New allometric modes #1128
New allometric modes #1128
Task list completed / task-list-completed
2024-04-23 06:30:41
0 / 4 tasks completed
4 tasks still to be completed
Required Tasks
Task | Status |
New allometric function for above-ground biomass (allom_amode = 4 ), which is similar to Chave et al. (2014), except that the exponent for wood density is independent of the one for "tree size" (i.e., DBHDBHHeight). Although this function could be simplified externally (by incorporating wood density into the scaler), this makes the dependency on wood density more transparent and may make parameter perturbation experiments a bit easier. |
Incomplete |
New allometric function for leaf biomass and crown area (allom_lmode = 4 ), which uses tree size as the predictor. In the case of leaf biomass, the function also is a function of top-canopy SLA, using a similar formulation as the one for above-ground biomass. |
Incomplete |
Crown depth has now allometric modes too (variable allom_dmode). If allom_dmode=1 , crown depth is a constant fraction of height (the former default); when allom_dmode=2 , crown depth is defined as p1 * Height^p2, following Poorter et al. (2006). Former parameter crown_depth_frac was replaced with parameter allom_h2cd1 , and a new parameter allom_h2cd2 was added for the exponent. |
Incomplete |
All allometric mode variables were converted to integers when they are loaded (parteh/PRTParamsFATESMod.F90). This avoids converting them to integers every time the allometric function is called. | Incomplete |
Small edits to CheckParams (parteh/PRTParamsFATESMod.F90). | Incomplete |
The current implementation of allom_hmode=2 is a bit unusual because the minus sign of the Weibull function is incorporated in parameter p2 (meaning that p2 must be negative). Added a check to make sure the parameter is negative. | Incomplete |
Instead of aborting the run as soon as an inconsistency in parameters is spotted, the subroutine now continues to check other parameters, and report all the errors before stopping the run. This avoids users recompiling/submitting FATES multiple times to fix one inconsistency at a time. | Incomplete |
The in-code documentation has been updated with descriptive comments | Incomplete |
The documentation has been assessed to determine if updates are necessary | Incomplete |
FATES PASS/FAIL regression tests were run | Incomplete |
Evaluation of test results for answer changes was performed and results provided | Incomplete |
Technical Note update: | Incomplete |
User's Guide update: | Incomplete |