This is a simple package that uses a few nodelets from the pcl_ros ROS
package. The basic idea is that we’ve constructed a pipeline of pointcloud
processing steps where the overall goal is to extract a few objects sitting on
a tabletop into separate point clouds and calculate the centroid of each of
these clouds. Most of the processing steps use nodelets and the nodelets
operate on sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
messages (that might come from an Intel D435i)
In this demo, you can either use live data from a
device, or the package includes a PCD file that can be used if you don’t have
access to a device.
The majority of the package is implemented in a single launch file called nodelet_table_extraction.launch. At a high level, the pipeline follows these steps:
- Either a depth sensor device or a PCD file is used to publish a
on the/camera/depth/points
topic. - A pcl/CropBox filter nodelet is used to throw away all points that exist outside of a cubic volume described by maximum and minimum bounds in x,y,z coordinate axes.
- The output of the
filter is fed into a pcl/VoxelGrid filter nodelet that downsamples the point cloud to a coarser point cloud that uses less data. - The output of the
nodelet is fed into a pcl/SACSegmentation nodelet nodelet that is used to extract a planar model from the point cloud. If yourpcl/CropBox
filter parameters have been tuned correctly, this plane should be the surface of the table top. This nodelet produces two things (i) apcl_msgs/PointIndices
message containing the indices of the points in the input cloud that belong to the plane, and (ii) the model parameters of the plane published as apcl_msgs/ModelCoefficients
(the plane is parameterized as ax+by+cz+d=0). These parameters represent a least-squares plane that best fits the points that belong to the plane. - The indices are fed into two pcl/ExtractIndices filter nodelets that are used to create point clouds (as opposed to lists of indices) of the points that belong to the plane, and the points that don’t belong to the plane. These point clouds are not strictly necessary, but they do help visualization.
- The node subscribes to the model coefficients
from the plane extraction. Every time a client calls the
service that this node offers (called/table_cutoff/update_table_model
), this node updates its internal model of where the table is. It provides this information to the ROS world by broadcasting a/tf
transform from the frame the original cloud is expressed in (camera_depth_optical_frame
) to a frame calledtable_frame
. - A pcl/PassThrough filter nodelet is then used to throw away all points
that are at or below the plane extracted during plane extraction. This is
done by setting the
private parameter for the nodelet to betable_frame
. Thus, if
node has provided the transform to thetable_frame
, then the limits of the pass through filter are easy to calculate. - The output of the
nodelet is fed into a pcl/StatisticalOutlierRemoval filter nodelet that helps to remove random stray points. - The output of the
filter is fed into the cluster_extraction node. This simple C++ node subscribes to the output of theStatisticalOutlierRemoval
filter, it converts this cloud into a PCL datatype, and then it callspcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction<pcl::PointXYZ>.extract
to produce astd::vector<pcl::PointIndices>
. Each element in thisstd_vector
is of typepcl::PointIndices
, and the values in thepcl::PointIndices
entries represent the points in the original cloud that belong to each cluster detected during cluster extraction. This data is used to construct point clouds for up toMAX_CLUSTERS
and publish them on separate topics (named/cluster_X_cloud
). The centroids of each of these cluster clouds are also computed and published asgeometry_msgs/PointStamped
messages (on the/cluster_X_point
topics) and sent as/tf
To run using the included PCD file simply run
roslaunch nodelet_pcl_demo nodelet_table_extraction.launch pcd:=true
This will use the pcd_to_pointcloud
node from the pcl_ros
package to read
the PCD file, and repeatedly publish it on the /camera/depth/points
(at approx. 20Hz). The included PCD file is a slightly modified version of
the table_scene_lms400.pcd file used in the PCL Euclidean Cluster Extraction Tutorial. The only difference is that I’ve rotated the raw data by π radians about the x axis. This was to ensure that the coordinate systems when using the PCD data agreed with the data one would get when using openni_launch
or openni2_launch
Once all of the nodes/nodelets are up-and-running, you can call the
service to update the location of the
table’s plane in the ROS world. This can be done by running
rosservice call /table_cutoff/update_table_model "{}"
In rviz
you should be able to see the output of all of the steps of the
pipeline described above (all steps have labeled displays in the rviz
config that is automatically loaded).
roslaunch nodelet_pcl_demo nodelet_table_extraction.launch source:=<source>
The source
parameter determines where the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
data comes from.
- Use “openni” for an openni device such as a ASUS Xtion PRO LIVE.
- Use “realsense” for an Intel RealSense
- Use “pcd” to open the test data.
- Use “none” to launch your own camera source. For example,
- Kinect for Box 360 using freenect_launch
- Kinect for Xbox One using iai_kinect2
- The
argument sets the minimum distance between table and camera. Default is 0.5m
You need to call the /table_cutoff/update_table_model
service to update
the geometry of the table. When using live data, it makes sense to look at the PlanarInlierCloud
in rviz
to ensure that you are accurately
fitting the desired plane before calling this service. As before, the
service can be called at the command line using
rosservice call /table_cutoff/update_table_model "{}"
When using live data, you may have to tune some of the parameters in the launch file to achieve the desired performance. Note that many of the parameters can be tuned in real time using rqt_reconfigure.