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I have complete v4 "0:30:01"

Hooks use

  1. =>false is default which I set it (hare I won't want to display the description texts so I set the state -> default false) => here setDetails is set the default value, for here it is false =>basically setDetails change the value of state => here detail word is stored the default value, for here it is false.

  2. For API integration


  1. ##For Request:::{YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}&part=snippet&maxResults={MAX_RESULTS_TO_SHOW}&pageToken={PAGE_TOKEN}


  1. ##For get Id:::{YOUR_API_KEY}&forUsername={USER_NAME}&part=id


  1. ##For get PlaylistId=iploades:::{YOUR_ID}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}&part=contentDetails




its work in a 2 method

  1. server side rendering={ first data load then page appear
  2. client side rendering={ first page appear then data come }

error always come in err.response ############################################## =========================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

For Client Site (index.js)

//have to import it import { useEffect } from 'react';

//have to import it from Redux import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

export default function Home() { //should be call the function const dispatch = useDispatch(); useEffect(() => { dispatch(getVideos()); }); return ( //body contents ); } =========================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

For Server Site (which page you want apply it Exp=> index.js )

export const getServerSideProps = wrapper.getServerSideProps( (store) => async (context) => { await store.dispatch(getVideos()//the function); } );

==================>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in redux

let means =>> state


we use 2type of pagination 1)inline(like google) 2)loading page(like facebook/whatsApp/)

$$ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

For saving content in a frontend have to use useState

=>>>>> useEffect = useMemo is use for denoting the changes in web //it only understand the changes in clientSide


[,...videos] means 2 different array convert into 1 array

=>> for use redux function we have to use dispatch

=======================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for responsive=>

  1. padding base(we used it)
  2. width base(bootstrap used it)



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