpsha[jnode,igaus]

for_elrbu1 = For(idime,1,3){
  pr @elrbu[idime,inode] ===  @elrbu[idime,inode] - fact[2] * @gpveo[idime]
  pr exp_elrbu

Then we built the different blocks for the different values that can take kfl_lumped. Here we create the block for kfl_lumped equals 1. This time again, we need to use C code to initialize gpveo.

        block_kfl_lumped_1 = lambda{
          pr For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
            if get_lang == FORTRAN then
              pr @gpveo === 0.0.to_var
            elsif get_lang == C
              code =<<EOF
              memset(gpveo,0,sizeof(#{@gpveo.type.decl}) * #{@gpveo.dimension[0]});
              get_output.print code
            pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
              pr For(idime,1,3){
                pr @gpveo[idime] === @gpveo[idime] + @elvel[idime,inode,2] * @gpsha[inode,igaus] 

            pr exp_fact0
            pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
              pr exp_fact1
              if @unroll then
                pr for_elauu1[1].unroll
                pr for_elrbu1.unroll
                pr for_elauu1[0]
                pr for_elrbu1
              pr For(jnode,1,@pnode){
                pr for_elauu2.unroll(@unroll)

<<boast-nest4-body-unroll-kfl-lumped>> The following block is for kfl_lumped equals 2. However the loops have been built earlier we actually unroll them here.

block_kfl_lumped_2 = []
  block_kfl_lumped_2[i] = lambda{
    pr For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
      pr exp_fact0
      pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
        pr exp_fact1
        pr for_elauu1[i].unroll(@unroll)
        pr for_elrbu2[i].unroll(@unroll)

Finally, we position the different blocks in if statements.

if_kfl_lumped_1 = lambda{ pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{}, :else => block_kfl_lumped_1) }      
if @unroll then
  if_kfl_lumped_2 = lambda{ pr If(@ndime == 2 => block_kfl_lumped_2[0] , :else => block_kfl_lumped_2[1])}
  if_kfl_lumped_2 = block_kfl_lumped_2[0]

main_block = lambda{ 
  decl idime,jdime,igaus,inode,jnode,fact,idof,jdof unless @usage == :included
  pr If(@kfl_lumped == 1 => if_kfl_lumped_1, @kfl_lumped == 2 => if_kfl_lumped_2) 

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest4 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)

    # ins
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime,:in)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus,:in)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode,:in)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol,:in)
    @gpden = Parameters.copy($gpden,:in)
    @dtinv_mod = Parameters.copy($dtinv_mod,:in)
    @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha,:in)
    @elvel = Parameters.copy($elvel,:in)
    @kfl_lumped = Parameters.copy($kfl_lumped,:in)

    # inouts
    @gpveo = Parameters.copy($gpveo,:inout)
    @elrbu = Parameters.copy($elrbu,:inout)
    @elauu = Parameters.copy($elauu,:inout)

    @args.push @ndime,@pgaus,@pnode,@gpvol,@gpden,@dtinv_mod,@gpsha,@elvel,@kfl_lumped,@gpveo,@elrbu,@elauu
  def generate
    # locals 
    idime = $idime
    jdime = $jdime
    igaus = $igaus
    inode = $inode 
    jnode = $jnode
    fact = $fact
    idof = $idof
    jdof = $jdof


Fifth nest


Same principle as in <<boast-nest4-body-unroll-kfl-lumped>>, we unroll according to the values that can take ndime or not. And we place the block in if statement.

for1 = []
  for1.push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
    pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
      pr For(idime,1,dim){
        pr idof[idime] === (inode-1)*dim + idime

      pr For(jnode,1,@pnode){
        pr fact[1] === @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha[jnode,igaus]
        pr For(jdime,1,dim){
          pr fact[jdime+1] === fact[1] * @gpcar[jdime,inode,igaus]
          pr @elapu[jnode,idof[jdime]] === @elapu[jnode,idof[jdime]] + fact[jdime+1]

        pr For(jdime,1,dim){
          pr @elaup[idof[jdime],jnode] === @elaup[idof[jdime],jnode] - fact[jdime+1]

main_block = lambda{
  decl igaus,inode,jnode,idime,jdime,idof,fact unless @usage == :included
  if @unroll then
    pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{
            pr for1[0]
          }, else: lambda{
            pr for1[1]
    pr for1[0]

