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grantfirl committed Jan 12, 2021
1 parent 08614f8 commit ddb1586
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Showing 3 changed files with 82 additions and 70 deletions.
14 changes: 2 additions & 12 deletions ccpp/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,8 +200,10 @@
'ccpp/physics/physics/rrtmgp_lw_cloud_sampling.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/rrtmgp_sw_cloud_sampling.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_cloud_diagnostics.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_thompsonmp_pre.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_gfdlmp_pre.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_zhaocarr_pre.F90' ,
'ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_overlap_pre.F90' ,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,12 +293,6 @@
'rrtmgp_lw_rte' : {
'rrtmgp_lw_rte_run' : [
'rrtmgp_sw_rte' : {
'rrtmgp_sw_rte_run' : [
Expand All @@ -313,12 +309,6 @@
'GFS_suite_interstitial_2' : {
'GFS_suite_interstitial_2_run' : [
#'subroutine_name_1' : 'all',
#'subroutine_name_2' : 'none',
#'subroutine_name_2' : [ 'var1', 'var3'],
Expand Down
65 changes: 38 additions & 27 deletions scm/src/GFS_typedefs.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -407,7 +407,8 @@ module GFS_typedefs
!< difference of dnfxc & upfxc from GFS_radtend_type%sfcfsw
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: sfcdlw(:) => null() !< total sky sfc downward lw flux ( w/m**2 )
!< GFS_radtend_type%sfclsw%dnfxc

real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: sfculw(:) => null() !< total sky sfc upward lw flux ( w/m**2 )
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: sfculw_jac(:) => null() !< Jacobian of total sky sfc upward lw flux ( w/m**2/K )
!--- incoming quantities
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: dusfcin_cpl(:) => null() !< aoi_fld%dusfcin(item,lan)
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: dvsfcin_cpl(:) => null() !< aoi_fld%dvsfcin(item,lan)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,6 +667,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
logical :: do_GPsw_Glw !< If set to true use rrtmgp for SW calculation, rrtmg for LW.
character(len=128) :: active_gases_array(100) !< character array for each trace gas name
logical :: use_LW_jacobian !< If true, use Jacobian of LW to update radiation tendency.
logical :: doGP_lwscat !< If true, include scattering in longwave cloud-optics, only compatible w/ GP cloud-optics
!--- microphysical switch
integer :: ncld !< choice of cloud scheme
!--- new microphysical switch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1983,7 +1985,6 @@ module GFS_typedefs
integer :: ipsdlw0 !<
integer :: ipsdsw0 !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: sktp1r(:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: p_lay(:,:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: p_lev(:,:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: t_lev(:,:) => null() !<
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2035,10 +2036,10 @@ module GFS_typedefs
type(ty_gas_optics_rrtmgp) :: sw_gas_props !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_cloud_optics) :: lw_cloud_props !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_cloud_optics) :: sw_cloud_props !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_cloudsByBand !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_clouds !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_precipByBand !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_precip !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_2str) :: lw_optical_props_cloudsByBand !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_2str) :: lw_optical_props_clouds !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_2str) :: lw_optical_props_precipByBand !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_2str) :: lw_optical_props_precip !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_clrsky !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_1scl) :: lw_optical_props_aerosol !< RRTMGP DDT
type(ty_optical_props_2str) :: sw_optical_props_cloudsByBand !< RRTMGP DDT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2577,10 +2578,14 @@ subroutine coupling_create (Coupling, IM, Model)
allocate (Coupling%sfcdsw (IM))
allocate (Coupling%sfcnsw (IM))
allocate (Coupling%sfcdlw (IM))
allocate (Coupling%sfculw (IM))
allocate (Coupling%sfculw_jac (IM))

