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This is the NHS Digital (NHS-D) National Disease Registers (NDR) Error ruby gem. It is a Rails engine that provides error logging, viewing, and grouping capabilities.

Exceptions are logged as NdrError::Log records, which can be associated by instances NdrError::Fingerprint. Grouping is done by fuzzy matching of exception description and backtrace. The grouping used can be customised by the host application (see below).

Installation / Setup

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ndr_error'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Schema setup

NdrError bundles two migrations, for adding ERROR_LOG and ERROR_FINGERPRINT tables. These can be cloned from the engine into the host application's db/migrate folder with:

$ bundle exec rake ndr_error:install:migrations

The ERROR_LOG table created does not contain a column for user context, but it does require one. Not adding it by default allows the host application to choose a sensible name to fit in with it's schema. Once a column has been added, NdrError can be informed with user_column= (see below).

Error interception

There are a variety of methods for trapping exceptions in a Rails app; therefore, NdrError does not automatically configurate itself to operate in any particular way. That said, it does bundle a Rack application that can be used as part of the Rails exception-handling middleware.

In the host application's application.rb, the following configuration can be added:

To log the error, but have the host application's routing respond:

config.exceptions_app =

or log the error, then serve error templates from public/ (legacy):

require 'ndr_error/middleware/public_exceptions'
# Configure the ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions middleware to use NdrError's exception logger:
config.exceptions_app =


NdrError is generally pre-configured with sensible defaults, but with some notable exceptions that require manual setup.

Configuration Description
user_column The ERROR_LOG table doesn't have a user-identifying column by default. NdrError expects you to add one; use this variable to inform it of the column name you chose. Regardless of the column name, the attribute is aliased to user_id.
log_parameters A callable object that should return a hash specifying (at minimum) the user_id. This is invoked when an exception is being logged, to tag it with some context.
check_current_user_authentication A callable object that should return whether or not the current user should be able to view logged exceptions.

Other configuration:

Configuration Default Description
abstract_model_class ActiveRecord::Base An abstract model class to be used as the parent for Fingerprints and Logs.
exception_app_callback -> { true } A callback that is fired when an exception is being logged. Can be used for e.g. sending email notifications. Returning false will abort the logging.
check_current_user_permissions -> { true } A callable object that should return whether or not the current user should be able to tag / delete logged exceptions.
filtered_parameters derived from host app The context logging tries to capture request parameters. Use this to list sensitive parameters which should not be logged.
hostname_identifier -> { 'unknown host' } A callable object that returns the hostname of the machine on which Rails is running.
database_identifier -> { 'unknown database' } A callable object that returns an identifier of the current database.
database_time_checker -> { nil } A callable object, which can return the current database time; if so, DB-webapp clock drift can be calculated.
fingerprint_threshold 100 The number of full logs of a given fingerprint that should be retained, before only a counter is incremented.
log_grace_period 90.days The soft-delete window, after which the ERROR_LOG table is periodically purged.
compress_backtrace true As much of the exception backtrace as possible is logged. By default, it is compressed to be make efficient use of the available space. However, if human-readability is desired, this can be disabled.
description_fuzzers ... An array of objects which are called in order with the exception's description, in order to "fuzz" it for fingerprinting. By default, object details are stripped (e.g. hexidecimal identifiers).
ticket_url_format nil Authorised users can tag fingerprints with a (ticket) url; if present, this configuration a regular expression to validate the format of any given URLs.

For example, in a host application initializer:

# Configure user:
NdrError.user_column    = :person_id
NdrError.log_parameters = lambda do |request|
  { user_id: Person.currently_authenticated.try(:id) || request.user_id || 'N/A' }

# Remove SQL from Oracle exceptions:
NdrError.description_fuzzers.unshift(lambda { |description|
  description.gsub(/(OCIError: ORA-[0-9]*:)(.*)/m, '\1')


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