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Merge pull request #164 from hertneky/v2_doc_mods
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Documentation modifications for release/public-v2
fossell authored Sep 3, 2020


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
2 parents ba89a7d + 4123463 commit bacadb2
Showing 9 changed files with 809 additions and 46 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Acknowledgments.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Jovic and Mathew Pyle (NCEP/EMC). Transitioning of the documentation
from the WRF Post Processor to the Unified Post Processor was performed
by Nicole McKee (NCEP/EMC), Hui-ya Chuang (NCEP/EMC), and Jamie Wolff
(NCAR/RAL/DTC). Implementation of the Community Unified Post Processor
was performed by Tricia Slovacek and Kate Fossell (NCAR/RAL/DTC).
was performed by Tricia Slovacek, Kate Fossell, and Tracy Hertneky (NCAR/RAL/DTC).


23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions docs/InputsOutputs.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,8 +46,15 @@ The user interacts with unipost through the control file to define what fields a

A default control file, *postxconfig-NT.txt*, is provided and read by unipost. For users wishing to customize the control file to add or remove fields and/or levels, they may do so by modyfying the postcntrl.xml and then remaking the text file required by unipost.

The `GRIB2 Output Table <\_0.pdf>`_ lists basic and derived fields currently produced by unipost
for grib2.
The tables below list all fields that are included in the released versions of the various UFS applications. All fields in the tables may not be present in your output depending on whether the field dependencies are available in your model output.

- :doc:`MRW_GFSPRS_table`

UFS SRW Tables
- :doc:`SRW_BGDAWP_table`
- :doc:`SRW_BGRD3D_table`

Controlling which variables unipost outputs
@@ -98,21 +105,21 @@ for output. The following levels are currently available for output:
Creating the Flat Text File

For outputting GRIB2 format using version 4.0, a preprocessing step
is required by the user to convert the xml file
If the control file requires any modifications, a preprocessing step
will be required by the user to convert the modified xml file
*parm/postcntrl.xml* to a flat text file
*parm/postxconfig-NT.txt*. The flat file is quicker to process
than the xml file. The user will first need to edit the
*parm/postxconfig-NT.txt*. The user will first need to edit the
*postcntrl.xml* file to declare which fields are to be output
from UPP.

In order to ensure that the user-edited xml files are error free, XML
stylesheets (*parm/EMC\_POST\_CTRL\_Schema.xsd* and
*EMC\_POST\_Avblflds\_Schema.xsd*) are used to validate both the
*EMC\_POST\_Avblflds\_Schema.xsd*) can be used to validate both the
*postcntrl.xml* and *post\_avblflds.xml* files, respectively.
Confirmation of validation will be given (e.g. postcntrl.xml
validates) or otherwise return errors if it does not match the
schema. To run the validation:
schema. This step is optional, but acts as a safe-guard to avoid run-time
failures with UPP. To run the validation:

