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adrifoster committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent c37d878 commit 0344660
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 150 deletions.
300 changes: 150 additions & 150 deletions main/FatesInterfaceMod.F90
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Expand Up @@ -2182,210 +2182,210 @@ end subroutine SeedlingParPatch

subroutine DetermineGridCellNeighbors(neighbors,seeds,numg)

! This subroutine utilizes information from the decomposition and domain types to determine
! the set of grid cell neighbors within some maximum distance. It records the distance for each
! neighbor for later use. This should be called after decompInit_lnd and surf_get_grid
! as it relies on ldecomp and ldomain information.

use decompMod , only : procinfo
use domainMod , only : ldomain
use spmdMod , only : MPI_REAL8, MPI_INTEGER, mpicom, npes, masterproc, iam
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
use FatesDispersalMod , only : neighborhood_type, neighbor_type, ProbabilityDensity, dispersal_type
use FatesUtilsMod , only : GetNeighborDistance
use FatesConstantsMod , only : fates_unset_int
use EDPftvarcon , only : EDPftvarcon_inst
! This subroutine utilizes information from the decomposition and domain types to determine
! the set of grid cell neighbors within some maximum distance. It records the distance for each
! neighbor for later use. This should be called after decompInit_lnd and surf_get_grid
! as it relies on ldecomp and ldomain information.

! Arguments
type(neighborhood_type), intent(inout), pointer :: neighbors(:) ! land gridcell neighbor data structure
type(dispersal_type), intent(inout) :: seeds ! land gridcell neighbor data structure
integer , intent(in) :: numg ! number of land gridcells
use decompMod , only : procinfo
use domainMod , only : ldomain
use spmdMod , only : MPI_REAL8, MPI_INTEGER, mpicom, npes, masterproc, iam
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
use FatesDispersalMod , only : neighborhood_type, neighbor_type, ProbabilityDensity, dispersal_type
use FatesUtilsMod , only : GetNeighborDistance
use FatesConstantsMod , only : fates_unset_int
use EDPftvarcon , only : EDPftvarcon_inst

! Local variables
type (neighbor_type), pointer :: current_neighbor
type (neighbor_type), pointer :: another_neighbor
! Arguments
type(neighborhood_type), intent(inout), pointer :: neighbors(:) ! land gridcell neighbor data structure
type(dispersal_type), intent(inout) :: seeds ! land gridcell neighbor data structure
integer , intent(in) :: numg ! number of land gridcells

integer :: i, gi, gj, ni ! indices
integer :: ier, mpierr ! error status
integer :: ipft ! pft index
! Local variables
type (neighbor_type), pointer :: current_neighbor
type (neighbor_type), pointer :: another_neighbor

integer, allocatable :: ncells_array(:), begg_array(:) ! number of cells and starting global grid cell index per process
real(r8), allocatable :: gclat(:), gclon(:) ! local array holding gridcell lat and lon
integer :: i, gi, gj, ni ! indices
integer :: ier, mpierr ! error status
integer :: ipft ! pft index

real(r8) :: g2g_dist ! grid cell distance (m)
real(r8) :: pdf ! probability density function output
integer, allocatable :: ncells_array(:), begg_array(:) ! number of cells and starting global grid cell index per process
real(r8), allocatable :: gclat(:), gclon(:) ! local array holding gridcell lat and lon

if(debug .and. hlm_is_restart .eq. itrue) write(fates_log(),*) 'gridcell initialization during restart'
real(r8) :: g2g_dist ! grid cell distance (m)
real(r8) :: pdf ! probability density function output

if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: npes, numg: ', npes, numg
if(debug .and. hlm_is_restart .eq. itrue) write(fates_log(),*) 'gridcell initialization during restart'

! Allocate and initialize array neighbor type
allocate(neighbors(numg), stat=ier)
neighbors(:)%neighbor_count = 0
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: npes, numg: ', npes, numg

! Allocate and initialize local lat and lon arrays
allocate(gclat(numg), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gclat alloc: ', ier
! Allocate and initialize array neighbor type
allocate(neighbors(numg), stat=ier)
neighbors(:)%neighbor_count = 0

allocate(gclon(numg), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gclon alloc: ', ier
! Allocate and initialize local lat and lon arrays
allocate(gclat(numg), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gclat alloc: ', ier

gclon(:) = nan
gclat(:) = nan
allocate(gclon(numg), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gclon alloc: ', ier

