Available at https://goquiz.github.io/
In place editing and execution is supported.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
- Subslice
- Short Declairation
- Nil Interfaces
- Map Ok-Idiom
- Pointers
- interface{} Pointers
- Temporary Pointer
- Break Outer Loop
- Global Varibles
- Defer Stack
- Panic Stack
- recover()
- Goroutine Closures
- Type Shadowing
- String to Bytes
- Map Mutex
- DeepEqual
- Gosched
- Map Immutability
- Slice Sorting
- init()
- json unmarshalling
- utf8 length
- regex multiline mode
- readline
- Heap
- context.WithTimeout
- flag
- text-template
- html-template
- http server
- sql query
- gcflags
- benchmark
- package management
- shared object
- go generate
- http server的pprof
- ./...
- String Internals
- Slice Internals
- defer overhead
- Map malloc Threshold
- runtime.newobject()
- Go Bootstrapping
- Unbuffered and Buffered Channels
- Destructor
- Garbage Collection
- Goroutine Sleep
- Memory Allocation
- Stack vs Heap
- Goroutine Pause or Halt
Prerequisites: "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
cd _build
make html
make readme