*xmllint --noout --schema EMC\_POST\_CTRL\_Schema.xsd
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions docs/MRW_GFSPRS_table.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
No.,Field Description,Level Type,Short Name,nlvl
1,Height on pressure surface,isobaric,HGT,57
2,Temperature on pressure surface,isobaric,TMP,57
3,Specific humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,SPFH,57
4,Relative humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,RH,57
5,U component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,UGRD,57
6,V component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,VGRD,57
7,Vertical velocity on pressure surface,isobaric,DZDT,45
8,Omega on pressure surface,isobaric,VVEL,45
9,Absolute vorticity on pressure surface,isobaric,ABSV,57
10,Ozone on pressure surface,isobaric,O3MR,32
11,Cloud water mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,CLWMR,39
12,Cloud ice mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,ICMR,39
13,Rain mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,RWMR,39
14,Snow mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,SNMR,39
15,Graupel mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,GRLE,39
16,Composite radar reflectivity,entire atmosphere,REFC,1
17,Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure,mean sea level,MSLET,1
18,Shuell sea level pressure,mean sea level,PRES,1
19,Temperature at 2m,height agl,TMP,1
20,Specific humidity at 2m,height agl,SPFH,1
21,Dew point temperature at 2m,height agl,DPT,1
22,Relative humidity at 2m,height agl,RH,1
23,U component of wind at 10m,height agl,UGRD,1
24,V component of wind at 10m,height agl,VGRD,1
25,Surface Pressure,surface,PRES,1
26,Terrain height,surface,HGT,1
27,Skin temperature,surface,TMP,1
28,Soil temperature in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,TSOIL,4
29,Soil moisture in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,SOILW,4
30,Liquid soil moisture in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,SOILL,4
31,Plant canopy surface water,surface,CNWAT,1
32,Snow water equivalent,surface,WEASD,1
33,Potential evaporation,surface,PEVPR,1
34,Ice thickness,surface,ICETK,1
35,Snow depth,surface,SNOD,1
36,Wilting point,surface,WILT,1
37,Field Capacity,surface,FLDCP,1
38,Surface lifted index,surface,LFTX,1
39,Best lifted index (4 layer),surface,4LFTX,1
40,Parcel lifted index,pressure above ground,PLI,1
41,Convective available potential energy,surface,CAPE,1
42,Best cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
43,Unstable cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
44,Convective inhibition,surface,CIN,1
45,Best cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
46,Unstable cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
47,Column integrated precipitable water,entire atmosphere,PWAT,1
48,Helicity,height agl,HLCY,1
49,U component storm motion,height agl,USTM,1
50,V component storm motion,height agl,VSTM,1
51,Accumulated total precipitation,surface,APCP,1
52,Accumulated convective precipitation,surface,ACPCP,1
53,Accumulated grid-scale precipitation,surface,NCPCP,1
54,Continuous accumulated total precipitation,surface,APCP,1
55,Continuous accumulated convective precipitation,surface,ACPCP,1
56,Continuous accumulated grid-scale precipitation,surface,NCPCP,1
57,Categorical rain (instantaneous),surface,CRAIN,1
58,Categorical snow (instantaneous),surface,CSNOW,1
59,Categorical ice pellets (instantaneous),surface,CICEP,1
60,Categorical freezing rain (instantaneous),surface,CFRZR,1
61,Categorical rain (average),surface,CRAIN,1
62,Categorical snow (average),surface,CSNOW,1
63,Categorical ice pellets (average),surface,CICEP,1
64,Categorical freezing rain (average),surface,CFRZR,1
65,Average precipitation rate,surface,PRATE,1
66,Average convective precipitation rate,surface,CPRAT,1
67,Average low cloud fraction,low cloud layer,TCDC,1
68,Average mid cloud fraction,mid cloud layer,TCDC,1
69,Average high cloud fraction,high cloud layer,TCDC,1
70,Average total cloud fraction,entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
72,Average incoming surface shortwave radiation,surface,DSWRF,1
73,Average clear sky incoming UV-B shortwave,surface,CDUVB,1
74,Average incoming UV-B shortwave,surface,DUVB,1
75,Average incoming surface longwave radiation,surface,DLWRF,1
76,Average outgoing surface shortwave radiation,surface,USWRF,1
77,Average outgoing surface longwave radiation,surface,ULWRF,1
78,Average outgoing model top shortwave radiation,top of atmosphere,USWRF,1
79,Average outgoing model top longwave radiation,top of atmosphere,ULWRF,1
80,Total spectrum brightness temperature,top of atmosphere,BRTMP,1
81,Roughness length,surface,SFCR,1
82,Friction velocity,surface,FRICV,1
83,Average surface sensible heat flux,surface,SHTFL,1
84,Average ground heat flux,surface,GFLUX,1
85,Average surface latent heat flux,surface,LHTFL,1
86,Average surface zonal momentum flux,surface,UFLX,1
87,Average surface meridional momentum flux,surface,VFLX,1
88,Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0),surface,LAND,1
89,Sea ice mask,surface,ICEC,1
90,Average albedo,surface,ALBDO,1
91,Pressure at tropopause,tropopause,PRES,1
92,Height at tropopause,tropopause,HGT,1
93,Temperature at tropopause,tropopause,TMP,1
94,U component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,UGRD,1
95,V component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,VGRD,1
96,Wind shear at tropopause,tropopause,VWSH,1
97,Temperature at flight levels,height msl,TMP,8
98,U component of wind at flight levels,height msl,UGRD,8
99,V component of wind at flight levels,height msl,VGRD,8
