Genetic algorithm that tries to guess a word
Some files were given
To Compile (either Windows or Unix):
- Copy all eight files to the same directory
- Be sure that JDK 7 is installed and accessible from the directory where the WordGuess files are found
- Type: javac
- Type: javac
To create the parameter file.
- Decide upon a parameter set, for example:
--128 intitial population members
--64 actural population members
--5 size of the word to be guessed
--.1 mutation factor
--1000 maximum number of generations
- Type: java SetParams params.dat 128 64 5 .1 1000
To run WordGuess:
- Type: java WordGuessTst For example, if the parameter file is "params.dat" and the word to be guessed is "genetic" java WordGuessTst params.dat genetic
- WordGuess displays the best guess from each generation until it guesses the word itself or until the maximum number of generations is reached.