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Merge pull request #1 from mzhangw/HAFS_fer_hires
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configuration files for Ferrier-Aligo MP scheme
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climbfuji authored Nov 22, 2019
2 parents bd76a74 + be2363f commit 15ed9ca
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Showing 3 changed files with 362 additions and 0 deletions.
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions parm/ccpp_regional_c768_FA.nml.IN
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
interp_oi_sst = .true.
use_ncep_sst = .true.
use_ncep_ice = .false.
no_anom_sst = .false.
data_set = 'reynolds_oi',
date_out_of_range = 'climo',

blocksize = 32
chksum_debug = .false.
dycore_only = .false.
fdiag = 1
ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]'

prepend_date = .F.

checksum_required = .false.
max_files_r = 100,
max_files_w = 100,

clock_grain = 'ROUTINE',
domains_stack_size = 3000000,
print_memory_usage = .false.

grid_file = 'INPUT/'

layout = 24,20
io_layout = 1,1
npx = 1729
npy = 1441
ntiles = 1,
npz = 64
!grid_type = -1
make_nh = @[MAKE_NH]
fv_debug = .F.
range_warn = .T.
reset_eta = .F.
n_sponge = 24
nudge_qv = .T.
tau = 5.
rf_cutoff = 20.e2
d2_bg_k1 = 0.20
d2_bg_k2 = 0.04
kord_tm = -11
kord_mt = 11
kord_wz = 11
kord_tr = 11
hydrostatic = .F.
phys_hydrostatic = .F.
use_hydro_pressure = .F.
beta = 0.
a_imp = 1.
p_fac = 0.1
k_split = 4
n_split = 5
nwat = 4
na_init = @[NA_INIT]
d_ext = 0.0
dnats = 1
fv_sg_adj = 300
d2_bg = 0.
nord = 2
dddmp = 0.1
d4_bg = 0.12
vtdm4 = 0.02
delt_max = 0.008
ke_bg = 0.
do_vort_damp = .T.
external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC]
external_eta = .T.
gfs_phil = .false.
nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC]
mountain = @[MOUNTAIN]
ncep_ic = .F.
d_con = 1.0
hord_mt = 6
hord_vt = 6
hord_tm = 6
hord_dp = -6
hord_tr = 8
adjust_dry_mass = .F.
consv_te = 0.
consv_am = .F.
fill = .T.
dwind_2d = .F.
print_freq = 6
warm_start = @[WARM_START]
no_dycore = .false.
z_tracer = .T.
read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT]
res_latlon_dynamics = ""

do_schmidt = .true.
target_lat = 35.5
target_lon = -97.5
stretch_fac = 1.5
!! nord_zs_filter = 4
n_zs_filter = 0
regional = .true.
bc_update_interval = 6

filtered_terrain = .true.
levp = 65
gfs_dwinds = .true.
checker_tr = .F.
nt_checker = 0

fhzero = 3.
ldiag3d = .false.
fhcyc = 24.
nst_anl = .true.
use_ufo = .true.
pre_rad = .false.
ncld = 5
imp_physics = 15
spec_adv = .true.
RHGRD = 0.98
lradar = @[LRADAR]
pdfcld = .false.
fhswr = 3600.
fhlwr = 3600.
ialb = 1
iems = 1
IAER = 111
ico2 = 2
isubc_sw = 2
isubc_lw = 2
isol = 2
lwhtr = .true.
swhtr = .true.
cnvgwd = .true.
shal_cnv = .false.
cal_pre = .false.
redrag = .true.
dspheat = .true.
hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF]
satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF]
lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG]
random_clds = .false.
trans_trac = .true.
cnvcld = .false.
imfshalcnv = 2
imfdeepcnv = 2
cdmbgwd = 3.5, 0.25 ! NCEP default
prslrd0 = 0.
ivegsrc = 1
isot = 1
lsm = 1
iopt_dveg = 2
iopt_crs = 1
iopt_btr = 1
iopt_run = 1
iopt_sfc = 1
iopt_frz = 1
iopt_inf = 1
iopt_rad = 1
iopt_alb = 2
iopt_snf = 4
iopt_tbot = 2
iopt_stc = 1
debug = .false.
oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD]
oz_phys_2015 = @[OZ_PHYS_NEW]
nstf_name = 1,1,1,0,5
cplflx = .F.
iau_delthrs = 6
iaufhrs = 30
iau_inc_files = @[IAU_INC_FILES]
do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT]
do_shum = @[DO_SHUM]
do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB]
do_sfcperts = @[DO_SFCPERTS]

interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle'

