A small utility function that enables you to pass multiple ref functions / objects to a single react element and maintain them.
Tested on [email protected]
but is possibly compatible with older versions.
Install using yarn or npm
yarn add react-fork-ref
npm install react-fork-ref --save
Function Component
import {FC, useRef, Ref} from "react"
import forkRef from "react-fork-ref";
interface SampleComponentProps {
externalRef?: Ref<HTMLDivElement>;
const SampleComponent: FC<SampleComponentProps> = ({externalRef}) => {
const ref1 = useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
const logRef = (node:Node | null) => {
return (
<div ref={forkRef(ref1, logRef, externalRef)}/>
Class Component
import {Component, createRef, Ref, RefObject} from "react"
import forkRef from "react-fork-ref";
interface SampleComponentProps {
externalRef?: Ref<HTMLDivElement>;
class SampleComponent extends Component<SampleComponentProps, {}> {
ref1: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
constructor(props: SampleComponentProps) {
this.ref1 = createRef();
logRef(node: Node | null){
render() {
const {externalRef} = this.props;
return (
<div ref={forkRef(this.ref1, this.logRef, externalRef)}/>