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size and composition structured history file diagnostics
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Merge branch 'jenniferholm/io/sclass'

This feature merge adds size and composition structured output in
history type files. The dimensions of these new variables are
(time,levscpf,lndgrid). Patch level, instead of grid level,
diagnostics would also be desirable, but are not yet
available. levscpf is a combined size class and pft index compressed
into one dimension. The index of levscpf maps onto scls_levscpf, which
indicates the diameter size class of the lower bound [cm], and
pft_levscpf which indicates the pft. New variables have the form:
ED_NPP_[VAR]_GD_SCPF, and contain attribute data providing units and
long names. Notable additions are NPP fluxes partitioned by pool,
mortality partitioned by type, growth increment, basal area, GPP and
total autotrophic respiration.

Note: Science changing results come in the form of a new filter
preventing newly recruited cohorts from fusing with non-new
recruits. Recruits that have not experienced 1 day of growth yet do
not have many initialized rates, and therefore should not be fused
with other non-recruits. This prevents contamination of diagnostics.

Test suite: ed, lawrencium-lr2; ed yellowstone intel, gnu, pgi
Test baseline: none (science changing results)
Test namelist changes: none
Test status: PASS on all except the f09_g16 and f19_g16 grids, which
were expected fails.

Code reviewed by rgknox and jenniferholm, with discussions by rfisher,
cdkoven and bandre.
  • Loading branch information
bandre-ucar committed Feb 5, 2016
2 parents 2d3e7c5 + 5ecb580 commit c3a1f92
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Showing 11 changed files with 664 additions and 60 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,3 +111,4 @@ components/clm/src/biogeophys -- Biogeophysics (Hydrology)
# (NOTE: ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=10 to set RESUBMIT to number
# # of times to automatically resubmit -- 10 in this example)

153 changes: 135 additions & 18 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDCohortDynamicsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module EDCohortDynamicsMod
use EDTypesMod , only : ed_site_type, ed_patch_type, ed_cohort_type
use EDTypesMod , only : fusetol, nclmax
use EDtypesMod , only : ncwd, numcohortsperpatch, udata
use EDtypesMod , only : sclass_ed,nlevsclass_ed,AREA
implicit none
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ subroutine create_cohort(patchptr, pft, nn, hite, dbh, &

! Calculate live biomass allocation
call allocate_live_biomass(new_cohort)
call allocate_live_biomass(new_cohort,0)

! Assign canopy extent and depth
new_cohort%c_area = c_area(new_cohort)
Expand All @@ -134,6 +135,13 @@ subroutine create_cohort(patchptr, pft, nn, hite, dbh, &
patchptr%shortest => new_cohort

! Recuits do not have mortality rates, nor have they moved any
! carbon when they are created. They will bias our statistics
! until they have experienced a full day. We need a newly recruited flag.
! This flag will be set to false after it has experienced
! growth, disturbance and mortality.
new_cohort%isnew = .true.

call insert_cohort(new_cohort, patchptr%tallest, patchptr%shortest, tnull, snull, &
storebigcohort, storesmallcohort)

Expand All @@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ subroutine create_cohort(patchptr, pft, nn, hite, dbh, &
end subroutine create_cohort

subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p)
subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p,mode)
! Divide alive biomass between leaf, root and sapwood parts.
Expand All @@ -153,6 +161,7 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p)
type (ed_cohort_type), intent(inout), target :: cc_p ! current cohort pointer
integer , intent(in) :: mode
type (ed_cohort_type), pointer :: currentCohort
Expand All @@ -170,20 +179,19 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p)
ft = currentcohort%pft
leaf_frac = 1.0_r8/(1.0_r8 + EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite + pftcon%froot_leaf(ft))

currentcohort%bl = currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac
ratio_balive = 1.0_r8
!currentcohort%bl = currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac
!for deciduous trees, there are no leaves

if (pftcon%evergreen(ft) == 1) then
currentcohort%laimemory = 0._r8
currentcohort%status_coh = 2

