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Tensor memory data path pattern matching
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zasdfgbnm committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent f246e8e commit aae038f
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Showing 2 changed files with 186 additions and 12 deletions.
184 changes: 179 additions & 5 deletions csrc/device_lower/analysis/tensor_memory.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,10 +8,15 @@

#include <device_lower/analysis/tensor_memory.h>
#include <device_lower/lower2device.h>
#include <expr_simplifier.h>
#include <fusion.h>
#include <ir/all_nodes.h>
#include <options.h>
#include <scheduler/tools/abstract_tensor.h>
#include <type.h>
#include <utils.h>

#include <ranges>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +198,38 @@ TMemAlllocationInfo computeTMemAlllocationInfo(Fusion* fusion) {
std::unordered_map<TensorView*, TMemRegisterDataPath>,
std::unordered_map<TensorView*, TMemRegisterDataPath>>
computeTMemLdStDataPath(Fusion* fusion) {
computeTMemLdStDataPath(Fusion* fusion, const TMemAlllocationInfo& allocation) {
// This function uses simplifyExpr extensively. If we have disable expression
// simplification in order to help inspect generated kernels then we will get
// incorrect results here. Instead, we ensure it is enabled using this guard.
DisableOptionsGuard dog;
// In the CUDA programming model, each CTA has TIDx, TIDy, and TIDz.
// Unfortunatly, the mapping of these TIDs to hardware concepts like warp,
// warp group, are not clear and depend on the kernel launch configuration.
// Here, we try to not assume anything like "TIDx must be a multiple of 32",
// but still, we must be able to validate and pattern match the data access
// of the tensor memory load/store.
const auto& pdim_map = GpuLower::current()->parallelDimensionMap();
// Get the TID Parallel types that we are interested in. We ignore parallel
// types that are not used in the kernel, and the ones that have size 1.
std::vector<ParallelType> tid_ptypes;
for (auto pt : {
}) {
Val* size = pdim_map.getRaw(pt);
if (size == nullptr) {
Val* size_is_one =
simplifyExpr(SimplifyingIrBuilder::eqExpr(size, fusion->oneVal()));
if (size_is_one->isTrue()) {
// For all expressions in the fusion, find the data path
using DPMap = std::unordered_map<TensorView*, TMemRegisterDataPath>;
DPMap load_data_path;
Expand All @@ -214,6 +250,132 @@ computeTMemLdStDataPath(Fusion* fusion) {
} else {
const auto& loop_domain = ir_utils::getTvOutput(ldst)->getLoopDomain();
const auto& tmem_tv_info = allocation.getTVInfo(tmem_tv);
auto& id_graph = GpuLower::current()->tensorIndexer().traversalGraph();
ValGroups lane_allocation_valgroups =

"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store: ",
"TMem load/store must be warp-collective, but CTA size is one.");

// We need to construct a ValGroup that represents "warp" for this
// expression from consumer's loop domain. Naively speaking, it is just
// split(TIDz * TIDy * TIDx, 32).inner, where TIDz, TIDy and TIDx are the
// IterDomains in the loop domain that has such parallelization. But
// unfortunately, in reality, it is not that simple. NVFuser allows
// parallelizating IterDomains in an inexact way, for example, if the
// kernel's parallel dimension size for TIDx is 64, then the IterDomain
// being parallelized with TIDx does not have to be exactly 64. This
// inexactness is especially common in warp-specialized kernels. If, for
// example, the TIDx parallelized IterDomain in the loop domain is not
// exact, then split(TIDz * TIDy * TIDx, 32).inner may not be the warp.
// To handle this, we need to introduce a concept called "contiguity of
// parallel types in the loop domain". We can represent wap as
// split(TIDz * TIDy * TIDx, 32).inner if and only if TIDz and TIDy
// are contiguous. If TIDz is not contiguous but TIDy is, then warp would
// be split(TIDy * TIDx, 32).inner. If neither TIDz nor TIDy is contiguous,
// then warp would be split(TIDx, 32).inner.

// Get the contiguity of tid_ptypes in the loop domain.
// The contiguity of each item in tid_ptypes are defined as follows:
// - The inner tid_ptypes is always contiguous.
// - The item at index i is contiguous if the item at index i+1 is
// exact(its extent in the loop domain is the same as parallel
// dimension size of the kernel).
std::vector<bool> contiguity;
bool prev_exact = true;
for (ParallelType pt : std::views::reverse(tid_ptypes)) {
// Update prev_exact
if (pdim_map.isExact(pt)) {
// If the parallel dimension map says exact, then all IDs with this
// parallel type have the same extent, so we can skip the equality check
// below.
prev_exact = true;
// If the parallel dimension map does not say exact, then pt could still
// be exact in this loop domain if the corresponding ID's extent is the
// same as the parallel dimension size of the kernel.
Val* pt_extent = pdim_map.getRaw(pt);
auto pt_in_loop_domain_it = std::find_if(
loop_domain.begin(), loop_domain.end(), [pt](IterDomain* id) {
return id->getParallelType() == pt;
if (pt_in_loop_domain_it == loop_domain.end()) {
prev_exact = false;
IterDomain* pt_in_loop_domain = *pt_in_loop_domain_it;
Val* extent_in_loop_domain = pt_in_loop_domain->extent();
// If we can not symbolically prove that the extents are the same, then
// we assume that they are not the same.
prev_exact = simplifyExpr(SimplifyingIrBuilder::eqExpr(
pt_extent, extent_in_loop_domain))
std::reverse(contiguity.begin(), contiguity.end());