100,Temperature at flight levels,height agl,TMP,2
101,U component of wind at flight levels,height agl,UGRD,6
102,V component of wind at flight levels,height agl,VGRD,6
103,Pressure at flight levels,height agl,PRES,1
104,Specific humidity at flight levels,height agl,SPFH,1
105,Freezing level height,0 degree isotherm,HGT,1
106,Freezing level relative humidity,0 degree isotherm,RH,1
107,Highest freezing level height,highest tropospheric frz lvl,HGT,1
108,Highest freezing level relative humidity,highest tropospheric frz lvl,RH,1
109,Temperature in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,TMP,6
110,Dew point temperature in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,DPT,1
111,Specific humidity in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,SPFH,6
112,Relative humidity in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,RH,6
113,Precipitable water in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,PWAT,1
114,U component of wind in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,UGRD,6
115,V component of wind in layer between pressure levels,pressure layer agl,VGRD,6
116,Relative humidity on sigma level 0.33-1.0,sigma level,RH,1
117,Relative humidity on sigma level 0.44-1.0,sigma level,RH,1
118,Relative humidity on sigma level 0.72-0.94,sigma level,RH,1
119,Relative humidity on sigma level 0.44-0.72,sigma level,RH,1
120,Temperature on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,TMP,1
121,Potential temperature on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,POT,1
122,Relative humidity on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,RH,1
123,U component of wind on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,UGRD,1
124,V component of wind on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,VGRD,1
125,Omega on sigma level 0.9950,sigma level,VVEL,1
126,Maximum wind pressure level,max wind,PRES,1
127,Maximum wind height,max wind,HGT,1
128,U component of maximum wind,max wind,UGRD,1
129,V component of maximum wind,max wind,VGRD,1
130,Temperature at maximum wind level,max wind,TMP,1
131,Planetary boundary layer height,surface,HPBL,1
132,Convective cloud bottom pressure,convective cloud bottom,PRES,1
133,Convective cloud top pressure,convective cloud top,PRES,1
134,Average low cloud bottom pressure,low cloud bottom,PRES,1
135,Average mid cloud bottom pressure,mid cloud bottom,PRES,1
136,Average high cloud bottom pressure,high cloud bottom,PRES,1
137,Average low cloud top pressure,low cloud top,PRES,1
138,Average mid cloud top pressure,mid cloud top,PRES,1
139,Average high cloud top pressure,high cloud top,PRES,1
140,Average low cloud top temperature,low cloud top,TMP,1
141,Average mid cloud top temperature,mid cloud top,TMP,1
142,Average high cloud top temperature,high cloud top,TMP,1
143,Total cloud fraction on convective cloud layer,entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
144,Column integrated cloud water,entire atmosphere,CWAT,1
145,Total column relative humidity,entire atmosphere,RH,1
146,Total column ozone,entire atmosphere,TOZNE,1
147,Surface wind gust,surface,GUST,1
148,LCL level pressure,pressure layer agl,PLPL,1
149,Cloud fraction on pressure surface,isobaric,TCDC,39
150,U component of wind on theta surface,isentropic,UGRD,1
151,V component of wind on theta surface,isentropic,VGRD,1
152,Temperature on theta surface,isentropic,TMP,1
153,Potential vorticity on theta surface,isentropic,PVORT,1
154,Montgomery stream function on theta surface,isentropic,MNTSF,1
155,U component of wind on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,UGRD,8
156,V component of wind on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,VGRD,8
157,Temperature on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,TMP,8
158,Height on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,HGT,8
159,Pressure on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,PRES,8
160,Wind shear on constant PV surface,potential vorticity surface,VWSH,8
161,Average planetary boundary layer cloud fraction,boundary layer cloud layer,TCDC,1
162,Cloud work function,entire atmosphere,CWORK,1
163,Average zonal gravity wave stress,surface,U-GWD,1
164,Average meridional gravity wave stress,surface,V-GWD,1
165,Average water runoff,surface,WATR,1
166,Maximum 2m temperature,height agl,TMAX,1
167,Minimum 2m temperature,height agl,TMIN,1
168,ICAO height at maximum wind level,max wind,ICAHT,1
169,ICAO height at tropopause,tropopause,ICAHT,1
170,Sunshine duration,surface,SUNSD,1
171,Transport u component of wind,planetary boundary layer,UGRD,1
172,Transport v component of wind,planetary boundary layer,VGRD,1
173,Ventilation rate,planetary boundary layer,VRATE,1
174,Haines index,surface,HINDEX,1
175,Fraction of frozen precipitation,surface,CPOFP,1
176,Apparent temperature at 2m,height agl,APTMP,1
177,Instantaneous precipitation rate,surface,PRATE,1
178,Convective precipitation rate,surface,CPRAT,1
179,Snow mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,SNMR,1
180,Rain mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,RWMR,1
181,Cloud water mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,CLWMR,1
182,Cloud ice mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,ICMR,1
183,Graupel mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,GRLE,1
184,Ice growth rate,height msl,ICEG,1
185,Soil type,surface,SOTYP,1
186,Vegetation cover,surface,VEG,1
187,Sea ice skin temperature,surface,ICETMP,1
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/MRW_GFSPRS_table.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Fields Requested in the UPP Parameter Table for MRW

