A simple interactive script for uploading EEG/COG data to XNAT
XNAT EEG Upload requires Python 3 with pip3
How you install Python 3 will depend on the system you are using and whether there is another Python 3 already installed it on it or not. If Python 3 isn't installed I would strongly recommend using a package manager such as
- Homebrew (http://brew.sh) - MacOS
- Chocolately (http://chocolatey.org) - Windows
- Apt/Yum/Apk/etc... - Linux
These Python versions should come with pip3
already installed but if you don't
have it installed, it can be installed by downloading https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py and
running python3 get-pip.py.
Once pip3 is installed you can install the EEG upload by cloning this repository with git (you can install git with one of the aforementioned package managers) or downloading and unzipping somewhere sensible on your computer, then run:
pip3 install -e <where-you-saved-the-cloned/downloaded-directory>
You run the script with the command:
(NB: if you are on Linux and installed without 'sudo' you will probably need to add $HOME/.local/bin to your PATH variable)