// Grab ValGroups for each parallel type from loop domain and store it in
// AbstractTensor
struct Contiguity {
bool contiguity;
static Contiguity merge(Contiguity x, Contiguity y) {
return {y.contiguity};
static std::pair<Contiguity, Contiguity> split(Contiguity x) {
return {{true}, x};
static std::pair<Contiguity, Contiguity> swizzle(
Contiguity x,
Contiguity y) {
NVF_THROW("Should not reach here");
AbstractTensorWithInfo<Contiguity> pdims;
for (auto [i, pt] : enumerate(tid_ptypes)) {
auto id_it = std::find_if(
loop_domain.begin(), loop_domain.end(), [pt](IterDomain* id) {
return id->getParallelType() == pt;
if (id_it == loop_domain.end()) {
IterDomain* id = *id_it;
const ValGroup& val_group = id_graph.toGroup(id);
ValGroupAndItsGraph{val_group, &id_graph}, Contiguity{contiguity[i]});

// Merge contiguous parallel types
for (int64_t index = 0; index < (int64_t)pdims.size() - 1;) {
if ( {
} else {

// The innermost merged parallel type must be a multiple of 32, otherwise
// the expr won't be warp-collective.
Val* inner_extent = pdims.back()
Val* inner_extent_is_multiple_of_32 = SimplifyingIrBuilder::eqExpr(
inner_extent, IrBuilder::create<Val>(32, DataType::Index)),
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store: ",
"TMem load/store must be warp-collective, but the innermost extent is not a multiple of 32.");

// Start pattern matching:
// fail_reasons will be used to store the reasons why the pattern does
Expand All @@ -223,11 +385,23 @@ computeTMemLdStDataPath(Fusion* fusion) {
// Pattern match 32x32b
if (!matched) {
std::string reason_32x32b = "";
if (true) { // TODO: Implement the pattern matching
AbstractTensorWithInfo<Contiguity> t = pdims;
t.split(-1, 32);
const ValGroup& warp = t.back().as<ValGroupAndItsGraph>().group;
Val* stride = lower_utils::proveLinearAndGetStride(
id_graph, warp, lane_allocation_valgroups);
if (stride == nullptr) {
reason_32x32b =
"Not 32x32b because warps are not linearly accessing the lane allocation.";
} else {
SimplifyingIrBuilder::eqExpr(stride, fusion->oneVal()),
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store: ",
"Warp linearly accessing lanes, but not with stride 1.");
matched = true;
(*target)[tmem_tv] = TMemRegisterDataPath::Path32x32b;
// TODO: Pattern match 16x64b
if (!matched) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,7 +448,7 @@ TensorMemoryInfo computeTMemInfo(Fusion* fusion) {
TensorMemoryInfo result;
result.allocation = computeTMemAlllocationInfo(fusion);
std::tie(result.load_data_path, result.store_data_path) =
computeTMemLdStDataPath(fusion, result.allocation);
return result;

Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions doc/dev/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -485,7 +485,6 @@ With the above restrictions in mind, let's take a look at a few examples of how
NOT to schedule TMem load and store:<!-- */ //-->\
TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, NotWarpCollective) {
Fusion fusion;
FusionGuard fg(&fusion);

Expand All @@ -507,16 +506,17 @@ TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, NotWarpCollective) {

[&]() { KernelExecutor().compile(&fusion); },
::testing::HasSubstr("TMem load/store must be warp collective.")));
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store: "
"TMem load/store must be warp-collective, "
"but the innermost extent is not a multiple of 32.")));
} /*
The above example is invalid because there are only 16 threads in the kernel.
Warp collective operations require at least a whole warp to run.<!-- */ //-->\
TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, NotContiguous) {
Fusion fusion;
FusionGuard fg(&fusion);
Expand All @@ -540,7 +540,8 @@ TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, NotContiguous) {
[&]() { KernelExecutor().compile(&fusion); },
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store.")));
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store: "
"Warp linearly accessing lanes, but not with stride 1.")));
} /*

Expand All @@ -552,7 +553,6 @@ patterns requires the warp to access a contiguous 32 or 16 lanes of data
.<!-- */ //-->\
TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, OneLane) {
Fusion fusion;
FusionGuard fg(&fusion);

Expand All @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ TEST_F(TMemTutorialC, OneLane) {
[&]() { KernelExecutor().compile(&fusion); },
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store.")));
"Invalid data access pattern in TMem load/store:")));
} /*
Expand Down

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