Field description (column 1), level type as defined by WMO (column 2), abbreviated names
as they appear in the Grib2 output file (column 3), and number of levels output (column 4).

.. csv-table::
:file: MRW_GFSPRS_table.csv
:widths: 5, 40, 30, 15, 10
:header-rows: 1
142 changes: 105 additions & 37 deletions docs/Regridding.rst
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@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ Regridding

Users that wish to interpolate their unipost output to a different grid
may do so with the *wgrib2* utility. The general format for re-gridding
to a lat-lon grid is given in the example.

Examples of wgrib2
to various common projections are outlined in the following examples.

*Wgrib2* is a versatile program that has the ability to convert
grib2 files from one grid to another for various user-defined grids as
@@ -17,39 +13,111 @@ re-gridding for all available grid definitions can be found at:

Sample command line usage for calling wgrib2:

*wgrib2 -new\_grid\_winds W -new\_grid A B C outfile*


**W** = earth or grid

earth: winds oriented to the earths north and south directions

grid: winds are rotated so that north is relative to the grid

**A**, **B**, and **C** represent the output grid description

Sample lat-lon grid description:

**A** = latlon

**B** = lon0:nlon:dlon

lon0 is longitude of first grid point in degrees

nlon is number of longitudes

dlon is grid resolution in degrees of longitude

**C** = lat0:nlat:dlat

lat0 is latitude of first grid point

nlat is number of latitudes
Examples of wgrib2

dlat is grid resolution in degrees of latitude
**Example 1: Latitude-Longitude Grid**

*-new_grid latlon lon0:nlon:dlon lat0:nlat:dlat outfile*

| Variable | Description |
| lon0 | Longitude of first grid point in degrees |
| nlon | Number of longitudes |
| dlon | Grid resolution in degrees of longitude |
| lat0 | Latitude of first grid point in degrees |
| nlat | Number of latitudes |
| dlat | Grid resolution in degrees of latitude |

**Example 2: Lambert Conic Conformal Grid**

*-new_grid lambert:lov:latin1:latin2 lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy outfile*

| Variable | Description |
| lov | Longitude where y axis is parallel to meridian in degrees |
| latin1 | First latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone in degrees |
| latin2 | Second latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone in degrees |
| lon0 | Longitude of the first grid point in degrees |
| nx | Total number of grid points along x |
| dx | Grid cell size in meters in x direction |
| lat0 | Latitude of the first grid point in degrees |
| ny | Total number of grid points along y |
| dy | Grid cell size in meters in y direction |

**Example 3: Polar Stereographic Grid**

*-new_grid nps(or SPS):lov:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy outfile*

| Variable | Description |
| nps/sps | North/south polar stereographic |
| lov | Longitude where y axis is parallel to meridian in degrees |
| lad | Latitude where dx and dy are specified |
| lon0 | Longitude of the first grid point in degrees |
| nx | Total number of grid points along x |
| dx | Grid cell distance in meters in x direction at lad |
| lat0 | Latitude of the first grid point in degrees |
| ny | Total number of grid points along y |
| dy | Grid cell distance in meters in y direction at lad |


*-new_grid_winds grid(or earth)*

| Variable | Description |
| grid | U-wind goes from grid (i,J) to (i+1,j) |
| earth | U-wind goes eastward, V-wind goes northward |


The default interpolation type is bilinear, but it can be set to another type (e.g. neighbor, budget).