! Allocate and initialize MPI count and displacement values
allocate(ncells_array(0:npes-1), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells alloc: ', ier
gclon(:) = nan
gclat(:) = nan

allocate(begg_array(0:npes-1), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg alloc: ', ier
! Allocate and initialize MPI count and displacement values
allocate(ncells_array(0:npes-1), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells alloc: ', ier

ncells_array(:) = fates_unset_int
begg_array(:) = fates_unset_int
allocate(begg_array(0:npes-1), stat=ier)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg alloc: ', ier

call t_startf('fates-seed-init-allgather')
ncells_array(:) = fates_unset_int
begg_array(:) = fates_unset_int

if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: procinfo%begg: ', procinfo%begg
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: procinfo%ncells: ', procinfo%ncells
call t_startf('fates-seed-init-allgather')

! Gather the sizes of the ldomain that each mpi rank is passing
call MPI_Allgather(procinfo%ncells,1,MPI_INTEGER,ncells_array,1,MPI_INTEGER,mpicom,mpierr)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells mpierr: ', mpierr
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: procinfo%begg: ', procinfo%begg
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: procinfo%ncells: ', procinfo%ncells

! Gather the starting gridcell index for each ldomain
call MPI_Allgather(procinfo%begg,1,MPI_INTEGER,begg_array,1,MPI_INTEGER,mpicom,mpierr)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg mpierr: ', mpierr
! Gather the sizes of the ldomain that each mpi rank is passing
call MPI_Allgather(procinfo%ncells,1,MPI_INTEGER,ncells_array,1,MPI_INTEGER,mpicom,mpierr)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells mpierr: ', mpierr

! reduce the begg_array displacements by one as MPI collectives expect zero indexed arrays
begg_array = begg_array - 1
! Gather the starting gridcell index for each ldomain
call MPI_Allgather(procinfo%begg,1,MPI_INTEGER,begg_array,1,MPI_INTEGER,mpicom,mpierr)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg mpierr: ', mpierr

if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells_array: ' , ncells_array
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg_array: ' , begg_array
! reduce the begg_array displacements by one as MPI collectives expect zero indexed arrays
begg_array = begg_array - 1

! Gather the domain information together into the neighbor type
! Note that MPI_Allgatherv is only gathering a subset of ldomain
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gathering latc'
call MPI_Allgatherv(ldomain%latc,procinfo%ncells,MPI_REAL8,gclat,ncells_array,begg_array,MPI_REAL8,mpicom,mpierr)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: ncells_array: ' , ncells_array
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: begg_array: ' , begg_array

if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gathering lonc'
call MPI_Allgatherv(ldomain%lonc,procinfo%ncells,MPI_REAL8,gclon,ncells_array,begg_array,MPI_REAL8,mpicom,mpierr)
! Gather the domain information together into the neighbor type
! Note that MPI_Allgatherv is only gathering a subset of ldomain
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gathering latc'
call MPI_Allgatherv(ldomain%latc,procinfo%ncells,MPI_REAL8,gclat,ncells_array,begg_array,MPI_REAL8,mpicom,mpierr)

if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: sum(gclat):, sum(gclon): ', sum(gclat), sum(gclon)
end if
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: gathering lonc'
call MPI_Allgatherv(ldomain%lonc,procinfo%ncells,MPI_REAL8,gclon,ncells_array,begg_array,MPI_REAL8,mpicom,mpierr)

! Save number of cells and begging index arrays to dispersal type
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: save to seeds type'
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds ncells alloc: ', allocated(seeds%ncells_array)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds begg alloc: ', allocated(seeds%begg_array)
seeds%ncells_array = ncells_array
seeds%begg_array = begg_array
if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: sum(gclat):, sum(gclon): ', sum(gclat), sum(gclon)
end if

if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds%ncells_array: ', seeds%ncells_array
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds%begg_array: ', seeds%begg_array
end if
! Save number of cells and begging index arrays to dispersal type
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: save to seeds type'
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds ncells alloc: ', allocated(seeds%ncells_array)
if(debug) write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds begg alloc: ', allocated(seeds%begg_array)
seeds%ncells_array = ncells_array
seeds%begg_array = begg_array

call t_stopf('fates-seed-init-allgather')
if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds%ncells_array: ', seeds%ncells_array
write(fates_log(),*)'DGCN: seeds%begg_array: ', seeds%begg_array
end if

call t_startf('fates-seed-init-decomp')
call t_stopf('fates-seed-init-allgather')

if(debug) write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: maxdist: ', EDPftvarcon_inst%seed_dispersal_max_dist
call t_startf('fates-seed-init-decomp')

! Iterate through the grid cell indices and determine if any neighboring cells are in range
gc_loop: do gi = 1,numg-1
if(debug) write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: maxdist: ', EDPftvarcon_inst%seed_dispersal_max_dist

! Seach forward through all indices for neighbors to current grid cell index
neighbor_search: do gj = gi+1,numg
! Iterate through the grid cell indices and determine if any neighboring cells are in range
gc_loop: do gi = 1,numg-1

