MultiPad v2.0!
MultiPad change log:
- Mode practical (Autoplay paused)
- Button to next, pause and return the progress of the autoplay.
- Support to the exchange automatic chain (I don't know the name of this).
- Support led button pressed.
- The screen if keeps connected while with the Unipack loaded (in activity playPads).
- Minimum change in the home screen list (Unipacks).
- Progress bar of autoplay interactive, with the ability to change the progress of the autoplay.
- Support 24 chains! (8 the left , 8 lower and 8 right).
- Support the Glow, with a window configuration ray and intensity.
- Support to spam audio (The samples not are cut when the same button is pressed).
- Support led in soon (seine soon have parts transparent).
- Exchange individual (not literally every 95 buttons) Pad/Chain/Soon/Background
- No limit 6 seconds (if the audio is long too, you can to it off the leds but this does not blocks playing with leds disabled).
- Support to play sample by the chain (in keySound, do as always, only that with the location of the Chain, for example , 3 9 1 004.wav, to use the button on line 9, column 1, in the chain 3, the sample 004.wav)
- Support layer PNG (Useful when if you have a mold Launchpad en png and want to use in MultiPad as overlay). It is not so useful ...
- Hide the format of the Chains/Pad (Useful to want to do video editing, avoid having to do a skin with phantom, phatom_ and chainled transparent).
- Support the spam leds (Not recommended if you is crazy of tighten the same button several times quickly).
- New color scheme-based Eyedrop. (may seem strange to the used in Unipad)
- 't remember if you have more things... :)
Changes in the code:
- Improvements in the algorithm making them more clean.
- Resolutions several bugs reported by Yato, Ignizpow and Axux (Love you).
- Support improved to Android 11 (Permission storage and reading of the Skins).
- Was changed the player,