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Adding New Content Via OTA


To add a new ship dynamically to the module:

  1. Update the xwing-data ships file (ships.js) with the new ship. If this cannot be done for some reason, you can insert the same contents into file dispatcher_ships.json in this repository
  2. Upload the ship image to be used on the ship base to the "ships" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  3. Upload the "dial hide" ship image to the "dial" folder. This is the smaller ship image shown on the dial. Again be sure to use the naming convention below. Note: the module will generate the "Dial Mask" image automatically.
  4. Update the ship_images.json file with the information about the ship. An example entry is:
          "xws": "aggressor",
          "image": "Ship_aggressor.png",
          "identifier" : "standard",
          "faction" : ["scumandvillainy"]
  • "xws" - the xws of the ship
  • "image" - the ship image to be used on the base
  • "identifier" - this is used for alt-art ships. If this is standard art, use "standard" as the value. If this is an alt art image, give any unique identifier to this ship, and be sure to include it in the ship image name.
  • "faction" - a list of factions this ship can be used by. Be sure it is all lower case, and no spaces. This should be main factions only, not subfactions.

Note: Faction-specific ship bases will be generated for each faction listed


To add a new pilot dynamically to the module:

  1. Update the xwing-data pilots file (pilots.js) with the new pilot. If this cannot be done for some reason, you can insert the same contents into file dispatcher_pilots.json in this repository
  2. Upload the pilot image to be used to the "pilots" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  3. Update the pilot_images.json file with the information about the pilot. An example entry is:
            "shipxws": "xwing",
            "pilotxws": "wedgeantilles",
            "faction": "rebelalliance",
            "image": "Pilot_rebelalliance_xwing_wedgeantilles.jpg"
  • "shipxws" - the xws of the ship
  • "pilotxws" - the xws of the pilot
  • "faction" - a list of factions this ship can be used by. Be sure it is all lower case, and no spaces. This might be a subfaction
  1. "image" - The image to be used for the pilot card

Note: Faction/subfaction specific backs to the cards will be applied automatically


To add a new upgrade dynamically to the module:

  1. Update the xwing-data upgrades file (upgrades.js) with the new upgrade. If this cannot be done for some reason, you can insert the same contents into file dispatcher_upgrades.json in this repository
  2. Upload the upgrade image to be used to the "upgrades" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  3. Update the upgrade_images.json file with the information about the upgrade. An example entry is:
            "slot": "Astromech",
            "xws": "bb8",
            "image": "Upgrade_Astromech_bb8.jpg"
  • "slot" - the name of the upgrade slot. Be sure this matches the slot value in xwing-data.
  • "xws" - the xws of the upgrade
  • "image" - The image to be used for the upgrade card

Note: Slot specific backs will be applied to the card automatically.

If a new slot is introduced, and you need to add a new slot back card, add another entry using "back" as the xws, and replace the upgrade xws in the image name with "back".

The system will then add the image as the default back for all upgrades of this new slot.


To add a new condition dynamically to the module:

  1. Update the xwing-data conditions file (conditions.js) with the new upgrade. If this cannot be done for some reason, you can insert the same contents into file dispatcher_conditions.json in this repository
  2. Upload the condition image to be used to the "conditions" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  3. Upload the condition token image to be used to the "conditions" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  4. Update the condition_images.json file with the information about the condition. An example entry is:
            "image": "Condition_illshowyouthedarkside.jpg",
            "tokenimage": "ConditionToken_illshowyouthedarkside.png",
            "xws": "illshowyouthedarkside"
  • "image" - The image to be used for the front of the condition card.
  • "tokenimage" - The image to be used for the condition token
  • "xws" - The xws of the condition

Note: The backs of the condition cards have been completely genericized, so there is no need to bother with that.

Dial Hide Images

To add a new dial hide image dynamically to the module:

  1. Upload the dial hide image to be used to the "dial" folder. Be sure to use the naming convention below.
  2. Update the dial_images.json file with the information about the dial hide. An example entry is:
             "xws": "aggressor",
             "image": "DialHide_aggressor.png",
             "faction": ["scumandvillainy"]
  • "xws" - The xws of the sihp.
  • "image" - The image to be used for the dial hide (the small ship image on the dial)
  • "faction" - List of all faction-specific dial backs that need to be generated

Note: The backs of the dials will be generated based on the image and factions you provide here, and will be saved to the module. The fronts of the dials will be generated during AutoSquadSpawn.


You can also add new images for "cardboard" firing arcs and "cardboard" actions (that go on the base ship image). However, if new actions or arcs are introduced, there most likely will need to be some code changes made to the module.

General on the Module Behavior with OTA

OnLoad of the module, it will:

  • Download and save a new copy of the ships, pilots, upgrades and conditions files from xwing-data to the module
  • Download and save a new copy of the dispatcher ships, pilots, upgrades and conditions files from OTA
  • Parse the _images.json files in OTA and download any images referenced if they don't already exist in the module
  • Generate any missing DialMask images (the blank dial the opponent sees). This will have the "dial hide" ship image in the corner, and the dial color will be faction-correct
  • Generate any missing ShipBase images (the image used as the ship in the game).
  • This image will have (faction-correct) firing arcs (from xwing-data)
  • It will have the correct actions (from xwing-data)
  • It will use the proper Ship image (ship_images.json)


All dials will be automatically generated by the module during Squad Spawn. Each dial:

  • Will have the faction-correct face
  • Will have the "dial hide" ship image in the upper left corner
  • Will have the faction-correct back image


All ship game pieces will be automatically generated by the module during Squad Spawn. They will:

  • Have the faction-correct "Show Target Lock" trait
  • Have the ability to drop bombs, if the ship has a bomb slot, or if an upgrade grants it (from xwing-data)
  • Have the ability to drop cargo, if the ship is a large ship
  • Have the faction-correct firing arcs appropriate for the ship (from xwing-data)

If a ship exists in xwing-data, but does not exist in OTA, the module will generate a WIP (Work in Process) ship base. This WIP ship will be faction-correct, and will have the appropriate actions and firing arcs.


All pilot cards will be automatically generated by the module during Squad Spawn. They will have sub-faction correct backs

If a pilot exists in xwing-data, but does not exist in OTA, the module will generate a WIP (Work in Process) pilot card.


All Upgrade cards will be automatically generated by the module during Squad Spawn. They will have slot-specific backs

If an upgrade exists in xwing-data, but does not exist in OTA, the module will generate a WIP (Work in Process) upgrade card. This WIP upgrade will be slot-specific.


All condition card and tokens will be automatically generated by the module during Squad Spawn. They will have a neutral back.

If a condition exists in xwing-data, but does not exist in OTA, the module will generate a WIP (Work in Process) condition card and a WIP condition token.

Naming Conventions


Standard ship images: Ship_<ship-xws>.png

Alt art ship images: Ship_<ship-xws>_<identifier>.png

Base Firing Arcs

Firing_Arc_<xws firing_arc, lower case, remove spaces><xws size><xws faction, lower case, remove spaces>.svg

Note: "Resistance" needs to be "rebelalliance" and "First Order" needs to be "galacticempire"


Action_<xws action, lower case, remove spaces>.png


Pilot_<faction, lower case, remove spaces><ship xws><pilot xws>.jpg


For card fronts: Upgrade_<slotName, lowercase, remove spaces>_<xws>.jpg

For unique card backs: Upgrade_<slotName, lowercase, remove spaces>_<xws>_back.jpg

For generic card backs: Upgrade_<slotName, lowercase, remove spaces>_back.jpg


Cards: Condition_<xws>.jpg

Tokens: ConditionToken_<xws>.png

Dial Hide Ship Images



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