Version of ISCAN as of Workshop on Sound Change 2019.
Please cite as:
McAuliffe, M., Goodale, M., Tanner, J., Coles, A., Willterton, V. and Sonderegger, M. (2018). Integrated Speech Corpus Analysis (ISCAN) [Computer program]. Version 0.2.0, retrieved 27 June 2019 from
If you use formant measurements generated by ISCAN, please also cite:
Mielke, J., Thomas, E., Fruehwald, J., Stuart-Smith, J., Sonderegger, M., Dodsworth, R., and McAuliffe, M. (2019) Age vectors vs. axes of intraspeaker variation in vowel formants measured automatically from several English speech corpora. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- Michael McAuliffe
- Arlie Coles
- Michael Goodale
- James Tanner
- Vanna Willerton
- Rachel MacDonald
- Kaylynn Gunter
- Edward Marshall
- Stacy Harkin