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Adding Options to the ApplyUpgrade measure

Noel Merket edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 4 revisions

You are likely here because you got an error from the validation step about increasing the number of options or costs. Here's how you do that.

Modify constants.rb so that NumApplyUpgradeOptions and NumApplyUpgradesCostsPerOption are each greater than or equal to the number in your project as reported by the validation error.

Constants.rb locations:

Then run the following command to update the measure. A matching version of openstudio to the one in ResStock or ComStock will need to be in your path.

openstudio measure -u measures/ApplyUpgrade

If you are working on Kestrel or Eagle, OpenStudio can be run from Apptainer as follows:

module load apptainer
cd ~/resstock # or wherever you cloned the resstock repo
apptainer exec /kfs2/shared-projects/buildstock/apptainer_images/OpenStudio-3.7.0.d5269793f1-Apptainer.sif openstudio measure -u measures/ApplyUpgrade

You may need to change the path of the Apptainer image above to match the version of OpenStudio you are using. The image may have a *.sif or *.simg extension. The above instructions are for Kestrel. The path to the apptainer images on Eagle is /shared-projects/buildstock/singularity_images.