Fast and efficient subdomain takeover tool based on can-i-take-over-xyz fingerprints.
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Takeit is a high-speed, efficient tool for detecting subdomain takeovers. It leverages fast concurrency to match fingerprints from can-i-take-over-xyz, quickly identifying vulnerabilities. Features include checking CNAME records before sending requests, setting maximum response sizes to read, and customizing rate limits. Additionally, you can specify patterns to exclude from the scan, allowing for more targeted and refined results.
Run the following command to install the latest version.
go install -v
$ takeit -h
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Takeit is an advanced tool for detecting subdomain takeovers.
./takit [flags]
-t, -targets string[] Targets to scan
-mrs, -max-response-size int Maximum response size to read (kilobyte) (default 5000)
-timeout int Time to wait for network in seconds (default 10)
-retry int Number of times to retry the network (default 1)
-verifySSL Verifies SSL certificates
-config string Path to the configuration file
-cn, -cname Check CNAME before send request
-H, -headers string[] Custom header/cookie to include in all HTTP requests in header:value format (file)
-e, -exclude string[] the patterns you don't want to check.
-dr, -disable-redirects Disable following redirects (default false)
-c, -concurrency int Number of concurrent fetchers to use (default 10)
-rd, -delay int Request delay between each network in seconds
-rl, -rate-limit int Maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
-rlm, -rate-limit-minute int Maximum number of requests to send per minute
-duc, -disable-update-check Disable automatic update check
-up, -update update patterns to latest version
-nc, -no-color Disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
-silent Display output only
- Limit response size to 2MB and check CNAME before send HTTP request:
$ cat targets.txt | takeit -timeout 20 -cn -max-response-size 2000 -silent
- Exclude patterns
$ cat targets.txt | takeit -e 'AWS/S3'
It is also possible to supply as a file. For example:
$ cat excludes.txt
AWS/Load Balancer (ELB)
Agile CRM
$ cat targets.txt | takeit -e excludes.txt
Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or suggest improvements.
You can also support this project development by leaving a star ⭐ or by donating me. Every little tip helps!
Takit is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more informations.