!diagnore the root and stem biomass from the functional balance hypothesis. This is used when the leaves are
! iagnore the root and stem biomass from the functional balance hypothesis. This is used when the leaves are
!fully on.
currentcohort%br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (currentcohort%balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
currentcohort%bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
!currentcohort%br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (currentcohort%balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
!currentcohort%bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
! currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac

leaves_off_switch = 0
if (currentcohort%status_coh == 1.and.pftcon%stress_decid(ft) == 1.and.currentcohort%siteptr%dstatus==1) then !no leaves
Expand All @@ -193,12 +201,46 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p)
leaves_off_switch = 1 !cold decid

if (leaves_off_switch==1) then
!the purpose of this section is to figure out the root and stem biomass when the leaves are off
!at this point, we know the former leaf mass (laimemory) and the current alive mass
!because balive may decline in the off-season, we need to adjust the root and stem biomass that are predicted
!from the laimemory, for the fact that we now might not have enough live biomass to support the hypothesized root mass
!thus, we use 'ratio_balive' to adjust br and bsw. Apologies that this is so complicated! RF
! Use different proportions if the leaves are on vs off

! Tracking npp/gpp diagnostics only occur after growth derivatives is called
! it will not be able to put out as many leaves as it had previous timestep
currentcohort%npp_leaf = currentcohort%npp_leaf + &
max(0.0_r8,currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac - currentcohort%bl)/udata%deltat
end if

currentcohort%bl = currentcohort%balive*leaf_frac

!diagnose the root and stem biomass from the functional balance hypothesis. This is used when the leaves are
!fully on.

currentcohort%npp_froot = currentcohort%npp_froot + &
max(0._r8,pftcon%froot_leaf(ft)*(currentcohort%balive+currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac - currentcohort%br)/udata%deltat

currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0._r8,EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &
currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac - currentcohort%bsw)/udata%deltat

currentcohort%npp_bdead = currentCohort%dbdeaddt

end if

currentcohort%br = pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) * (currentcohort%balive + currentcohort%laimemory) * leaf_frac
currentcohort%bsw = EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(currentcohort%balive + &

else ! Leaves are on (leaves_off_switch==1)

!the purpose of this section is to figure out the root and stem biomass when the leaves are off
!at this point, we know the former leaf mass (laimemory) and the current alive mass
!because balive may decline in the off-season, we need to adjust the root and stem biomass that are predicted
!from the laimemory, for the fact that we now might not have enough live biomass to support the hypothesized root mass
!thus, we use 'ratio_balive' to adjust br and bsw. Apologies that this is so complicated! RF

currentcohort%bl = 0.0_r8
ideal_balive = currentcohort%laimemory * pftcon%froot_leaf(ft) + &
currentcohort%laimemory* EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite
Expand All @@ -208,7 +250,21 @@ subroutine allocate_live_biomass(cc_p)

ratio_balive = currentcohort%balive / ideal_balive
currentcohort%br = currentcohort%br * ratio_balive
currentcohort%bsw = currentcohort%bsw * ratio_balive
currentcohort%bsw = currentcohort%bsw * ratio_balive

! Diagnostics

currentcohort%npp_froot = currentcohort%npp_froot + &
max(0.0_r8,pftcon%froot_leaf(ft)*(ideal_balive + &

currentcohort%npp_bsw = max(0.0_r8,EDecophyscon%sapwood_ratio(ft) * currentcohort%hite *(ideal_balive + &
currentcohort%laimemory)*leaf_frac*ratio_balive - currentcohort%bsw)/udata%deltat

currentcohort%npp_bdead = currentCohort%dbdeaddt

end if


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +350,14 @@ subroutine nan_cohort(cc_p)
currentCohort%resp_clm = nan ! RESP: kgC/indiv/timestep
currentCohort%resp_acc = nan ! RESP: kGC/cohort/day

currentCohort%npp_leaf = nan
currentCohort%npp_froot = nan
currentCohort%npp_bsw = nan
currentCohort%npp_bdead = nan
currentCohort%npp_bseed = nan
currentCohort%npp_store = nan

currentCohort%rd = nan
currentCohort%resp_m = nan ! Maintenance respiration. kGC/cohort/year
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +451,13 @@ subroutine zero_cohort(cc_p)
currentcohort%gscan = 0._r8
currentcohort%treesai = 0._r8

