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Non Resident Commands and Permissions

legobear154 edited this page Jun 23, 2013 · 3 revisions

Given to users when they are not in a town

/t new <name><n>

Creates a new town by the name specified in . The user must not be a member of any town and the town name can not be used by any currently existing town. The user current location is used to claim the first town block. For any town block claiming restrictions refer to the /t claim command under town assistants.

/t accept


Accepts a incoming town invite. The user must not be a member of any town and has to have a pending town invite. Refer to the /t invite command under town assistants for further reference.

/t deny


Rejects a incoming town invite. Using this command removes the pending town invite and allows for other towns to invite you. The user must not be a member of any town and has to have a pending town invite. Refer to the /t invite command under town assistants for further reference.