*-new_grid_interpolation type*

**Operational Example**

Interpolates to a 0.25 degree latitude-longitude grid using various interpolation types depending on the variable.

| *wgrib2 infile -set_grib_type same -new_grid_winds earth |*
| *-new_grid_interpolation bilinear |*
| *-if ":(CRAIN|CICEP|CFRZR|CSNOW|ICSEV):" -new_grid_interpolation neighbor -fi |*
| *-set_bitmap 1 -set_grib_max_bits 16 |*
| *-if ":(APCP|ACPCP|PRATE|CPRAT):" -set_grib_max_bits 25 -fi |*
| *-if ":(APCP|ACPCP|PRATE|CPRAT|DZDT):" -new_grid_interpolation budget -if |*
| *-new_grid "latlon 0:1440:0.25 90:721:-0.25" outfile*
**Note:** *wgrib2 is not distributed within the UFS weather
application. Users may download and install from
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions docs/SRW_BGDAWP_table.csv
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@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
No.,Field Description,Level Type,Short Name,nlvl
1,Pressure on model surface,hybrid,PRES,2
2,Height on model surface,hybrid,HGT,2
3,Temperature on model surface,hybrid,TMP,2
4,Potential temperature on model surface,hybrid,POT,2
5,Dew point temperature on model surface,hybrid,DPT,2
6,Specific humidity on model surface,hybrid,SPFH,1
7,Relative humidity on model surface,hybrid,RH,1
8,U component of wind on model surface,hybrid,UGRD,2
9,V component of wind on model surface,hybrid,VGRD,2
10,Omega on model surface,hybrid,VVEL,1
11,Vertical velocity on model surface,hybrid,DZDT,1
12,Turbulent kinetic energy on model surface,hybrid,TKE,2
13,Rain mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,RWMR,2
14,Snow mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,SNMR,2
15,Rimming factor for Ferrier scheme on model surface,hybrid,RIME,2
16,Total condensate for Ferrier scheme on mode surface,hybrid,TCOND,2
17,Radar reflectivity on model surface,hybrid,REFD,2
18,Master length scale on model surface,hybrid,BMIXL,1
19,Height on pressure surface,isobaric,HGT,46
20,Temperature on pressure surface,isobaric,TMP,46
21,Dew point temperature on pressure surface,isobaric,DPT,46
22,Specific humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,SPFH,46
23,Relative humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,RH,46
24,Moisture convergence on pressure surface,isobaric,MCONV,2
25,U component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,UGRD,46
26,V component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,VGRD,46
27,Vertical velocity on pressure surface,isobaric,DZDT,46
28,Omega on pressure surface,isobaric,VVEL,46
29,Absolute vorticity on pressure surface,isobaric,ABSV,10
30,Geostrophic streamfunction on pressure surface,isobaric,STRM,2
31,Turbulent kinetic energy on pressure surface,isobaric,TKE,46
32,Cloud ice mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,ICMR,46
33,Cloud water mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,CLWMR,46
34,Rain mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,RWMR,46
35,Snow mixing ratio on pressure surface,isobaric,SNMR,46
36,Rimming factor for Ferrier scheme on pressure surface,isobaric,RIME,46
37,Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure,mean sea level,MSLET,1
38,Shuell sea level pressure,mean sea level,PRES,1
39,Temperature at 2m,height agl,TMP,1
40,Specific humidity at 2m,height agl,SPFH,1
41,Dew point temperature at 2m,height agl,DPT,1
42,Relative humidity at 2m,height agl,RH,1
43,U component of wind at 10m,height agl,UGRD,1
44,V component of wind at 10m,height agl,VGRD,1
45,Surface wind gust,surface,GUST,1
46,LCL level pressure,pressure layer agl,PLPL,1
47,Potential temperature at 10m,height agl,POT,1
48,Specific humidity at 10m,height agl,SPFH,1
49,Surface Pressure,surface,PRES,1
50,Terrain height,surface,HGT,1
51,Skin potential temperature,surface,POT,1
52,Skin specific humidity,surface,SPFH,1
53,Skin temperature,surface,TMP,1
54,Soil temperature at 3m,depth below land surface,TSOIL,1
55,Soil temperature in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,TSOIL,4
56,Soil moisture in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,SOILW,4
57,Liquid soil moisture in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,SOILL,4
58,Total soil moisture,depth below land surface,SOILM,1
59,Plant canopy surface water,surface,CNWAT,1
60,Snow water equivalent,surface,WEASD,1
61,Snow cover in percentage,surface,SNOWC,1
62,Heat exchange coeff at surface,surface,SFEXC,1
63,Vegetation cover,surface,VEG,1
64,Vegetation type,surface,VGTYP,1
65,Soil type,surface,SOTYP,1
66,Snow free albedo,surface,SNFALB,1
67,Maximum snow albedo,surface,MXSALB,1
68,Canopy conductance,surface,CCOND,1
69,Canopy conductance - solar component,surface,RCS,1
70,Canopy conductance - temperature component,surface,RCT,1
71,Canopy conductance - humidity component,surface,RCQ,1
72,Canopy conductance - soil component,surface,RCSOL,1
73,Soil moist reference,surface,SMREF,1
74,Soil moist porosity,surface,POROS,1
75,Number of root layers,surface,RLYRS,1
76,Minimum stomatal resistance,surface,RSMIN,1
77,Snow depth,surface,SNOD,1
78,Air dry soil moisture,surface,SMDRY,1
79,Soil moist wilting point,surface,WILT,1
80,Soil moisture availability,depth below land surface,MSTAV,1
81,Ground heat flux (instantaneous),surface,GFLUX,1
82,Lifted index—surface based (500-1000 hPa),isobaric,LFTX,1
83,Lifted index—best,pressure above ground,4LFTX,1
84,Lifted index—parcel,pressure above ground,PLI,1
85,Convective available potential energy,surface,CAPE,1
86,Best cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
87,Mixed layer cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
88,Unstable cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
89,Convective inhibition,surface,CIN,1
90,Best cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
91,Mixed layer cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
92,Unstable cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
93,Column integrated precipitable water,entire atmosphere,PWAT,1
94,Helicity,height agl,HLCY,2
95,U component storm motion,height agl,USTM,1
96,V component storm motion,height agl,VSTM,1
97,Accumulated total precipitation,surface,APCP,1
98,Accumulated grid-scale precipitation,surface,NCPCP,1
99,Accumulated snowfall,surface,WEASD,1
100,Accumulated total snow melt,surface,SNOM,1
101,Accumulated storm surface runoff,surface,SSRUN,1
102,Accumulated base flow runoff,surface,BGRUN,1
103,Average water runoff,surface,WATR,1
104,Categorical rain (instantaneous),surface,CRAIN,1
105,Categorical snow (instantaneous),surface,CSNOW,1
106,Categorical ice pellets (instantaneous),surface,CICEP,1
107,Categorical freezing rain (instantaneous),surface,CFRZR,1
108,Precipitation rate (instantaneous),surface,PRATE,1
109,Fraction of frozen precipitation,surface,CPOFP,1
110,Cloud water mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,CLWMR,2
111,Cloud ice mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,ICMR,2
112,Graupel mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,GRLE,1
113,Cloud fraction on model surface,hybrid,TCDC,2
114,Low level cloud fraction,low cloud layer,LCDC,1
115,Mid level cloud fraction,mid cloud layer,MCDC,1
116,High level cloud fraction,high cloud layer,HCDC,1
117,Total cloud fraction,entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
118,Total cloud fraction (time-averaged),entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
119,stratospheric cloud fraction (time-averaged),entire atmosphere,CDLYR,1
121,GSD visibility,cloud top,VIS,1
122,Above-ground height of LCL,adiabatic condensation from surface,HGT,1
123,Pressure of LCL,adiabatic condensation from surface,PRES,1
124,Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,USWRF,1
125,Outgoing surface longwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,ULWRF,1