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest5 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)
    # ins
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime,:in)
    @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode,:in)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus,:in)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode,:in)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol,:in)
    @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha,:in)
    @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar,:in)

    # inouts
    @elapu = Parameters.copy($elapu,:inout)
    @elaup = Parameters.copy($elaup,:inout)

    @args.push @ndime,@mnode,@pgaus,@pnode,@gpvol,@gpsha,@gpcar,@elapu,@elaup

  def generate
    # locals  
    igaus = $igaus
    inode = $inode
    jnode = $jnode
    idime = $idime
    jdime = $jdime
    idof = $idof
    fact = $fact


Sixth nest


Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-body>>

main_block = lambda{
  decl igaus,inode,jnode,fact unless @usage == :included
  pr If(@kfl_stabi_nsi != -1){
    pr For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
      pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
        pr For(jnode,inode+1,@pnode){
          pr fact[2]             === @gpsp1_p[igaus] * @wgrgr[jnode,inode,igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
          pr @elapp[jnode,inode] === @elapp[jnode,inode] + fact[2]
          pr @elapp[inode,jnode] === @elapp[inode,jnode] + fact[2]
        pr fact[2]             === @gpsp1_p[igaus] * @wgrgr[inode,inode,igaus] * @gpvol[igaus]
        pr @elapp[inode,inode] === @elapp[inode,inode] + fact[2]

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest6 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)
    # ins
    @kfl_stabi_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_stabi_nsi)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode)
    @gpsp1_p = Parameters.copy($gpsp1_p)
    @wgrgr = Parameters.copy($wgrgr)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol)

    # inouts
    @elapp = Parameters.copy($elapp)

    @args.push @kfl_stabi_nsi,@pgaus,@pnode,@gpsp1_p,@wgrgr,@gpvol,@elapp
  def generate
    # locals
    igaus = $igaus
    inode = $inode
    jnode = $jnode
    fact = $fact


Seventh nest


Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-body>>

main_block = lambda {
  decl fact,igaus,inode unless @usage == :included
  pr For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
    pr fact[2] === @penal_nsi * @gpvol[igaus]
    pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
      pr @elapp[inode,inode] === @elapp[inode,inode] + fact[2] * @gpsha[inode,igaus]
      pr @elrbp[inode]       === @elrbp[inode]       + fact[2] * @gpsha[inode,igaus] * @elpre[inode,1]

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest7 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)

    # ins
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
    @penal_nsi = Parameters.copy($penal_nsi)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol)
    @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha)
    @elpre = Parameters.copy($elpre)

    # inouts
    @elapp = Parameters.copy($elapp)
    @elrbp = Parameters.copy($elrbp)

    @args.push @pnode,@pgaus,@penal_nsi,@gpvol,@gpsha,@elpre,@elapp,@elrbp
  def generate
    # locals
    fact = $fact
    igaus = $igaus
    inode = $inode



Eighth nest


First, this nest uses the function epsilon for which a C macro equivalent exists. For the FORTRAN version we can call directly this function with BOAST by telling it this is an external function with register_funccall. Second, the FORTRAN functions tanh and min can work with either vector or scalar variables. Intrinsics exist for these functions and BOAST provides support for them (Tanh and Min) by calling the corresponding instruction whether working on scalar or vector variables. However these Intrinsics only work with ICC and we wrote scalar equivalent, they can be found later in this tutorial. For more convenience the call to either our scalar versions or the BOAST versions have been encapsulated into the lambdas tanh and min.