Coupling%sfcdsw = clear_val
Coupling%sfcnsw = clear_val
Coupling%sfcdlw = clear_val
Coupling%sfculw = clear_val
Coupling%sfculw_jac = clear_val

if (Model%cplflx .or. Model%do_sppt .or. Model%cplchm .or. Model%ca_global) then
allocate (Coupling%rain_cpl (IM))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2930,25 +2935,26 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
logical :: lwhtr = .true. !< flag to output lw heating rate (Radtend%lwhc)
logical :: swhtr = .true. !< flag to output sw heating rate (Radtend%swhc)
logical :: do_RRTMGP = .false. !< Use RRTMGP?
character(len=128) :: active_gases = '' !< Character list of active gases used in RRTMGP
integer :: nGases = 0 !< Number of active gases
character(len=128) :: rrtmgp_root = '' !< Directory of rte+rrtmgp source code
character(len=128) :: lw_file_gas = '' !< RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere
character(len=128) :: lw_file_clouds = '' !< RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute clouds optical properties
integer :: rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 !< Number of RRTMGP LW bands.
integer :: rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 256 !< Number of RRTMGP LW spectral points.
character(len=128) :: sw_file_gas = '' !< RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere
character(len=128) :: sw_file_clouds = '' !< RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute clouds optical properties
integer :: rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 !< Number of RRTMGP SW bands.
integer :: rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 224 !< Number of RRTMGP SW spectral points.
logical :: do_RRTMGP = .false. !< Use RRTMGP?
character(len=128) :: active_gases = '' !< Character list of active gases used in RRTMGP
integer :: nGases = 0 !< Number of active gases
character(len=128) :: rrtmgp_root = '' !< Directory of rte+rrtmgp source code
character(len=128) :: lw_file_gas = '' !< RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere
character(len=128) :: lw_file_clouds = '' !< RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute clouds optical properties
integer :: rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 !< Number of RRTMGP LW bands.
integer :: rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 256 !< Number of RRTMGP LW spectral points.
character(len=128) :: sw_file_gas = '' !< RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere
character(len=128) :: sw_file_clouds = '' !< RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute clouds optical properties
integer :: rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 !< Number of RRTMGP SW bands.
integer :: rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 224 !< Number of RRTMGP SW spectral points.
logical :: doG_cldoptics = .false. !< Use legacy RRTMG cloud-optics?
logical :: doGP_cldoptics_PADE = .false. !< Use RRTMGP cloud-optics: PADE approximation?
logical :: doGP_cldoptics_LUT = .false. !< Use RRTMGP cloud-optics: LUTs?
integer :: rrtmgp_nrghice = 0 !< Number of ice-roughness categories
integer :: rrtmgp_nGauss_ang=1 !< Number of angles used in Gaussian quadrature
logical :: do_GPsw_Glw = .false.
logical :: use_LW_jacobian = .false. !< Use Jacobian of LW to update LW radiation tendencies.
integer :: rrtmgp_nrghice = 0 !< Number of ice-roughness categories
integer :: rrtmgp_nGauss_ang = 1 !< Number of angles used in Gaussian quadrature
logical :: do_GPsw_Glw = .false.
logical :: use_LW_jacobian = .false. !< Use Jacobian of LW to update LW radiation tendencies.
logical :: doGP_lwscat = .false. !< If true, include scattering in longwave cloud-optics, only compatible w/ GP cloud-optics

!--- Z-C microphysical parameters
integer :: ncld = 1 !< choice of cloud scheme
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3323,7 +3329,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
sw_file_gas, sw_file_clouds, rrtmgp_nBandsSW, rrtmgp_nGptsSW,&
doG_cldoptics, doGP_cldoptics_PADE, doGP_cldoptics_LUT, &
rrtmgp_nrghice, rrtmgp_nGauss_ang, do_GPsw_Glw, &
use_LW_jacobian, &
use_LW_jacobian, doGP_lwscat, &
! IN CCN forcing
iccn, &
!--- microphysical parameterizations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3683,11 +3689,17 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%doGP_cldoptics_PADE = doGP_cldoptics_PADE
Model%doGP_cldoptics_LUT = doGP_cldoptics_LUT
Model%use_LW_jacobian = use_LW_jacobian
Model%doGP_lwscat = doGP_lwscat
! RRTMGP incompatible with levr /= levs
if (Model%do_RRTMGP .and. Model%levr /= Model%levs) then
write(0,*) "Logic error, RRTMGP only works with levr = levs"
end if
! RRTMGP LW scattering calculation not supported w/ RRTMG cloud-optics
if (Model%doGP_lwscat .and. Model%doG_cldoptics) then
write(0,*) "Logic error, RRTMGP Longwave cloud-scattering not supported with RRTMG cloud-optics."
end if

