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Refactor to incorporate EDCLMLinkMod into the fates interface
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Merge branch 'rgknox-CLMLink'

This changegroup is the first of two parts to convert the contents of
EDCLMLinkMod into the interface. Notable changes in this part:

1) SummarizeNetFluxes and ED_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck are refactored to
use FATES memory structure

2) history output variables in SummarizeNetFluxes and
ED_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck are migrated to the new scheme

3) restart variables in EDCLMLinkMod are migrated to EDRestVectorMod

Code review: rgknox

    Test suite: ed, clm_short_45, clm_short_50 - lawrencium-lr3 intel
                ed - yellowstone pgi, gnu, intel
    Test baseline: 0c8090b (rgknox-HIO)
    Test namelist changes: none
    Test answer changes: b4b

    Test summary: all PASS with expected fails for gnu compiler comparing
      clm history baselines, #122, fixed in #124:

    Test suite: ed, clm_short - yellowstone gnu, intel, pgi
    Test baseline ed: 9f2b41c
    Test baseline clm_short: clm4_5_12_r193
    Test namelist changes: none
    Test answer changes: b4b
    Test summary: all tests pass

    Test suite: hobart-nag - not run, #123
  • Loading branch information
bandre-ucar committed Sep 20, 2016
2 parents d952171 + cfec5d8 commit d35425c
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Showing 8 changed files with 646 additions and 751 deletions.
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions main/ChecksBalancesMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
module ChecksBalancesMod

use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_CDAY

implicit none

public :: SummarizeNetFluxes
public :: FATES_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck



subroutine SummarizeNetFluxes( nsites, sites, bc_in, is_beg_day )

! Summarize the combined production and decomposition fluxes into net fluxes
! This is done on the fast timestep, and to be called after both daily ED calls and
! fast BGC calls. Does not include summarization of fast-timestsp productivity calls
! because these must be summarized prior to daily ED calls
! Written by Charlie Koven, Feb 2016
! !USES:
use FatesInterfaceMod , only : bc_in_type
use EDtypesMod , only : ed_site_type,ed_patch_type,ed_cohort_type
use EDtypesMod , only : AREA
implicit none

integer , intent(in) :: nsites
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
type(bc_in_type) , intent(in) :: bc_in(nsites)
logical , intent(in) :: is_beg_day

integer :: s

type (ed_patch_type) , pointer :: currentPatch
type (ed_cohort_type) , pointer :: currentCohort
real(r8) :: n_perm2 ! individuals per m2 of the whole column

do s = 1,nsites

sites(s)%fire_c_to_atm = 0._r8 ! REMOVE THIS VARIABLE?
sites(s)%ed_litter_stock = 0._r8
sites(s)%cwd_stock = 0._r8
sites(s)%biomass_stock = 0._r8

! map ed site-level fire fluxes to clm column fluxes
sites(s)%fire_c_to_atm = sites(s)%total_burn_flux_to_atm / &
( AREA * SHR_CONST_CDAY * 1.e3_r8)

currentPatch => sites(s)%oldest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))

! map litter, CWD, and seed pools to column level
sites(s)%cwd_stock = sites(s)%cwd_stock + &
(currentPatch%area / AREA) * &
(sum(currentPatch%cwd_ag)+sum(currentPatch%cwd_bg)) * 1.e3_r8

sites(s)%ed_litter_stock = sites(s)%ed_litter_stock + &
(currentPatch%area / AREA) * &
(sum(currentPatch%leaf_litter)+sum(currentPatch%root_litter)) * 1.e3_r8

currentCohort => currentPatch%tallest
do while(associated(currentCohort))
! for quantities that are natively at column level or higher,
! calculate plant density using whole area (for grid cell averages)
n_perm2 = currentCohort%n/AREA

! map biomass pools to column level
sites(s)%biomass_stock = sites(s)%biomass_stock + &
(currentCohort%bdead + currentCohort%balive + &
currentCohort%bstore) * n_perm2 * 1.e3_r8

currentCohort => currentCohort%shorter
enddo !currentCohort
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
end do ! patch loop

! calculate NEP and NBP fluxes
sites(s)%nep = sites(s)%npp - bc_in(s)%tot_het_resp
sites(s)%nbp = sites(s)%npp - ( bc_in(s)%tot_het_resp + sites(s)%fire_c_to_atm )

! FATES stocks
sites(s)%totfatesc = sites(s)%ed_litter_stock + sites(s)%cwd_stock + &
(sum(sites(s)%seed_bank) * 1.e3_r8) + sites(s)%biomass_stock

! BGC stocks (used for error checking, totlitc should be zero?)
sites(s)%totbgcc = bc_in(s)%tot_somc + bc_in(s)%tot_litc

