This mod gives Minecraft Java Edition native support for the Steam Deck's inputs, bypassing all of Steam Input.
- Gyro and flick stick camera controls as designed by Jibb Smart
- Twin-stick aiming using left joystick and right trackpad
- Mouse controls for GUIs
- On-screen keyboard using trackpads
The following is the default config. It can be changed in the config file. More instructions / GUI coming soon...
This is a Forge mod. Place the JAR in the mods/
You will also need to configure Steam Input to use an empty configuration in order to avoid conflicts.
In order to enable this mod's touchscreen controls, you need to create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-deck-touchscreen.rules
with contents
SUBSYSTEMS=="input", ATTRS{name}=="FTS3528:00 2808:1015", ATTRS{phys}=="i2c-FTS3528:00", RUN="/usr/bin/setfacl -m u:deck:rw %N"
This mod opens the Steam Deck's hidraw device and reads raw input reports (independently / in parallel with anything Steam does). These inputs are injected into Minecraft by calling into the existing keyboard and mouse handler code.