! Determine distance to old grid cells to the current one
g2g_dist = GetNeighborDistance(gi,gj,gclat,gclon)
! Seach forward through all indices for neighbors to current grid cell index
neighbor_search: do gj = gi+1,numg

if(debug) write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: gi,gj,g2g_dist: ', gi,gj,g2g_dist
! Determine distance to old grid cells to the current one
g2g_dist = GetNeighborDistance(gi,gj,gclat,gclon)

dist_check: if (any(EDPftvarcon_inst%seed_dispersal_max_dist .gt. g2g_dist)) then
if(debug) write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: gi,gj,g2g_dist: ', gi,gj,g2g_dist

! Add neighbor index to current grid cell index list
current_neighbor%next_neighbor => null()
dist_check: if (any(EDPftvarcon_inst%seed_dispersal_max_dist .gt. g2g_dist)) then

current_neighbor%gindex = gj
! Add neighbor index to current grid cell index list
current_neighbor%next_neighbor => null()

current_neighbor%gc_dist = g2g_dist
current_neighbor%gindex = gj

current_neighbor%gc_dist = g2g_dist

do ipft = 1, numpft
call ProbabilityDensity(pdf, ipft, g2g_dist)
current_neighbor%density_prob(ipft) = pdf
end do

if (associated(neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor)) then
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor%next_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor => current_neighbor
end if
do ipft = 1, numpft
call ProbabilityDensity(pdf, ipft, g2g_dist)
current_neighbor%density_prob(ipft) = pdf
end do

neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count = neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count + 1
if (associated(neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor)) then
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor%next_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor => current_neighbor
neighbors(gi)%last_neighbor => current_neighbor
end if

! Add current grid cell index to the neighbor's list as well
another_neighbor%next_neighbor => null()
neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count = neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count + 1

another_neighbor%gindex = gi
! Add current grid cell index to the neighbor's list as well
another_neighbor%next_neighbor => null()

another_neighbor%gc_dist = current_neighbor%gc_dist
do ipft = 1, numpft
another_neighbor%density_prob(ipft) = current_neighbor%density_prob(ipft)
end do
another_neighbor%gindex = gi

if (associated(neighbors(gj)%first_neighbor)) then
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor%next_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%first_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor => another_neighbor
end if
another_neighbor%gc_dist = current_neighbor%gc_dist
do ipft = 1, numpft
another_neighbor%density_prob(ipft) = current_neighbor%density_prob(ipft)
end do

neighbors(gj)%neighbor_count = neighbors(gj)%neighbor_count + 1
if (associated(neighbors(gj)%first_neighbor)) then
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor%next_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%first_neighbor => another_neighbor
neighbors(gj)%last_neighbor => another_neighbor
end if

end if dist_check
end do neighbor_search
end do gc_loop
neighbors(gj)%neighbor_count = neighbors(gj)%neighbor_count + 1

! Loop through the list and populate the grid cell index array for each gridcell
do gi = 1,numg
end if dist_check
end do neighbor_search
end do gc_loop

! Start at the first neighbor of each neighborhood list
current_neighbor => neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor
! Loop through the list and populate the grid cell index array for each gridcell
do gi = 1,numg

! Allocate an array to hold the gridcell indices in each neighborhood
! Start at the first neighbor of each neighborhood list
current_neighbor => neighbors(gi)%first_neighbor

! Walk through the neighborhood linked list and populate the array
ni = 1
do while (associated(current_neighbor))
neighbors(gi)%neighbor_indices(ni) = current_neighbor%gindex
ni = ni + 1
current_neighbor => current_neighbor%next_neighbor
end do
! Allocate an array to hold the gridcell indices in each neighborhood

if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, lat, lon: ', gi, gclat(gi), gclon(gi)
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, ncount: ', gi, neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count
do i = 1,neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, gilist: ', gi, neighbors(gi)%neighbor_indices(i)
end do
end if
! Walk through the neighborhood linked list and populate the array
ni = 1
do while (associated(current_neighbor))
neighbors(gi)%neighbor_indices(ni) = current_neighbor%gindex
ni = ni + 1
current_neighbor => current_neighbor%next_neighbor
end do

end do
if (debug .and. iam .eq. 0) then
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, lat, lon: ', gi, gclat(gi), gclon(gi)
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, ncount: ', gi, neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count
do i = 1,neighbors(gi)%neighbor_count
write(fates_log(), *) 'DGCN: g, gilist: ', gi, neighbors(gi)%neighbor_indices(i)
end do
end if

end do

call t_stopf('fates-seed-init-decomp')
call t_stopf('fates-seed-init-decomp')

end subroutine DetermineGridCellNeighbors

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