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Releases: MovingBlocks/DestinationSol

2.1.0 Release

31 Mar 22:44
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The 2.1.0 release is here!

There isn't a great deal of new content in this release but there's been a lot of work done behind the scenes to make the game much more stable and easier to work with.

As with the last release, we're including four extra modules with the base game here: federal, syndicate, salvage and warp (desktop-only for now).

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen!

Release Highlights

  • New World Generation (@IsaiahBlanks)
  • New UI Framework
    • Players with irregular screen resolutions should experience far fewer issues
  • New Tutorial
  • Working maze collisions
  • Many fixed bugs and fewer crashes


  • Replaced UIs using a new UI framework (NUI)
  • Replaced the old tutorial and added new sections
  • Added a UI scaling option to the main menu settings
  • Added a preview of a ship's appearance on the new ship screen
  • Updated the in-game tutorial
  • The Page-Up and Page-Down keys can be used to change the map zoom


  • Updated libGDX to 1.9.14
    • This should resolve some issues experienced by macOS players
  • The escape key no longer closes the game from the main menu
  • Projectiles no longer collide with their originating ship


  • Fixed maze collisions
  • Fixed objects being incorrectly culled on the map screen
  • Fixed waypoint placement on a rotated map
  • Fixed crash when opening inventory whilst transcendent
  • Fixed crash when respawning whilst transcendent
  • Fixed crash when the game is minimised
  • [Android] Removed duplicated assets from the Android APK
  • [Android] Fixed scrambled textures when un-suspending game on Android
  • [Android] Fixed severe slowdown during rapid collisions on Android
  • Fixed ability charges not being consumed
  • Fixed free IK-2 Escort mercenaries from the federal module

Contributors for this release:

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0

v2.0.0 - Initial Gestalt Integration

05 Jul 04:17
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After some initial beta testing, our v2.0.0 release is ready!

The biggest thing that is new in this release is the integration of the Gestalt framework. What this means:

  • Modding is now much, much easier. Check out this wiki page with instructions on how to create ships and other items
  • Modules can more easily be added to the game. Simply drag the folder into the modules directory!
  • More ships! More guns! More [insert other item type here]s! All in various modules we've got under the Destination Sol organisation on GitHub. Note that some modules may be unstable

There have been many other small changes and as such it's just impossible to list them all.
Here are the highlights:

  • Significant code cleanups and enhancements
  • Many, many bug fixes (and probably just as many bug introductions!)
  • Brand new logo and animated menu background
  • Some UI tweaks, including a remade new ship screen in which you can select how many systems will be generated (up to 9!)
  • Some balance adjustments, including reducing the time between shots on the blaster
  • Continuing a game will now generate the very same world each time
  • In game console for cheating (use wisely)! Open it by pressing the tilde ` key and type help to see a list of commands
  • A splashscreen will now appear while the game is starting
  • Waypoints! Select anywhere on the map to mark for later.
  • You can now pan the map with your mouse
  • Faction enhancements. Increase your reputation among factions by buying things from them, or shoot at them to make them dislike you!

For full contents, see

Included in this release is the core game, plus four extra modules: federal, syndicate, salvage and warp.

v2.0.0 beta - Initial Gestalt Integration

05 Apr 19:37
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We're finally back with a pre-release after three long years!

The biggest thing to have happened in that time is the integration of the Gestalt framework. What this means:

  • Modding is now much, much easier. Check out this wiki page with instructions on how to create ships and other items
  • Modules can more easily be added to the game. Simply drag the folder into the modules directory!
  • More ships! More guns! More [insert other item type here]s! All in various modules we've got under the Destination Sol organisation on GitHub. Note that some modules may be unstable

There have been many other small changes over this time and as such it's just impossible to list them all.
Here are the highlights:

  • Significant code cleanups and enhancements
  • Many, many bug fixes (and probably just as many bug introductions!)
  • Brand new logo and animated menu background
  • Some UI tweaks, including a remade new ship screen in which you can select how many systems will be generated (up to 9!)
  • Some balance adjustments, including reducing the time between shots on the blaster
  • Continuing a game will now generate the very same world each time
  • In game console for cheating (use wisely)! Open it by pressing the tilde ` key and type help to see a list of commands
  • A splashscreen will now appear while the game is starting
  • Waypoints! Select anywhere on the map to mark for later.
  • You can now pan the map with your mouse
  • Faction enhancements. Increase your reputation among factions by buying things from them, or shoot at them to make them dislike you!