! currentCohort%npp_leaf = 0._r8
! currentCohort%npp_froot = 0._r8
! currentCohort%npp_bsw = 0._r8
! currentCohort%npp_bdead = 0._r8
! currentCohort%npp_bseed = 0._r8
! currentCohort%npp_store = 0._r8

end subroutine zero_cohort

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,7 +604,9 @@ subroutine fuse_cohorts(patchptr)
iterate = 1
fusion_took_place = 0
currentPatch => patchptr
maxcohorts = currentPatch%NCL_p * numCohortsPerPatch
! maxcohorts = currentPatch%NCL_p * numCohortsPerPatch
maxcohorts = numCohortsPerPatch

! Keep doing this until nocohorts <= maxcohorts !
Expand All @@ -559,7 +632,17 @@ subroutine fuse_cohorts(patchptr)
if (currentCohort%pft == nextc%pft) then

! check cohorts in same c. layer. before fusing
if (currentCohort%canopy_layer == nextc%canopy_layer) then

if (currentCohort%canopy_layer == nextc%canopy_layer) then

! Note: because newly recruited cohorts that have not experienced
! a day yet will have un-known flux quantities or change rates
! we don't want them fusing with non-new cohorts. We allow them
! to fuse with other new cohorts to keep the total number of cohorts
! down.

if( (.not.(currentCohort%isnew) .and. .not.(nextc%isnew) ) .or. &
( currentCohort%isnew .and. nextc%isnew ) ) then

fusion_took_place = 1
newn = currentCohort%n + nextc%n ! sum individuals in both cohorts.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,10 +696,25 @@ subroutine fuse_cohorts(patchptr)
currentCohort%npp = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp + nextc%n*nextc%npp)/newn
currentCohort%gpp = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%gpp + nextc%n*nextc%gpp)/newn
currentCohort%canopy_trim = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%canopy_trim + nextc%n*nextc%canopy_trim)/newn
currentCohort%dmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%dmort + nextc%n*nextc%dmort)/newn
currentCohort%dmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%dmort + nextc%n*nextc%dmort)/newn
currentCohort%fire_mort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%fire_mort + nextc%n*nextc%fire_mort)/newn
currentCohort%leaf_litter = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%leaf_litter + nextc%n*nextc%leaf_litter)/newn

! mortality diagnostics
currentCohort%cmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%cmort + nextc%n*nextc%cmort)/newn
currentCohort%hmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%hmort + nextc%n*nextc%hmort)/newn
currentCohort%bmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%bmort + nextc%n*nextc%bmort)/newn
currentCohort%imort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%imort + nextc%n*nextc%imort)/newn
currentCohort%fmort = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%fmort + nextc%n*nextc%fmort)/newn

! npp diagnostics
currentCohort%npp_leaf = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_leaf + nextc%n*nextc%npp_leaf)/newn
currentCohort%npp_froot = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_froot + nextc%n*nextc%npp_froot)/newn
currentCohort%npp_bsw = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_bsw + nextc%n*nextc%npp_bsw)/newn
currentCohort%npp_bdead = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_bdead + nextc%n*nextc%npp_bdead)/newn
currentCohort%npp_bseed = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_bseed + nextc%n*nextc%npp_bseed)/newn
currentCohort%npp_store = (currentCohort%n*currentCohort%npp_store + nextc%n*nextc%npp_store)/newn

do i=1, nlevcan_ed
if (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(i) == 999._r8 .or. nextc%year_net_uptake(i) == 999._r8) then
currentCohort%year_net_uptake(i) = min(nextc%year_net_uptake(i),currentCohort%year_net_uptake(i))
Expand All @@ -639,6 +737,8 @@ subroutine fuse_cohorts(patchptr)

