Date Range 4/13/19 - 6/5/19
- Update AWS Gem
- Added support for pre-releases: both using pre-release versions of OpenStudio and publishing pre-release builds of OpenStudio Server
- Updated handling of environment variables for OpenStudio CLI
Accepted Pull Requests: 8
- Fixed #472, add rstan and field to R
- Fixed #473, set up CI to work w/pre-release OpenStudio packages by adding OPENSTUDIO_VERSION_EXT.
- Fixed #482, Worker Init/Final Log on Datapoint
- Fixed #484, Copyrights and Set Gem Version Update
- Fixed #485, rubocop-rspec 1.32.0
- Fixed #487, Prepare 2.8.1
- Fixed #488, fix redis to 4.1.0 since 4.1.2 needs ruby 2.3.0
- Fixed #492, 2.8.1-rc1