126,Incoming surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,DSWRF,1
127,Incoming surface longwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,DLWRF,1
128,Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,USWRF,1
129,Outgoing surface longwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,ULWRF,1
130,Outgoing model top shortwave radiation (time-averaged),top of atmosphere,USWRF,1
131,Outgoing model top longwave radiation (time-averaged),top of atmosphere,ULWRF,1
132,Outgoing longwave at top of atmosphere (instantaneous),top of atmosphere,ULWRF,1
133,Total spectrum brightness temperature,top of atmosphere,BRTMP,1
134,Incoming surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,DSWRF,1
135,Incoming surface longwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,DLWRF,1
136,Clear sky incoming surface shortwave (instantaneous),surface,CSDSF,1
137,Roughness length,surface,SFCR,1
138,Friction velocity,surface,FRICV,1
139,Surface drag coefficient,surface,CD,1
140,Surface u wind stress,surface,UFLX,1
141,Surface v wind stress,surface,VFLX,1
142,Surface sensible heat flux (time-averaged),surface,SHTFL,1
143,Ground heat flux (time-averaged),surface,GFLUX,1
144,Snow phase change heat flux (time-averaged),surface,SNOHF,1
145,Surface latent heat flux (time-averaged),surface,LHTFL,1
146,Accumulated surface evaporation,surface,EVP,1
147,Accumulated potential evaporation,surface,PEVAP,1
148,Surface sensible heat flux (instantaneous),surface,SHTFL,1
149,Surface latent heat flux (instantaneous),surface,LHTFL,1
152,Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0),surface,LAND,1
153,Sea ice mask,surface,ICEC,1
154,Surface albedo,surface,ALBDO,1
155,Sea surface temperature,surface,WTMP,1
156,Pressure at tropopause,tropopause,PRES,1
157,Height at tropopause,tropopause,HGT,1
158,Temperature at tropopause,tropopause,TMP,1
159,Potential temperature at tropopause,tropopause,POT,1
160,U component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,UGRD,1
161,V component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,VGRD,1
162,Wind shear at tropopause,tropopause,VWSH,1
163,U component of 0-6km level wind shear,height agl,VUCSH,1
164,V-component of 0-6km level wind shear,height agl,VVCSH,1
165,Temperature at flight levels,height msl,TMP,10
166,Temperature at flight levels,height agl,TMP,4
167,U component of wind at flight levels,height msl,UGRD,10
168,U component of wind at flight levels,height agl,UGRD,4
169,V component of wind at flight levels,height msl,VGRD,10
170,V component of wind at flight levels,height agl,VGRD,4
171,Specific humidity at flight levels,height msl,SPFH,1
172,Specific humidity at flight levels,height agl,SPFH,4
173,Pressure at flight levels,height agl,PRES,4
174,Freezing level height,0 degree isotherm,HGT,1
175,Freezing level relative humidity,0 degree isotherm,RH,1
176,Highest freezing level height,highest tropospheric frz lvl,HGT,1
177,Lowest wet bulb zero height,lowest lvl wet bulb zero,HGT,1
178,Pressure in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,PRES,6
179,Temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,TMP,6
180,Potential temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,POT,1
181,Dew point temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,DPT,1
182,Specific humidity in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,SPFH,6
183,RH in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,RH,6
184,Moisture convergence in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,MCONV,1
185,Precipitable water in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,PWAT,1
186,U wind in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,UGRD,6
187,V wind in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,VGRD,6
188,Omega in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,VVEL,3
189,Cloud bottom pressure,cloud base,PRES,1
190,Cloud top pressure,cloud top,PRES,1
191,Cloud top temperature,cloud top,TMP,1
192,Cloud bottom height (above MSL),cloud base,HGT,1
193,Cloud top height (above MSL),cloud top,HGT,1
194,Maximum wind pressure level,max wind,PRES,1
195,Maximum wind height,max wind,HGT,1
196,U-component of maximum wind,max wind,UGRD,1
197,V-component of maximum wind,max wind,VGRD,1
198,Composite radar reflectivity,entire atmosphere,REFC,1
199,Composite rain radar reflectivity,entire atmosphere,REFZR,1
200,Composite ice radar reflectivity,entire atmosphere,REFZI,1
201,Radar reflectivity at certain above ground heights,height agl,REFD,2
202,Radar reflectivity from rain,height agl,REFZR,2
203,Radar reflectivity from ice,height agl,REFZI,2
204,Planetary boundary layer height,surface,HPBL,1
205,Grid scale cloud bottom pressure,grid scale cloud bottom,PRES,1
206,Grid scale cloud top pressure,grid scale cloud top,PRES,1
207,Column integrated cloud water,entire atmosphere,TCOLW,1
208,Column integrated cloud ice,entire atmosphere,TCOLI,1
209,Column integrated rain,entire atmosphere,TCOLR,1
210,Column integrated snow,entire atmosphere,TCOLS,1
211,Column integrated total condensate,entire atmosphere,TCOLC,1
212,Column integrated super cool liquid water,entire atmosphere,TCLSW,1
213,Column integrated melting ice,entire atmosphere,TCOLM,1
214,Height of lowest level super cool liquid water,lwst bot lvl of supercooled liq wtr,HGT,1
215,Height of highest level super cool liquid water,hghst top lvl of supercooled liq wtr,HGT,1
216,Ceiling height,cloud ceiling,HGT,1
217,Accumulated land surface model precipitation,surface,LSPA,1
218,Model top pressure,top of atmosphere,PRES,1
219,Total column shortwave temperature tendency,entire atmosphere,SWHR,1
220,Total column longwave temperature tendency,entire atmosphere,LWHR,1
221,Total column gridded temperature tendency,entire atmosphere,LRGHR,1
222,Column integrated moisture convergence,entire atmosphere,MCONV,1
223,Temperature on sigma levels,sigma level,TMP,5
224,Planetary boundary layer regime,surface,PBLREG,1
225,Transport wind u component,planetary boundary layer,UGRD,1
226,Transport wind v component,planetary boundary layer,VGRD,1
227,Richardson number planetary boundary layer height,planetary boundary layer,HGT,1
228,Mixing height,surface,MIXHT,1
229,Radar echo top,entire atmosphere,RETOP,1
230,Ventilation rate,planetary boundary layer,VRATE,1
231,Haines index,surface,HINDEX,1
232,Maximum 2m temperature,height agl,TMAX,1
233,Minimum 2m temperature,height agl,TMIN,1
234,Maximum 2m RH,height agl,MAXRH,1
235,Minimum 2m RH,height agl,MINRH,1
236,Maximum U-component wind at 10m,height agl,MAXUW,1
237,Maximum V-component wind at 10m,height agl,MAXVW,1
238,Maximum wind speed at 10m,height agl,WIND,1
239,Maximum 1km reflectivity,height agl,MAXREF,1
240,Maximum updraft vertical velocity,isobaric layer,MAXUVV,1
241,Maximum downdraft vertical velocity,isobaric layer,MAXDVV,1
243,Radar derived vertically integrated liquid,entire atmosphere,VIL,1
244,Updraft helicity (2-5 km),height agl,UPHL,1
245,Maximum updraft helicity (2-5 km),height agl,MXUPHL,1
246,Minimum updraft helicity (2-5 km),height agl,MNUPHL,1
247,Minimum updraft helicity (0-3 km),height agl,MNUPHL,1
248,Maximum updraft helicity (0-3 km),height agl,MXUPHL,1
249,Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-1 km),height agl,RELV,1
250,Maximum relative vertical vorticity at hybrid level 1,hybrid,RELV,1
251,Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-2 km),height agl,RELV,1
252,Maximum derived radar reflectivity at -10 C,isothermal,MAXREF,1
253,Radar reflectivity at -10 C,isothermal,REFD,1
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/SRW_BGDAWP_table.rst
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Fields Requested in the UPP Parameter Table for SRW BGDAWP