! Total Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
sites(s)%totecosysc = sites(s)%totfatesc + sites(s)%totbgcc

end do

! in FATES timesteps, because of offset between when ED and BGC reconcile the gain
! and loss of litterfall carbon, (i.e. FATES reconciles it instantly, while BGC
! reconciles it incrementally over the subsequent day) calculate the total
! ED -> BGC flux and keep track of the last day's info for balance checking purposes
if ( is_beg_day ) then
do s = 1,nsites
! order of operations in the next to lines is quite important ;)
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_last_ts = sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts = 0._r8
sites(s)%tot_seed_rain_flux = 0._r8

currentPatch => sites(s)%oldest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts = sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts + &
(sum(currentPatch%CWD_AG_out) + sum(currentPatch%CWD_BG_out) + &
sum(currentPatch%seed_decay) + sum(currentPatch%leaf_litter_out) + &
sum(currentPatch%root_litter_out)) * &
( currentPatch%area/AREA ) * 1.e3_r8 / ( 365.0_r8*SHR_CONST_CDAY )
sites(s)%tot_seed_rain_flux = sites(s)%tot_seed_rain_flux + &
sum(sites(s)%seed_rain_flux) * 1.e3_r8 / ( 365.0_r8*SHR_CONST_CDAY )
currentPatch => currentPatch%younger
end do !currentPatch
end do

end subroutine SummarizeNetFluxes

! ====================================================================================

subroutine FATES_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck(nsites, sites, bc_in, is_beg_day, dtime, nstep)

! Integrate in time the fluxes into and out of the ecosystem, and compare these
! on a daily timestep to the chagne in carbon stocks of the ecosystem
! Written by Charlie Koven, Feb 2016
! !USES:
use FatesInterfaceMod , only : bc_in_type
use EDtypesMod , only : ed_site_type
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: nsites
type(ed_site_type) , intent(inout), target :: sites(nsites)
type(bc_in_type) , intent(in) :: bc_in(nsites)
logical , intent(in) :: is_beg_day
real(r8) , intent(in) :: dtime ! time-step length (s)
integer , intent(in) :: nstep ! time-step index

real(r8) :: error_tolerance = 1.e-6_r8
integer :: s

if (nstep .le. 1) then
! when starting up the model, initialize the integrator variables
do s = 1,nsites
sites(s)%totecosysc_old = sites(s)%totecosysc
sites(s)%totfatesc_old = sites(s)%totfatesc
sites(s)%totbgcc_old = sites(s)%totbgcc
sites(s)%nep_timeintegrated = 0._r8
sites(s)%hr_timeintegrated = 0._r8
sites(s)%npp_timeintegrated = 0._r8
! also initialize the ed-BGC flux variables
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts = 0._r8
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_last_ts = 0._r8
sites(s)%cbal_err_fates = 0._r8
sites(s)%cbal_err_bgc = 0._r8
sites(s)%cbal_err_tot = 0._r8
end do

do s = 1,nsites
sites(s)%nep_timeintegrated = sites(s)%nep_timeintegrated + sites(s)%nep * dtime
sites(s)%hr_timeintegrated = sites(s)%hr_timeintegrated + bc_in(s)%tot_het_resp * dtime
sites(s)%npp_timeintegrated = sites(s)%npp_timeintegrated + sites(s)%npp * dtime
end do

! If this is on the dynamics time-step, then we calculate the balance checks

if ( is_beg_day ) then

do s = 1,nsites

! NBP can only be updated when dynamics level information is available
sites(s)%nbp_integrated = sites(s)%nep_timeintegrated - &
sites(s)%fire_c_to_atm * SHR_CONST_CDAY + &
sites(s)%tot_seed_rain_flux * SHR_CONST_CDAY

sites(s)%cbal_err_fates = sites(s)%totfatesc - &
sites(s)%totfatesc_old - &
(sites(s)%npp_timeintegrated + &
sites(s)%tot_seed_rain_flux*SHR_CONST_CDAY - &
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_this_ts*SHR_CONST_CDAY - &
sites(s)%cbal_err_fates = sites(s)%cbal_err_fates / SHR_CONST_CDAY

sites(s)%cbal_err_bgc = sites(s)%totbgcc - &
sites(s)%totbgcc_old - &
(sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_last_ts*SHR_CONST_CDAY - &
sites(s)%cbal_err_bgc = sites(s)%cbal_err_bgc / SHR_CONST_CDAY

sites(s)%cbal_err_tot = sites(s)%totecosysc - &
sites(s)%totecosysc_old - &
(sites(s)%nbp_integrated + &
sites(s)%fates_to_bgc_last_ts*SHR_CONST_CDAY - &
sites(s)%cbal_err_tot = sites(s)%cbal_err_tot / SHR_CONST_CDAY

! Send the current to the previous/last
sites(s)%totecosysc_old = sites(s)%totecosysc
sites(s)%totfatesc_old = sites(s)%totfatesc
sites(s)%totbgcc_old = sites(s)%totbgcc
sites(s)%nep_timeintegrated = 0._r8
sites(s)%npp_timeintegrated = 0._r8
sites(s)%hr_timeintegrated = 0._r8

end do


end subroutine FATES_BGC_Carbon_Balancecheck

end module ChecksBalancesMod

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