Releases: MrAdamBoyd/Pictograph
Releases · MrAdamBoyd/Pictograph
Big update! This update includes major changes to the UI and the way messages and images are hidden within images.
Image Coder
- As written above, the image coder now supports encoding an image and message at the same time in the same image. This required a few changes.
- The information bits about an image are now longer. It now looks like this: <16 bits for settings><64 bits for message length><64 bits for image length>. The bits for message length and image length are always included, even if they are 0. So if the message length is 0, the image data starts on the bit after the bits for image length.
- There is now an enum for the settings bits, defined as this:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, PictographEncodingOptions)
PictographEncodingOptionsNone = -1,
- Only two buttons on home screen now, down from three, one for encoding a message/image in an image and another for decoding a message/image in an image.
- Now when you tap encode, a new popup appears that lets you input an image to hide as well as an image to encode.
- The popup that appeared when you revealed an image used to only appear when there was an image to show, but now it always shows. There is an additional field to show any hidden messages.