This a simple notes app that enables you to manage, add, delete, search and filter via your notes in your machine using your command line and your favorite editor using simple commands
Using a naming system that keeps your notes organized by tag and date
Using a Sqlite database to help in searching and tracking your notes
uses simple commands to help you do whatever you want easily
using a help docs
Backup all your notes or (Filtered ones) in a zip folder (new)
Restore all your backed-up notes from your un-zipped backup folder (new) <command> [arguments] options that you have in this script - dnote create lec1 -- tag master - dnote update Bla_Lec3_17-05-20 --newtag msc - dnote update Bla_Lec3_17-05-20 --newname lec3 --newtag msc - dnote show lec4 --bytag - dnote show notes --bydate - dnote show all --bydate - dnote open Bla_Lec3_17-05-20 - dnote delete Bla_Lec3_17-05-20 - dnote zip all - dnote zip notes --tag msc - dnote restore <folder_path> #restores all the backed-up notes from your un-zipped backup folder
python build
python install
This project is licensed under the MIT License