To start, you need to download the application source code and install some tools. Here are the steps to follow:
Clone the repository with the --recursive option to automatically clone submodules:
git clone --recursive
Switch to the update branch (ms_update):
git checkout ms_update
Align the MapStore2 submodule to the version used by the new branch:
git submodule update
Ensure that you have NodeJS version >= 12 and an NPM version >= 6 installed. A compatible version can be downloaded from here. You can check the current versions using the following commands:
node -v
npm -v
Ensure that you have Java JDK >=1.8 installed. A compatible version can be downloaded from here.You can check the current versions using the following command:
java -version
javac -version
Ensure that you have Maven >= 3.6 installed. A compatible version can be downloaded from here.You can check the current versions using the following commands:
mvn -v
To build the application you can run the build script ( from a shell or command prompt:
./ <environment>
The parameter allows building with different configurations. The available environments are:
- demo: GeoSolutions development and test server (
- produzione: CSI-Piemonte production environment
New environments can be created easily editing the frontend/web/pom.xml file, in particular the profiles section.
The script builds both the frontend (using NPM) and the backend (using Maven) and produces a Java Web Archive file (war) that can be run on a Java Web Container (e.g. Apache Tomcat).
The final war is available as frontend/web/target/decsiraweb.war.
The script content is the following:
set -e
cd frontend
# install frontend dependencies
npm install
# compile the frontend javascript and css bundles
npm run compile
cd ..
# compile java backend services and create the final war
# using the $1 configuration (demo or produzione)
mvn clean install -Pweb,$1
The application can be deployed by simply copying the war in the Tomcat webapps folder, and eventually restarting Tomcat. After the deploy, the application will be available as:
Any Tomcat version >= 7 should work. A compatible version can be downloaded here
To develop the application locally, you will need:
- a running backend
- a running GeoServer
- a text editor or IDE (we suggest Visual Studio Code)
Start the development application locally:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
The application runs at http://localhost:8082
You can either use an already deployed backend (e.g. our dev-test instance) or deploy a local backend on Tomcat (as we have seen in the Deploying the application section).
To switch the backend to be used, you can edit the frontend/webpack.config.js file, changing all the target urls to point to the desired host/port (use http://localhost:8080 to switch to the local backend):
}, {
path: '/proxy',
pathRewrite: {'^/proxy': '/decsiraweb/proxy'},
host: "localhost",
target: ""
}, {
path: '/services/metadata',
pathRewrite: {'^/services/metadata': '/decsiraweb/services/metadata'},
host: "localhost",
target: ""
}, {
path: '/services/iride',
pathRewrite: {'^/services/iride': '/decsiraweb/services/iride'},
host: "localhost",
target: ""
}, {
path: '/decsiraweb/services/queryformconfig',
host: "localhost",
target: ""
}, {
path: '/geoserver/ows',
host: "localhost",
target: ""
}, {
path: '/territoriosliv1sisp',
host: "localhost",
target: ""
Remember to restart the frontend application (npm start) when you change this file.
The GeoServer to be used can be configured in the frontend/localConfig.json file. Just replace all ${url...} variables with a valid URL:
"geoStoreUrl": "rest/geostore",
"geoserverUrl": "${url.geoserver}/geoserver",
"secureGeoserverUrl": "${}/geoserver",
To use our demo server:
"geoStoreUrl": "rest/geostore",
"geoserverUrl": "",
"secureGeoserverUrl": "",
Ensure that your GeoServer instance has CORS enabled for your local client, so that the application requests are not blocked due to cross origin issues, or use a browser extension to simulate fake CORS headers (for example, for Chrome use can use ModHeader).