register_funccall("epsilon") if get_lang == FORTRAN

tanh = lambda{|x|
  if get_lang == FORTRAN or @vector_length < 2 then
    return Tanh(x)
    return @functions[:tanh].call(x)

min = lambda{|x,y|
  if get_lang == FORTRAN then 
    return Min( x, y )
    if @vector_length > 1 then
      return @functions[:min].call(x,y)
      return Ternary(x < y, x, y)

As in <<boast-initialization>> we used directly C code to initialize the arrays:

              for_igaus = For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
                if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                  pr c1[1] === 0.0.to_var 
                  pr c2[1] === 0.0.to_var 
                  pr c3[1] === 0.0.to_var 
                elsif get_lang == C
                  code =<<EOF
                  get_output.print code
                pr For(idime,1,@ndime){
                  if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                    pr c4[1] === 0.0.to_var
                  elsif get_lang == C
                    code =<<EOF
                    get_output.print code

Like for tanh and min the Intrinsic for the exponential is only available for the ICC so here we just replaced it with a multiplication:

  pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
    pr c4[1] === c4[1] + @agrau[inode,igaus] * @elvel[idime,inode,1]
  pr c4[1] === @gpsp1[igaus] * c4[1]
  # Exponential intrinsics only works with ICC
  # pr c1[1] === c1[1] + ( @gpvep[idime,igaus] - c4[1] )**2
  pr c1[1] === c1[1] + ( @gpvep[idime,igaus] - c4[1] ) * ( @gpvep[idime,igaus] - c4[1] )
  pr c3[1] === c3[1] + @gpvep[idime,igaus] * @gpvep[idime,igaus]
  pr c2[1] === c2[1] + c4[1] * c4[1]

For square root no need to use scalar function when working on vectors, unlike with tanh and min the corresponding intrinsics are not ICC exclusive:

pr c3[1]   === Sqrt( c2[1] ) + Sqrt( c3[1] )  
pr c1[1]   === Sqrt( c1[1] )

For the C version, we just need to use the C macro that gives the epsilon:

                if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                  pr beta[1] === c1[1] / ( c3[1] + epsilon(1.0.to_var) )
                elsif get_lang == C
                  code =<<EOF
                  beta[0] = c1[0] / ( c3[0] + DBL_EPSILON );
                  get_output.print code

For the call to min we need to use Set, for the 1.0 value, to convert it as a vector if working on vectors. For tanh there is no need because done implicitly by Tanh:

pr If(@kfl_limit_nsi == 1 => lambda{
        pr alpha[1] === Set(1.0.to_var, alpha), 2.0.to_var * ( 1.0.to_var  - beta[1] ) )
      }, @kfl_limit_nsi == 2 => lambda{
        pr alpha[1] === 0.5.to_var * ( 20.0.to_var * ( beta[1] - 0.8.to_var ) ) + 1.0.to_var )

The following is as previously, we close the for loop opened at the beginning and we build the subroutine:

                pr For(idime,1,@ndime){
                  pr @gpvep[idime,igaus] === alpha[1] * @gpvep[idime,igaus]

              if get_lang == C then
                code =<<EOF
                memset(gpvep,0,sizeof(#{@gpvep.type.decl}) * ndime * pgaus);

              main_block = lambda{
                decl igaus,idime,inode,c1,c2,c3,c4,beta,alpha unless @usage == :included

                pr If( @kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 => lambda{
                         if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                           pr @gpvep === 0.0
                         elsif get_lang == C
                           get_output.print code
                       }, @kfl_limit_nsi == -1 => lambda{
                         if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                           pr @gpvep === 0.0
                         elsif get_lang == C
                           get_output.print code
                       }, @kfl_limit_nsi > 0 => lambda{ pr for_igaus } )

Same principle as in <<boast-nest1-class>>

class Nest8 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)
    # ins
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode)
    @elvel = Parameters.copy($elvel)
    @agrau = Parameters.copy($agrau)
    @gpsp1 = Parameters.copy($gpsp1)
    @kfl_limit_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_limit_nsi)
    @kfl_stabi_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_stabi_nsi)

