released this
28 Nov 10:08
42 commits
to main
since this release
1.7.6 (2024-11-28)
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb from 3.696.0 to 3.699.0 (#1093) (1adb752)
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.696.0 to 3.698.0 (#1084) (5c65a90)
- [dependabot] - bump @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb from 3.698.0 to 3.699.0 (#1089) (e8c9094)
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/core from 5.5.1 to 6.0.0 (#1095) (65ef354)
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/http-header-normalizer from 5.5.1 to 6.0.0 (#1094) (02b4ecb)
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/input-output-logger from 5.5.1 to 6.0.0 (#1088) (e802694)
- [dependabot] - bump @middy/validator from 5.5.1 to 6.0.0 (#1092) (30399ba)
- [dependabot] - bump @nhs/fhir-middy-error-handler from 2.1.11 to 2.1.12 (#1106) (49bf801)
- [dependabot] - bump @redocly/cli from 1.25.12 to 1.25.13 (#1085) (61dc371)
- [dependabot] - bump @redocly/cli from 1.25.13 to 1.25.14 (#1099) (acf3eb1)
- [dependabot] - bump @types/aws-lambda from 8.10.145 to 8.10.146 (#1097) (77c2655)
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 22.10.0 to 22.10.1 (#1108) (6aeeb6c)
- [dependabot] - bump @types/node from 22.9.1 to 22.10.0 (#1102) (91fc742)
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 (#1098) (3f2afda)
- [dependabot] - bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 (#1100) (aab406b)
- [dependabot] - bump axios from 1.7.7 to 1.7.8 (#1103) (375dc2e)
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.35.66 to 1.35.67 (#1083) (cf3e49a)
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.35.67 to 1.35.68 (#1086) (8eb5211)
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.35.68 to 1.35.69 (#1096) (d959e0d)
- [dependabot] - bump boto3 from 1.35.69 to 1.35.70 (#1105) (d5c0926)
- [dependabot] - bump cfn-lint from 1.20.0 to 1.20.1 (#1104) (21a2bf3)
- [dependabot] - bump typescript-eslint from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 (#1101) (88f8f68)
See code diff
Release workflow run
It was initialized by Orkastrated