endif ! Not a recruit

endif !canopy layer
endif !pft
endif !index no.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -917,6 +1017,13 @@ subroutine copy_cohort( currentCohort,copyc )
n%year_net_uptake = o%year_net_uptake
n%ts_net_uptake = o%ts_net_uptake

n%npp_leaf = o%npp_leaf
n%npp_froot = o%npp_froot
n%npp_bsw = o%npp_bsw
n%npp_bdead = o%npp_bdead
n%npp_bseed = o%npp_bseed
n%npp_store = o%npp_store

n%rd = o%rd
n%resp_m = o%resp_m
Expand All @@ -943,6 +1050,16 @@ subroutine copy_cohort( currentCohort,copyc )
n%c_area = o%c_area
n%woody_turnover = o%woody_turnover

! Mortality diagnostics
n%cmort = o%cmort
n%bmort = o%bmort
n%imort = o%imort
n%fmort = o%fmort
n%hmort = o%hmort

! Flags
n%isnew = o%isnew

n%dndt = o%dndt
n%dhdt = o%dhdt
Expand Down
31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions components/clm/src/ED/biogeochem/EDGrowthFunctionsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,15 +322,19 @@ real(r8) function dDbhdBl( cohort_in )
dblddbh = 1.56_r8*0.0419_r8*(cohort_in%dbh**0.56_r8)*(EDecophyscon%wood_density(cohort_in%pft)**0.55_r8)
dblddbh = dblddbh*cohort_in%canopy_trim

dDbhdBl = 1.0_r8/dblddbh
if( cohort_in%dbh<EDecophyscon%max_dbh(cohort_in%pft) ) then
dDbhdBl = 1.0_r8/dblddbh
dDbhdBl = 1.0d15 ! At maximum size, the leaf biomass is saturated, dbl=0


end function dDbhdBl

! ============================================================================

real(r8) function mortality_rates( cohort_in )
subroutine mortality_rates( cohort_in,cmort,hmort,bmort )

! ============================================================================
! Calculate mortality rates as a function of carbon storage
Expand All @@ -339,34 +343,39 @@ real(r8) function mortality_rates( cohort_in )
use EDParamsMod, only : ED_val_stress_mort

type (ed_cohort_type), intent(in) :: cohort_in
real(r8),intent(out) :: bmort ! background mortality : Fraction per year
real(r8),intent(out) :: cmort ! carbon starvation mortality
real(r8),intent(out) :: hmort ! hydraulic failure mortality

real(r8) :: frac ! relativised stored carbohydrate
real(r8) :: smort ! stress mortality : Fraction per year
real(r8) :: bmort ! background mortality : Fraction per year

! 'Background' mortality (can vary as a function of density as in ED1.0 and ED2.0, but doesn't here for tractability)
bmort = 0.014_r8

! Proxy for hydraulic failure induced mortality.
smort = 0.0_r8
if(cohort_in%patchptr%btran_ft(cohort_in%pft) <= 0.000001_r8)then
smort = smort + ED_val_stress_mort
hmort = ED_val_stress_mort
hmort = 0.0_r8

! Carbon Starvation induced mortality.
if ( cohort_in%dbh > 0._r8 ) then
if(Bleaf(cohort_in) > 0._r8.and.cohort_in%bstore <= Bleaf(cohort_in))then
if(Bleaf(cohort_in) > 0._r8 .and. cohort_in%bstore <= Bleaf(cohort_in))then
frac = cohort_in%bstore/(Bleaf(cohort_in))
smort = smort + max(0.0_r8,ED_val_stress_mort*(1.0_r8 - frac))
cmort = max(0.0_r8,ED_val_stress_mort*(1.0_r8 - frac))
cmort = 0.0_r8

write(iulog,*) 'dbh problem in mortality_rates', &

mortality_rates = smort + bmort
!mortality_rates = bmort + hmort + cmort

end function mortality_rates
end subroutine mortality_rates

! ============================================================================

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