    # inouts
    @gpvep = Parameters.copy($gpvep)

    @args.push @pgaus,@ndime,@pnode,@elvel,@agrau,@gpsp1,@kfl_limit_nsi,@kfl_stabi_nsi,@gpvep
  def generate
    # local
    igaus = $igaus
    idime = $idime
    inode = $inode
    c1 = $c1
    c2 = $c2
    c3 = $c3
    c4 = $c4
    beta = $beta
    alpha = $alpha



Nineth nest

              for_igaus = []
              for_igaus[0] = []
              for_igaus[1] = []

                for_igaus[0].push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
                  pr For(idime,1,dim){
                    pr @gpgrp[idime,igaus] === @gpgrp[idime,igaus] + @gpsp1_p[igaus] * @gprhs[idime,igaus]
                for_igaus[1].push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
                  pr fact[2]     === @gpden[igaus] * @dtsgs[1] * @gpsp1_v[igaus]
                  pr fact1_p[1]  === @gpden[igaus] * @dtsgs[1] * @gpsp1_p[igaus]
                  pr For(idime,1,dim){
                    pr @gpvep[idime,igaus] === @gpvep[idime,igaus] + fact[2]    * @gpsgs[idime,igaus,2]
                    pr @gpgrp[idime,igaus] === @gpgrp[idime,igaus] + fact1_p[1] * @gpsgs[idime,igaus,2]

              if_ndime = []
                if @unroll then
                  if_ndime[i] = If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{
                                     pr for_igaus[i][0]
                                   }, :else => lambda{
                                     pr for_igaus[i][1]
                  if_ndime[i] = for_igaus[i][0]
              block = lambda{
                pr if_ndime[0]
                pr If(@kfl_sgsti_nsi == 1){
                  pr if_ndime[1]

              main_block = lambda{
                decl igaus,idime,fact,fact1_p unless @usage == :included
                pr If(@kfl_stabi_nsi == -1 => lambda{ 
                        if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                          pr @gpgrp === 0.0 
                        elsif get_lang == C
                          code =<<EOF
                          memset(gpgrp,0,sizeof(#{@gpgrp.type.decl}) * ndime * pgaus);
                        get_output.print code
                      }, :else => block)
class Nest9 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)
    # ins
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
    @gpsp1_p = Parameters.copy($gpsp1_p)
    @gprhs = Parameters.copy($gprhs)
    @gpden = Parameters.copy($gpden)
    @dtsgs = Parameters.copy($dtsgs)
    @gpsp1_v = Parameters.copy($gpsp1_v)
    @gpsgs = Parameters.copy($gpsgs)
    @kfl_sgsti_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_sgsti_nsi)
    @kfl_stabi_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_stabi_nsi)

    # inouts
    @gpgrp = Parameters.copy($gpgrp)
    @gpvep = Parameters.copy($gpvep)

    @args.push @ndime,@pgaus,@gpsp1_p,@gprhs,@gpden,@dtsgs,@gpsp1_v,@gpsgs,@kfl_sgsti_nsi,@kfl_stabi_nsi,@gpgrp,@gpvep
  def generate
    # local
    igaus = $igaus
    idime = $idime
    fact = $fact
    fact1_p = $fact1_p


Tenth nest

class Nest10 < Subroutine
  def initialize(options, functions = nil)
    # ins
    @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode)
    @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime)
    @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
    @gpden = Parameters.copy($gpden)
    @dtinv_mod = Parameters.copy($dtinv_mod)
    @nbdfp_nsi = Parameters.copy($nbdfp_nsi)
    @gpvel = Parameters.copy($gpvel)
    @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode)
    @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol)
    @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha)
    @agrau = Parameters.copy($agrau)
    @gprhc = Parameters.copy($gprhc)
    @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar)
    @gpvep = Parameters.copy($gpvep)
    @gpgrp = Parameters.copy($gpgrp)