Field description (column 1), level type as defined by WMO (column 2), abbreviated names
as they appear in the Grib2 output file (column 3), and number of levels output (column 4).

.. csv-table::
:file: SRW_BGDAWP_table.csv
:widths: 5, 40, 30, 15, 10
:header-rows: 1
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions docs/SRW_BGRD3D_table.csv
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No.,Field Description,Level Type,Short Name,nlvl
1,Height on pressure surface,isobaric,HGT,4
2,Temperature on pressure surface,isobaric,TMP,5
3,Relative humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,RH,4
4,U component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,UGRD,4
5,V component of wind on pressure surface,isobaric,VGRD,4
6,Omega on pressure surface,isobaric,VVEL,4
7,Specific humidity on pressure surface,isobaric,SPFH,4
8,Absolute vorticity on pressure surface,isobaric,ABSV,4
9,Pressure on model surface,hybrid,PRES,64
10,Height on model surface,hybrid,HGT,64
11,Temperature on model surface,hybrid,TMP,64
12,Specific humidity on model surface,hybrid,SPFH,64
13,U component of wind on model surface,hybrid,UGRD,64
14,V component of wind on model surface,hybrid,VGRD,64
15,Omega on model surface,hybrid,VVEL,64
16,Vertical velocity on model surface,hybrid,DZDT,64
17,Turbulent kinetic energy on model surface,hybrid,TKE,64
18,Temperature tendency from grid scale latent heat release (time-averaged),hybrid,LRGHR,64
19,Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure,mean sea level,MSLET,1
20,Shuell sea level pressure,mean sea level,PRES,1
21,Temperature at 2m,height agl,TMP,1
22,Specific humidity at 2m,height agl,SPFH,1
23,Dew point temperature at 2m,height agl,DPT,1
24,Relative humidity at 2m,height agl,RH,1
25,U component of wind at 10m,height agl,UGRD,1
26,V component of wind at 10m,height agl,VGRD,1
27,Potential temperature at 10m,height agl,POT,1
28,Specific humidity at 10m,height agl,SPFH,1
29,Surface Pressure,surface,PRES,1
30,Terrain height,surface,HGT,1
31,Skin potential temperature,surface,POT,1
32,Skin specific humidity,surface,SPFH,1
33,Skin temperature,surface,TMP,1
34,Maximum updraft vertical velocity (10-100 hPa),isobaric,MAXUVV,1
35,Maximum downdraft vertical velocity (10-100 hPa),isobaric,MAXDVV,1
36,Maximum updraft helicity (0-3 km),height agl,MXUPHL,1
37,Maximum updraft helicity (2-5 km),height agl,MXUPHL,1
38,Minimum updraft helicity (2-5 km),height agl,MNUPHL,1
39,Minimum updraft helicity (0-3 km),height agl,MNUPHL,1
40,Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-1 km),height agl,RELV,1
41,Maximum relative vertical vorticity at hybrid level 1,hybrid,RELV,1
42,Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-2 km),height agl,RELV,1
43,Maximum U-component wind at 10m,height agl,MAXUW,1
44,Maximum V-component wind at 10m,height agl,MAXVW,1
45,Maximum derived radar reflectivity at 1 km,height agl,MAXREF,1
46,Maximum derived radar reflectivity at -10 C,isothermal,MAXREF,1
47,Radar reflectivity at -10 C,isothermal,REFD,1
48,Maximum 2m temperature,height agl,TMAX,1
49,Minimum 2m temperature,height agl,TMIN,1
50,Maximum 2m RH,height agl,MAXRH,1
51,Minimum 2m RH,height agl,MINRH,1
52,Soil temperature in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,TSOIL,4
53,Soil moisture in between each soil layer,depth below land surface,SOILW,4
54,Total soil moisture,depth below land surface,SOILM,1
55,Heat exchange coeff at surface,surface,SFEXC,1
56,Vegetation cover,surface,VEG,1
57,Soil moisture availability,depth below land surface,MSTAV,1
58,Soil temperature at 3m,depth below land surface,TSOIL,1
59,Ground heat flux (instantaneous),surface,GFLUX,1
60,Plant canopy surface water,surface,CNWAT,1
61,Snow water equivalent,surface,WEASD,1
62,Lifted index—best,pressure above ground,4LFTX,1
63,Column integrated precipitable water,entire atmosphere,PWAT,1
64,Accumulated total precipitation,surface,APCP,1
65,Accumulated grid-scale precipitation,surface,NCPCP,1
66,Accumulated snowfall,surface,WEASD,1
67,Accumulated total snow melt,surface,SNOM,1
68,Accumulated storm surface runoff,surface,SSRUN,1
69,Accumulated base flow runoff,surface,BGRUN,1
70,Categorical rain (instantaneous),surface,CRAIN,1
71,Categorical snow (instantaneous),surface,CSNOW,1
72,Categorical ice pellets (instantaneous),surface,CICEP,1
73,Categorical freezing rain (instantaneous),surface,CFRZR,1
74,Precipitation rate (instantaneous),surface,PRATE,1
75,Fraction of frozen precipitation,surface,CPOFP,1
76,Cloud water mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,CLWMR,64
77,Cloud ice mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,ICMR,64
78,Cloud fraction on model surface,hybrid,TCDC,64
79,Rain mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,RWMR,64
80,Snow mixing ratio on model surface,hybrid,SNMR,64
81,Rimming factor for Ferrier scheme on model surface,hybrid,RIME,64
82,Total condensate for Ferrier scheme on mode surface,hybrid,TCOND,64
83,Model level fraction of rain for Ferrier scheme,hybrid,FRAIN,64
84,Model level fraction of ice for Ferrier scheme,hybrid,FICE,64
85,Low level cloud fraction,low cloud layer,LCDC,1
86,Mid level cloud fraction,mid cloud layer,MCDC,1
87,High level cloud fraction,high cloud layer,HCDC,1
88,Total cloud fraction,entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
89,Total cloud fraction (time-averaged),entire atmosphere,TCDC,1
90,stratospheric cloud fraction (time-averaged),entire atmosphere,CDLYR,1
91,Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,USWRF,1
92,Outgoing surface longwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,ULWRF,1
93,Incoming surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,DSWRF,1
94,Incoming surface longwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,DLWRF,1
95,Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,USWRF,1
96,Outgoing surface longwave radiation (time-averaged),surface,ULWRF,1
97,Outgoing model top shortwave radiation (time-averaged),top of atmosphere,USWRF,1
98,Outgoing model top longwave radiation (time-averaged),top of atmosphere,ULWRF,1
99,Incoming surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,DSWRF,1
100,Incoming surface longwave radiation (instantaneous),surface,DLWRF,1
101,Clear sky incoming surface shortwave (instantaneous),surface,CSDSF,1
