This repo implements CRF as described in Deeplab paper it takes about 0.2 seconds per image. Following image is taken form DeepLab paper
Python <= 3.6
pydensecrf // Recomended to install before hand via conda-forge see below
via PyPi or
# first install this to avoid any error.
conda install -c conda-forge pydensecrf
# then go here
pip install seg-crf
if you get error during installation due to pydensecrf
then follow this link to resolve it or just type,
pip install git+
from seg_crf import Seg_CRF
crf = Seg_CRF(img_path, model_op_path, 2, img_w=1024, img_h=512, clr_op=True, pallet2use ='cityscape')
gray, rgb = crf.start()
It takes following inputs.(see dir sample_data
for sample masks) gt
are just groundtruths they are not used during caculation
⚠ Zero pixels are consdered background
img_path : path to an image,
Format [H, W, 3]; values ranging from [0, 255]
model_op_path : path model output of the same input image.
Format [H, W]; values ranging from [0, num_of_classes]
num_of_classes : number of classes in a dataset e.g. in cityscape has 30 classes
clr_op : color the output or not a bool
pallet2use : see for details
img_w : for resizing image and mask to same size default is 1024
img_h : for resizing image and mask to same size default is 512
apperance_kernel : The PairwiseBilateral term in CRF a list of values in order [sxy, srgb, compat]
default values are [8, 164, 100]
spatial_kernel : The PairwiseGaussian term in CRF a list of values in order [sxy, compat]
default values are [3, 10]
More about spatial and apperance kernel below.
CRF’s are used for smoothing the noisy segmentation maps. See image below.
This is the one implemented in this repo.
FC CRF consists of two Guassian Kernels one is called appearance kernel and other is called spatioal kernel. The spatial kernel is used of controlling the smoothness of the segmented regions. and the appearace kernel controls which regions of segemneted image should be combined to one after lookin at origina input image.
# inside the CRF function and class change;
# 1. increasing sxy puts more focus on changing intensity
# 2. if we increase srgb the pixels in close proximity will be assigned one class
# (high value will cause the erosion like effect at boundaries)
# Default Values are
apperance_kernel = [8, 164, 100] # PairwiseBilateral [sxy, srgb, compat]
spatial_kernel = [3, 10] # PairwiseGaussian [sxy, compat]
# or if you want to to specify seprately for each XY direction and RGB color channel then
apperance_kernel = [(1.5, 1.5), (64, 64, 64), 100] # PairwiseBilateral [sxy, srgb, compat]
spatial_kernel = [(0.5, 0.5), 10] # PairwiseGaussian [sxy, compat]
# Use like
crf = Seg_CRF(img_path, model_op_path, 2, img_w=1024, img_h=512,
apperance_kernel=apperance_kernel, spatial_kernel=spatial_kernel,
clr_op=True, pallet2use ='cityscape')
gray, rgb = crf.start()
For binar and multiclass segementation