    # inouts
    @gprhs = Parameters.copy($gprhs)
    @elrbu = Parameters.copy($elrbu)
    @elrbp = Parameters.copy($elrbp)

    @args.push @mnode,@ndime,@pgaus,@gpden,@dtinv_mod,@nbdfp_nsi,@gpvel,@pnode,@gpvol,@gpsha,@agrau,@gprhc,@gpcar,@gpvep,@gpgrp,@gprhs,@elrbu,@elrbp

  def generate
    # locals
    igaus = $igaus
    fact = $fact
    idime = $idime
    itime = $itime
    inode = $inode

    for_igaus = []
      for_igaus.push For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
        pr fact[5] === @gpden[igaus] * @dtinv_mod[1]
        pr For(itime,2,@nbdfp_nsi){
          pr For(idime,1,dim){
            pr @gprhs[idime,igaus] === @gprhs[idime,igaus] - @functions[:pabdf_nsi].call(itime) * fact[5] * @gpvel[idime,igaus,itime]
        pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
          pr fact[2] === @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha[inode,igaus]  # ( f + rho*u^n/dt , v )
          pr fact[4] === @gpvol[igaus] * @agrau[inode,igaus]  # ( rho * a.grad(v) , P1' ) 
          pr For(idime,1,dim){
            pr @elrbu[idime,inode] === @elrbu[idime,inode] + fact[2] * @gprhs[idime,igaus] + fact[4] * @gpvep[idime,igaus]
          pr @elrbp[inode] === @elrbp[inode] + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha[inode,igaus] * @gprhc[igaus]  # ( rhs, q )
          pr For(idime,1,dim){
            pr @elrbp[inode] === @elrbp[inode] + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpcar[idime,inode,igaus] * @gpgrp[idime,igaus] # ( P2' , grad(q) ) 
    main_block = lambda{
      decl igaus,fact,idime,itime,inode unless @usage == :included
      if @unroll then
        pr If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{ pr for_igaus[0] }, :else => lambda{ pr for_igaus[1] })
        pr for_igaus[0]


Eleventh nest

          class Nest11 < Subroutine
            def initialize(options, functions = nil)
              # ins
              @mnode = Parameters.copy($mnode)
              @pgaus = Parameters.copy($pgaus)
              @pnode = Parameters.copy($pnode)
              @ndime = Parameters.copy($ndime)
              @gpcar = Parameters.copy($gpcar)
              @gpvol = Parameters.copy($gpvol)
              @gpsha = Parameters.copy($gpsha)
              @gpcar_bub = Parameters.copy($gpcar_bub)
              @pbubl = Parameters.copy($pbubl)
              @kfl_stabi_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_stabi_nsi)
              @kfl_press_nsi = Parameters.copy($kfl_press_nsi)
              @penal_nsi = Parameters.copy($penal_nsi)
              @elbub = Parameters.copy($elbub)
              @gprhc = Parameters.copy($gprhc)
              @gpsha_bub = Parameters.copy($gpsha_bub)

              # inouts
              @elauq = Parameters.copy($elauq)
              @elaqu = Parameters.copy($elaqu)
              @elapq = Parameters.copy($elapq)
              @elaqp = Parameters.copy($elaqp)
              @elaqq = Parameters.copy($elaqq)
              @elrbq = Parameters.copy($elrbq)

              @args.push @mnode,@pgaus,@pnode,@ndime,@gpcar,@gpvol,@gpsha,@gpcar_bub,@pbubl,@kfl_stabi_nsi,@kfl_press_nsi,@penal_nsi,@elbub,@gprhc,@gpsha_bub,@elauq,@elaqu,@elapq,@elaqp,@elaqq,@elrbq

            def generate
              # locals
              fact = $fact
              igaus  = $igaus
              idof = $idof
              idime = $idime
              inode = $inode

              register_funccall("stop") if get_lang == FORTRAN
              register_funccall("maxval") if get_lang == FORTRAN

