Get all the latest and greatest topics, across multiple languages, all in one convenient location!
On this homepage, you can easily access the latest news and top headlines with just one click. You won't have to worry 😥 about navigating for categories or languages. All you need to do is just click on the navigation link. That's all!
And you will get updated news in your preferred language.
This platform allows you to listen (AI feature) to and read your favourite headlines without any hassle.
So Listen Calmly!!
- Desktop View
- Mobile View
- Live Site URL: news homepage
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- React - JS library
- Vite - For performance
- Tailwind CSS - For styles
- ESlint -For JSLint errors
- Prettier - For formatting
Unit Testing with JEST and RTL
To run the test:
npm run test
To get the full coverage report:
npx jest --coverage