A project following the principles of Clean Architechture and Domain-driven design (DDD), Repository and Unit of Work Patterns.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
docker-compose build docker-compose up --force-recreate
Visual Studio 2019:
- Select docker-compose as startup project
- Run docker-compose profile
Visit http://localhost:5000 for SwaggerUI
- Add more comments and documentation
- Complete Unit tests for Products.Domain
- Completed Integration tests for Products.API
- Add more tests around paging
- Consider using Dapper for querying Products and Product Options. Dapper is much faster than Entity Framework Core. Query calls do not alter the domain, hence they don't have to be made through the repository.
- Use mediatR to fire domain events from Products.Domain project. Handle the domain events to log etc. in Products.API.
- Create seperate methods to update different properties of concern of the domain objects instead of a single update method.
Initial migration is already created, so no need to run this:
dotnet ef migrations add "SampleMigration" --project "./src/Products.Infrastructure" --startup-project "./src/Products.API" --output-dir "./src/Products.Infrastructure/Persistence/Migrations"