              exp_elauq = []
              exp_elauq[0] = "@elauq[idof[dim],1] === @elauq[idof[dim],1] - fact[2] * @gpcar[idime,inode,igaus]"
              exp_elauq[1] = "@elauq[idof[dim],1] === @elauq[idof[dim],1] + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha[inode,igaus] * @gpcar_bub[idime,igaus]"
              block_igaus = lambda{|dim,exp|
                return For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
                  pr fact[2] === @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha_bub[igaus]
                  pr For(inode,1,@pnode){
                    pr For(idime,1,dim){
                      pr idof[dim] === (inode-1)*dim + idime
                      pr eval exp
                      pr @elaqu[1,idof[dim]] === @elaqu[1,idof[dim]] + fact[2] * @gpcar[idime,inode,igaus]
              if @unroll then
                if_kfl_press_nsi_1 = If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{ pr[0],exp_elauq[0]) }, :else => lambda{ pr[1],exp_elauq[0]) })
                if_kfl_press_nsi_else = If(@ndime == 2 => lambda{ pr[0],exp_elauq[1]) }, :else => lambda{ pr[1],exp_elauq[1]) })
                if_kfl_press_nsi_1 =[0],exp_elauq[0])
                if_kfl_press_nsi_else =[0],exp_elauq[1])

              call_maxval = lambda{|x|
                if get_lang == FORTRAN
                  return maxval(x)
                  return @functions[:maxval].call(x)

              main_block = lambda{
                decl fact,igaus,idof,idime,inode unless @usage == :included
                pr If( == 1){
                  pr If(@kfl_stabi_nsi != -1){
                    if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                  if get_lang == FORTRAN then
                    pr @elauq === 0.0
                    pr @elapq === 0.0
                    pr @elaqu === 0.0
                    pr @elaqp === 0.0
                    pr @elaqq === 0.0
                    pr @elrbq === 0.0
                  elsif get_lang == C
                    code =<<EOF
                    memset(elauq, 0, sizeof(#{@elauq.type.decl}) * pnode * ndime);
                    memset(elapq, 0, sizeof(#{@elapq.type.decl}) * pnode);
                    memset(elaqu, 0, sizeof(#{@elaqu.type.decl}) * pnode * ndime);
                    memset(elaqp, 0, sizeof(#{@elaqp.type.decl}) * pnode);
                    memset(elaqq, 0, sizeof(#{@elaqq.type.decl}));
                    memset(elrbq, 0, sizeof(#{@elrbq.type.decl}));
                    get_output.print code
                  pr If(@kfl_press_nsi == 1 => lambda{ pr if_kfl_press_nsi_1}, :else => lambda{ pr if_kfl_press_nsi_else })
                  pr For(igaus,1,@pgaus){
                    pr @elaqq[1,1] === @elaqq[1,1] + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha_bub[igaus] * @penal_nsi
                    pr @elrbq[1]   === @elrbq[1]   + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha_bub[igaus] * @penal_nsi * @elbub[1]
                    pr @elrbq[1]   === @elrbq[1]   + @gpvol[igaus] * @gpsha_bub[igaus] * @gprhc[igaus]


x1 = Int("x", :dir => :in)
y1 = Real("y")
@pabdf_nsi = Procedure("pabdf_nsi",[x1], :return => y1){
  pr y1 === 1.0

C equivalents functions

Because in C there are no equivalent of the following functions, or intrinsics we need to write them. <<boast-c-functions>>


unless get_lang == FORTRAN then
  x2 = Int("x", :dir => :in, :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length], :dim => [Dim(1)])
  y2 = Int("y")
  @p_maxval = Procedure("maxval",[x2], :return => y2){
    if @opts[:vector_length] > 1 then
      decl i = Int("i")
      decl a = Int("a", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)

      pr a[1] === x2.dereference
      pr y2 === a[1]

      pr For(i,2,@opts[:vector_length]){
        pr If(a[i] > y2){
          pr y2 === a[i]
      pr y2 === x2[1]


unless get_lang == FORTRAN then
  x3 = Real("x", :dir => :in, :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])
  y3 = Real("y", :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])

