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Multisig Tic Tac Toe


This example has moved! Find the latest version in the Sui repo's examples/tic-tac-toe directory, next to a variant that uses consensus and shared objects.

Instead of sharing the game-board, it belongs to the multi-sig account of the two players

This pattern uses a multi-sig account which holds some information that should be accessible from multiple accounts instead of a shared-object. Tic tac toe has also been implemented using a shared-object for gameboard, or by passing the whole gameboard between two players.

This solution does not use shared-objects, but instead has the gameboard in a multisig 1 out of 2 account. The Mark is passed between the game players.

A potential application of this pattern is the case when we want an object to be used asynchronously between two to ten accounts.

    Player X->>+Multisig: Create game
    Multisig-->>+Player X: Pass mark
    Player X->>-Multisig: Send mark
    Multisig->>Multisig: Place mark
    Multisig-->>+Player O: Pass mark
    Player O->>-Multisig: Send mark
    Multisig->>Multisig: Place mark
    Multisig-->>+Player X: Pass mark
    Player X->>-Multisig: Send mark
    Multisig->>Multisig: Place mark
    Multisig-->>+Player O: ...
    Player O->>-Multisig: ...
    Multisig->>Multisig: ...
    Multisig-->>+Player X: ...
    Player X->>-Multisig: ...
    Multisig->>Multisig: ...
    Multisig->>+Player O: [Trophy]
  • Create game: Using the create_game move call from the multisig account, a game is created and a mark is passed to player X.
  • Send mark: Using the send_mark move call from the player account, the mark is sent to the multisig account.
  • Place mark: Using the place_mark move call from the multisig account, the mark is placed on the gameboard, and is passed to the next player for the next turn.
  • Pass mark is not a separate call. It is an action that is automatically triggered either when creating a game or when placing a mark while the game is not finished.

All multisig calls are sponsored by the player account.

Pros & Cons of pattern

In respect to shared-object In respect to game-admin
+ Ability to delete object after game finished + No need for a third entity
+ No order consensus needed
- Care should be taken to prevent equivocation - Care should be taken to prevent equivocation
- Way more complicated contract - More complicated contract
- More complicated client integration - More complicated client integration
- More transactions per action
- Max 10 users

Directories structure

  • contract:

    • Contains the Move code of the smart contract
  • rust-cli-client:

    • cargo run -- --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --opponent-public-key <OPPONENT_PUBLIC_KEY> <PLAYING_AS> where keys in Base64 and PLAYING_AS: X|O. One can find private keys in ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore and public keys using sui keystore list.
    • Note: Application supports only Ed25519 keyscheme
  • app: vite react application for playing in the browser

    • pnpm run dev
    • Note: Application supports only Ed25519 keyscheme
  • setup: Taken from

    • A Typescript project, with ready-to-use:
      • environment variable (.env) file reading
      • Sui SDK integration
      • publish shell script