102,Roughness length,surface,SFCR,1
103,Friction velocity,surface,FRICV,1
104,Surface drag coefficient,surface,CD,1
105,Surface u wind stress,surface,UFLX,1
106,Surface v wind stress,surface,VFLX,1
107,Surface sensible heat flux (time-averaged),surface,SHTFL,1
108,Ground heat flux (time-averaged),surface,GFLUX,1
109,Snow phase change heat flux (time-averaged),surface,SNOHF,1
110,Surface latent heat flux (time-averaged),surface,LHTFL,1
111,Accumulated surface evaporation,surface,EVP,1
112,Accumulated potential evaporation,surface,PEVAP,1
113,Surface sensible heat flux (instantaneous),surface,SHTFL,1
114,Surface latent heat flux (instantaneous),surface,LHTFL,1
117,Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0),surface,LAND,1
118,Sea ice mask,surface,ICEC,1
119,Mass point at eta surface mask,surface,LMH,1
120,Velocity point at eta surface mask,surface,LMV,1
121,Surface albedo,surface,ALBDO,1
122,Sea surface temperature,surface,WTMP,1
123,Pressure in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,PRES,6
124,Temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,TMP,6
125,Potential temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,POT,1
126,Dew point temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,DPT,1
127,Specific humidity in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,SPFH,6
128,RH in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,RH,6
129,Moisture convergence in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,MCONV,1
130,Precipitable water in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,PWAT,1
131,U wind in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,UGRD,6
132,V wind in boundary layer (30 mb means),pressure agl,VGRD,6
133,Accumulated land surface model precipitation,surface,LSPA,1
134,Model top pressure,top of atmosphere,PRES,1
135,Pressure thickness,hybrid,PRES,1
136,Sigma pressure thickness,hybrid,PRES,1
137,Plant canopy surface water,surface,CNWAT,1
138,Ground heat flux (instantaneous),surface,GFLUX,1
139,Lifted index—surface based (500-1000 hPa),isobaric,LFTX,1
140,Convective available potential energy,surface,CAPE,1
141,Best cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
142,Mixed layer cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
143,Unstable cape,pressure above ground,CAPE,1
144,Convective inhibition,surface,CIN,1
145,Best cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
146,Mixed layer cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
147,Unstable cin,pressure above ground,CIN,1
148,LCL level pressure,pressure layer agl,PLPL,1
149,Helicity,height agl,HLCY,2
150,U component storm motion,height agl,USTM,1
151,V component storm motion,height agl,VSTM,1
152,Cloud bottom pressure,cloud base,PRES,1
153,Cloud top pressure,cloud top,PRES,1
154,Cloud top temperature,cloud top,TMP,1
155,Pressure at tropopause,tropopause,PRES,1
156,Height at tropopause,tropopause,HGT,1
157,Temperature at tropopause,tropopause,TMP,1
158,U component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,UGRD,1
159,V component of wind at tropopause,tropopause,VGRD,1
160,Wind shear at tropopause,tropopause,VWSH,1
161,Temperature at flight levels,height msl,TMP,10
162,U component of wind at flight levels,height msl,UGRD,10
163,V component of wind at flight levels,height msl,VGRD,10
164,Freezing level height,0 degree isotherm,HGT,1
165,Freezing level relative humidity,0 degree isotherm,RH,1
166,Highest freezing level height,highest tropospheric frz lvl,HGT,1
167,Maximum wind pressure level,max wind,PRES,1
168,Maximum wind height,max wind,HGT,1
169,U-component of maximum wind,max wind,UGRD,1
170,V-component of maximum wind,max wind,VGRD,1
171,Maximum wind speed at 10m,height agl,WIND,1
172,Cloud bottom height (above MSL),cloud base,HGT,1
173,Cloud top height (above MSL),cloud top,HGT,1
175,Composite radar reflectivity,entire atmosphere,REFC,1
176,Grid scale cloud bottom pressure,grid scale cloud bottom,PRES,1
177,Grid scale cloud top pressure,grid scale cloud top,PRES,1
178,Column integrated cloud water,entire atmosphere,TCOLW,1
179,Column integrated cloud ice,entire atmosphere,TCOLI,1
180,Column integrated rain,entire atmosphere,TCOLR,1
181,Column integrated snow,entire atmosphere,TCOLS,1
182,Column integrated total condensate,entire atmosphere,TCOLC,1
183,Vegetation type,surface,VGTYP,1
184,Soil type,surface,SOTYP,1
185,Canopy conductance,surface,CCOND,1
186,Planetary boundary layer height,surface,HPBL,1
187,Snow depth,surface,SNOD,1
188,Snow sublimation,surface,SBSNO,1
189,Air dry soil moisture,surface,SMDRY,1
190,Soil moist porosity,surface,POROS,1
191,Minimum stomatal resistance,surface,RSMIN,1
192,Number of root layers,surface,RLYRS,1
193,Soil moist wilting point,surface,WILT,1
194,Soil moist reference,surface,SMREF,1
195,Canopy conductance - solar component,surface,RCS,1
196,Canopy conductance - temperature component,surface,RCT,1
197,Canopy conductance - humidity component,surface,RCQ,1
198,Canopy conductance - soil component,surface,RCSOL,1
199,Potential evaporation,surface,PEVPR,1
200,Surface wind gust,surface,GUST,1
201,Lowest wet bulb zero height,lowest lvl wet bulb zero,HGT,1
202,Leaf area index,surface,LAI,1
203,Clear sky incoming surface shortwave (instantaneous),surface,CSDSF,1
204,Cloud fraction on sigma surface,sigma,TCDC,22
205,Richardson number planetary boundary layer height,planetary boundary layer,HGT,1
206,Mixing height,surface,MIXHT,1
207,Temperature at 10m,height agl,TMP,1
208,Time-averaged percentage snow cover,surface,SNOWC,1
209,Time-averaged surface pressure,surface,PRES,1
210,Time-averaged 10m temperature,height agl,TMP,1
211,Time-averaged mass exchange coefficient,surface,AKHS,1
212,Time-averaged wind exchange coefficient,surface,AKMS,1
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/SRW_BGRD3D_table.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Fields Requested in the UPP Parameter Table for SRW BGRD3D

Field description (column 1), level type as defined by WMO (column 2), abbreviated names
as they appear in the Grib2 output file (column 3), and number of levels output (column 4).

.. csv-table::
:file: SRW_BGRD3D_table.csv
:widths: 5, 40, 30, 15, 10
:header-rows: 1

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