! The CCPP versions of the RRTMG lw/sw schemes are configured
! such that lw and sw heating rate are output, i.e. they rely
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4784,6 +4796,7 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' doGP_cldoptics_PADE: ', Model%doGP_cldoptics_PADE
print *, ' doGP_cldoptics_LUT : ', Model%doGP_cldoptics_LUT
print *, ' use_LW_jacobian : ', Model%use_LW_jacobian
print *, ' doGP_lwscat : ', Model%doGP_lwscat
print *, ' '
print *, 'microphysical switch'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6310,10 +6323,6 @@ subroutine interstitial_create (Interstitial, IM, Model)
allocate (Interstitial%zt1d (IM))

allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwDOWN_jac (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwUP_jac (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%sktp1r (IM))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwUP_allsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
if (Model%do_RRTMGP) then
allocate (Interstitial%tracer (IM, Model%levs,Model%ntrac))
allocate (Interstitial%tv_lay (IM, Model%levs))
Expand All @@ -6329,6 +6338,7 @@ subroutine interstitial_create (Interstitial, IM, Model)
allocate (Interstitial%precip_overlap_param (IM, Model%levs))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwDOWN_allsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwUP_clrsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwUP_allsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxlwDOWN_clrsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxswUP_allsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
allocate (Interstitial%fluxswDOWN_allsky (IM, Model%levs+1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6748,6 +6758,7 @@ subroutine interstitial_rad_reset (Interstitial, Model)
end if

if (Model%do_RRTMGP) then
Interstitial%fluxlwUP_allsky = clear_val
Interstitial%tracer = clear_val
Interstitial%tv_lay = clear_val
Interstitial%relhum = clear_val
Expand Down
73 changes: 42 additions & 31 deletions scm/src/GFS_typedefs.meta
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1634,6 +1634,20 @@
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky sfc upward lw flux
units = W m-2
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_jacobian_of_lw_flux_upward_at_surface
long_name = RRTMGP Jacobian upward longwave flux at surface
units = W m-2 K-1
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
long_name = total rain precipitation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2726,6 +2740,12 @@
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
standard_name = flag_to_include_longwave_scattering_in_cloud_optics
long_name = logical flag to control the addition of LW scattering in RRTMGP
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
standard_name = number_of_rrtmgp_ice_roughness
long_name = number of ice-roughness categories in RRTMGP calculation (Model%rrtmgp_nrghice)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4577,12 +4597,6 @@
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
standard_name = flag_for_cycling
long_name = flag for cycling or coldstart
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = logical
standard_name = flag_for_hydrostatic_solver
long_name = flag for hydrostatic solver from dynamics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9905,6 +9919,24 @@
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = saturation_vapor_pressure
long_name = saturation vapor pressure
units = Pa
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio
long_name = water vaport mixing ratio
units = kg/kg
dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = air_pressure_at_layer_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa
long_name = air pressure layer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10043,27 +10075,6 @@
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_at_previous_time_step
long_name = surface skin temperature at previous time step
units = K
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_jacobian_of_lw_flux_profile_upward
long_name = RRTMGP Jacobian upward longwave flux profile
units = W m-2 K-1
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_jacobian_of_lw_flux_profile_downward
long_name = RRTMGP Jacobian downward of longwave flux profile
units = W m-2 K-1
dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_flux_profile_upward_allsky
long_name = RRTMGP upward shortwave all-sky flux profile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10273,25 +10284,25 @@
long_name = Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = ty_optical_props_1scl
type = ty_optical_props_2str
standard_name = longwave_optical_properties_for_precipitation
long_name = Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = ty_optical_props_1scl
type = ty_optical_props_2str
standard_name = longwave_optical_properties_for_cloudy_atmosphere_by_band
long_name = Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = ty_optical_props_1scl
type = ty_optical_props_2str
standard_name = longwave_optical_properties_for_precipitation_by_band
long_name = Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = ty_optical_props_1scl
type = ty_optical_props_2str
standard_name = longwave_optical_properties_for_aerosols
long_name = Fortran DDT containing RRTMGP optical properties
Expand Down

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