For full contents, see

Included in this pre-release is the core game, plus four extra modules: federal, syndicate, salvage and warp.

v1.5.0 - Checkpoint release before Gestalt integration

07 May 22:20
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This is in theory the last release before v2.0.0 with initial Gestalt integration. The first pass will come with our asset and module systems, so it should help making it easier to create and enable new content :-)

In the meantime this release contains misc changes from the last several months, including a new ship contributed in the middle of preparing this release, fun timing!

Immediately after this release we'll be merging in #129 which will break some stuff for a while, especially Android, until we stabilize the new system. @vampcat has been picked as one of our GSOC students and will be working on it over the summer

For full contents see #143 and/or


  • New ship: Imperial Scout. Actually a tiny bit smaller than the starting Guardian, with a few less HP, but also half the prize, making it easier to recover if you accidentally price yourself out of a usable ship plus weaponry. More notable for being another patrol ship that wanders the solar systems. Maybe in the future it could be a mercenary or a carrier-launched ship?
  • Zoom issue on the map fixed
  • Various text alignment / sizing fixes
  • Fix for an item overflow bug
  • Improvements to sfx/music volume settings
  • Better protection from buying the ship you're already in or items you have equipped

v1.4.1 - Misc fixes (mercs working!)

13 Sep 07:20
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Patch release with some recent fixes from v1.4.0 and in general.

  • #113 / #114 - crash from trying to load a ship with too many items in the save (should be OK to load broken old saves with)
  • #109 / #110 - mercenaries now start with an appropriate weapon so they'll be helpful without an awkward weapon item throwing phase
  • #102 / #108 - optimization for how the new music is loaded
  • #97 / #107 - allow volume control for both sfx and the new music separately
  • #103 + #104 - minor extras like docs and project logistics

Special thanks to @JGelfand for most the work! :-)

Forum announcement: (matches Steam etc)

v1.4.0 - soundtrack

19 Jul 21:23
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Official soundtrack by NeonInsect released at last! Note that the app size went up a fair bit for that reason (9ish mb to 61mb with bundled JREs on top of that for PC)

The way our Android build is prepared also changed a bit, could be unexpected issues, especially on older devices.

Other changes

  • Star gates should no longer spawn within each other
  • Ship icon should be visible while jumping between gates
  • Equipped weapons should persist through reloads
  • Lots of technical refactoring for later improvements
  • Credits updated
  • Mouse cursor may behave better in some edge cases reported occasionally (we upgraded LibGDX, the game library used by DS)

For playing on a PC we now also integrated the CrashReporter originally designed for Terasology, so it should be easier to report crash issues.

On a related note check out for a new game from Milosh, original creator of Destination Sol :-)

v1.3.1 - mouse freedom and better logging

11 Oct 19:01
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This is a small patch release with a couple fixes before we embark on something a little bigger in v1.4.0


  • Mouse is less tied to the windowed version of the game, free to move in and out when in the menu.
  • Game crashes should put a logged reason why in a little popup
  • Minor renaming of some stuff

No Android release as there'd be no noticeable changes.

v1.3.0 - Controller support and mouse fixes

02 Aug 03:32
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Controller support is in and some mouse issues have been fixed, especially when running in full screen at a resolution that doesn't match your native aspect ratio. You can now also change input mappings in-game, like changing what button shoots your weapon(s), woo!

  • Added partial controller support. At this stage the ship can be controlled using a controller while the menu items can be accessed via keyboard or mouse.
  • Added the ability to change the controls from the options menu, i.e. change the key and controller mapping.
  • Escape key can now be used to quit the game from the main menu.
  • Credits screen updated.
  • Fixed a bug where the background junk, dust and debris may not have appeared.
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse controls weren't working correctly after changing resolution.
  • Updated libGDX to latest version.

Note: The tutorial is deactivated if you set "Controller" as your input method.

Milestone with closed issues/PRs

v1.2.0 - hull refactoring

26 Jul 05:03
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This is a mostly internal release that restructures the way ships (and similar objects) are defined, making it easier to modify and create more.

No real user visible changes should stick out, maybe we fixed or broke something minor. Do let us know if anything changes! :-)

Related new guide on Steam on how to add a new ship with the new setup:

Bundled Mac JRE and Steam support

13 Jul 03:14
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Quick little change specific to better support running the game on Macs, particularly on Steam.

Bit of a pain to beta test a new platform on Steam so releasing this after some minimal testing :-)