A json-ld context cache/translation for reference QUDT - Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types "Ontologies". Essentially enable some form of canonical dimensional analysis of your JSON.
The QUDT Ontologies, and derived XML Vocabularies, are being developed by TopQuadrant and NASA. Originally, they were developed for the NASA Exploration Initiatives Ontology Models (NExIOM) project, a Constellation Program initiative at the AMES Research Center (ARC). They now for the basis of the NASA QUDT Handbook to be published by NASA Headquarters.
- Hosted on the github pages as well. https://nanonid.github.io/qudt.jsonld/qudt.jsonld
- Uses "jsonld" instead of the "json-ld" file extension. Although it seems canonical, it still is annoying to have the needless hyphen and possibly special character depending on parsing environment.
- No version in the resource name, for now.
- Using context file name in repostiory name creates a redundant looking and awkward URL. :/