Run Motion Capture and Analysis on the Cloud and on Edge
James Wall, Tosin Akinpelu, and Mumin Khan
One of the most common problems that modern-day running athletes face is how to improve form and posture. Poor running form can impact running time and, even worse, lead to injury. This problem is compounded when examining the sports industry holistically. Almost every sport involves some form of running in either gameplay or as an exercise to prepare for gameplay. The problem is so pertinent that it is almost expected for an athlete who has to run a nontrivial distance on any sort of regular cadence to get a running injury at some point. Although there are some existing posture improving techniques out there, there is nothing in the market specific to running athletes. Moreover, they rely on human intelligence to access, and often come at a high enough cost that non-established athletes would have trouble accessing them. Due to the widespread nature of this problem and the lack of an existing viable solution, we elected to focus on creating a solution in this area for our final project for W251.
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