FNGLAC = "global_glacier.2x2.grb",
FNMXIC = "global_maxice.2x2.grb",
FNTSFC = "RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb",
FNSNOC = "global_snoclim.1.875.grb",
FNZORC = "igbp"
FNALBC = "global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t126.384.190.rg.grb",
FNALBC2 = "global_albedo4.1x1.grb",
FNAISC = "CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb",
FNTG3C = "global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb",
FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb",
FNVETC = "global_vegtype.igbp.t126.384.190.rg.grb",
FNSOTC = "global_soiltype.statsgo.t126.384.190.rg.grb",
FNSMCC = "global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb",
FNMSKH = "seaice_newland.grb",
FNTSFA = "",
FNACNA = "",
FNSNOA = "",
FNVMNC = "global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb",
FNVMXC = "global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb",
FNSLPC = "global_slope.1x1.grb",
FNABSC = "global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t126.384.190.rg.grb",
LDEBUG =.false.,
FSMCL(2) = 99999
FSMCL(3) = 99999
FSMCL(4) = 99999
FTSFS = 90
FAISS = 99999
FSNOL = 99999
FSICL = 99999
FTSFL = 99999,
FAISL = 99999,
FVETL = 99999,
FSOTL = 99999,
FvmnL = 99999,
FvmxL = 99999,
FSLPL = 99999,
FABSL = 99999,
FSNOS = 99999,
FSICS = 99999,

sedi_transport = .false.
do_sedi_heat = .false.
rad_snow = .true.
rad_graupel = .true.
rad_rain = .true.
const_vi = .F.
const_vs = .F.
const_vg = .F.
const_vr = .F.
vi_max = 1.
vs_max = 2.
vg_max = 12.
vr_max = 12.
qi_lim = 1.
prog_ccn = .false.
do_qa = .true.
fast_sat_adj = .true.
tau_l2v = 180.
tau_v2l = 90.
tau_g2v = 900.
rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water
dw_land = 0.16
dw_ocean = 0.10
ql_gen = 1.0e-3
ql_mlt = 1.0e-3
qi0_crt = 8.0E-5
qs0_crt = 1.0e-3
tau_i2s = 1000.
c_psaci = 0.05
c_pgacs = 0.01
rh_inc = 0.30
rh_inr = 0.30
rh_ins = 0.30
ccn_l = 300.
ccn_o = 100.
c_paut = 0.5
c_cracw = 0.8
use_ppm = .false.
use_ccn = .true.
mono_prof = .true.
z_slope_liq = .true.
z_slope_ice = .true.
de_ice = .false.
fix_negative = .true.
icloud_f = 1
mp_time = 90.



knob_ugwp_solver = 2
knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0
knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25
knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4
knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0
knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1
knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1
knob_ugwp_doheat = 1
knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1
knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1
knob_ugwp_version = 0
launch_level = 25
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions tests/fv3_conf/ccpp_regional_FA_run.IN
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
rsync -arv @[RTPWD]/FV3_regional_input_data/. .
rsync -arv @[RTPWD]/@[INPUT_DIR]/model_configure .


rsync -arv @[RTPWD]/@[INPUT_DIR]/INPUT/. INPUT/.

if [ $WARM_START = .T. ]; then
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20181015.120000.coupler.res INPUT/coupler.res
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp ../fv3_ccpp_regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/ INPUT/
cp @[RTPWD]/FV3_input_data/DETAMPNEW_DATA* .
cp @[RTPWD]/FV3_input_data/*grb .
cp @[RTPWD]/FV3_input_data/*_table .
cp /scratch1/BMC/gmtb/HAFS_physics/diag_table_FA diag_table
cp /scratch1/BMC/gmtb/HAFS_physics/field_table_FA_nwat4 field_table

cp ${PATHRT}/../FV3/ccpp/suites/suite_${CCPP_SUITE}.xml suite_${CCPP_SUITE}.xml

# Add path to and to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, append to
echo " " >>
echo "# Add path to and to LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
echo " " >>
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions tests/tests/fv3_ccpp_regional_c768_FA_update_moist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# FV3 CCPP regional c768 test with Ferrier-Aligo MP scheme

export TEST_DESCR="Compare FV3 CCPP regional c768 with Ferrier-Aligo MP scheme results with previous trunk version"

export CNTL_DIR=fv3_regional_c768

export LIST_FILES=" \ \ "


export TASKS=480
export WLCLK=30

export FV3_RUN=ccpp_regional_FA_run.IN

export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_ferhires_update_moist
export CCPP_LIB_DIR=ccpp/lib
export INPUT_NML=ccpp_regional_c768_FA.nml.IN
export LRADAR=.T.
export WRITE_DOPOST=.true.

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