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Using GDASApp in Standalone Mode: Marine applications

Guillaume Vernieres edited this page Aug 25, 2022 · 1 revision

The standalone marine application runs the and scripts. This will eventually change since both scripts need to be moved to the global-workflow repository.

How to run the application

The application runs one DA cycle and does the following:

  • Fetches observations
  • prepares backgrounds
  • generate all the necessary yaml files
  • generate the soca geometry
  • compute the standard deviation of the background error for the DA window
  • generate files containing the decorrelation length scales
  • sequentially compute the convolution coefficient for each variables using BUMP
  • run a 3DVAR FGAT

Create an experiment directory somewhere

$ mkdir test-soca-gdasapp     # Create an experiment directory somewhere
$ cd test-soca-gdasapp
$ ln -s <path to GDASApp>/ush/ . # link of convenience
$ cp <path to GDASApp>/ush/examples/run_scripts/soca5deg.yaml .  # make a copy of an example yaml config

Edit soca5deg.yaml

working directory: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/runs/test-gdasapp/test-5deg # Needs editing
# replace the above by working directory: <path to test-soca-gdasapp>/test-5deg
GDASApp home: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/GDASApp    # replace by yours
GDASApp mode: gw_scripts
GDASApp bin: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/GDASApp/build/bin  # replace by yours

executable options:
  obs_yaml_dir: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/GDASApp/parm/soca/obs/config  # edit path
  obs_list: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/GDASApp/parm/soca/obs/obs_list.yaml   # edit path
  atm_window_length: PT6H
  valid_time: 2018-04-15T12:00:00Z
  dump: gdas
  case: C768
  levs: 128

job options:
  machine: orion
  account: da-cpu
  queue: debug
  partition: debug
  walltime: '30:00'
  ntasks: 6
  modulepath: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/GDASApp/modulefiles   # edit path
  mpiexec: mpirun
  mpinproc: '-np'

jedi static:
    path: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/data/static/72x35x25/soca       # where the static files are, do not edit that line
    variables: tocn,socn,ssh

model background:
    ocn: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/data/test_bkg/72x35x25/       # do not edit for now

r2d2 options:
    root: /work2/noaa/da/gvernier/data/static/r2d2-shared        # do not edit for now

    domain_stack_size: 5832000

Run the application

$ module use <path to GDASApp>/modulefiles
$ module load GDAS/orion
$ ./ -c  soca5deg.yaml

this will submit a batch job that will run the soca prep and run scripts.


The output should be under ./test-5deg/GDASApp.o*