  @p_tanh = Procedure("Tanh", [x3], :return => y3){
    decl i = Int("i")
    decl tmp1 = Real("tmp1", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    decl tmp2 = Real("tmp2", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    pr tmp1[1] === x3

    pr For(i,1,@opts[:vector_length]){
      pr tmp2[i] === Tanh(tmp1[i])
    pr y3 === tmp2[1] 


unless get_lang == FORTRAN then
  x4 = Real("x", :dir => :in, :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])
  y4 = Real("y", :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])

  @p_sqrt = Procedure("Sqrt", [x4], :return => y4){
    decl i = Int("i")
    decl tmp1 = Real("tmp1", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    decl tmp2 = Real("tmp2", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    pr tmp1[1] === x4

    pr For(i,1,@opts[:vector_length]){
      pr tmp2[i] === Sqrt(tmp1[i])
    pr y4 === tmp2[1] 


unless get_lang == FORTRAN then
  x5 = Real("x", :dir => :in, :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])
  y5 = Real("y", :dir => :in, :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])
  z5 = Real("z", :vector_length => @opts[:vector_length])

  @p_min = Procedure("Min", [x5,y5], :return => z5){
    decl i = Int("i")
    decl tmp1 = Real("tmp1", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    decl tmp2 = Real("tmp2", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    decl tmp3 = Real("tmp3", :dim => [Dim(@opts[:vector_length])], :allocate => true)
    pr tmp1[1] === x5
    pr tmp2[1] === y5

    pr For(i,1,@opts[:vector_length]){
      pr tmp3[i] === Ternary(tmp1[i] < tmp2[i], tmp1[i], tmp2[i])
    pr z5 === tmp3[1] 

Subroutine instanciation

The subroutines are created by simply creating instances and generating the procedure. When a user defined functions is used by a subroutine it need to be referenced by the Procedure like it is the case for the nest 2,8,10 and 11:

nests = {}
  case i
  when 2,10
    functions = {:pabdf_nsi => @pabdf_nsi}
  when 8
    functions = get_lang == FORTRAN ? nil :{:tanh => @p_tanh, :min => @p_min}
  when 11
    functions = get_lang == FORTRAN ? nil : {:maxval => @p_maxval}
    functions = nil
  eval "nests[:nest#{i}] = Nest#{i}::new(@opts,functions)"
  eval "nests[:nest#{i}].generate"

Frame to generate the kernel

However the subroutines have been previously generated the code has not been printed yet into the kernel, this is done using the method call of the subroutines.

class KSplitBoast < KSplitOss
  def generate
    if @opts[:unroll] then
      @dimensions = [2,3]
      @dimensions = [@ndime]

    register_funccall("maxval") if get_lang == FORTRAN
    register_funccall("epsilon") if get_lang == FORTRAN
    register_funccall("stop") if get_lang == FORTRAN




    includes = ["immintrin.h"]
    includes.push("string.h", "math.h", "float.h") if get_lang == C
    @kernel = CKernel::new( :includes => includes )
    functions = [@pabdf_nsi]
    functions.push @p_maxval unless get_lang == FORTRAN
    @kernel.procedure = declare_procedure(functions.flatten)

    # Printing subroutines           
    pr @pabdf_nsi
    unless get_lang == FORTRAN then
      pr @p_maxval
      pr @p_min
      pr @p_tanh
    nests.values.each{|n| pr n.code } unless @opts[:inline] == :included

    # Main procedure body
    opn @kernel.procedure
      # Local arrays


      # Either call subroutine or paste their code

    close @kernel.procedure

Emacs Setup

This document has local variables in its postembule, which should allow Org-mode to work seamlessly without any setup. If you’re uncomfortable using such variables, you can safely ignore them at startup. Exporting may require that you copy them in your .emacs.