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@tuvelofstrom tuvelofstrom released this 15 Oct 12:17
· 167 commits to main since this release

v0.5.0 - 2024-10-15

Full changelog


  • Improved the introduction in README.
  • Added calibrated_confusion_matrix in CalibratedExplainer and WrapCalibratedExplainer, providing a leave-one-out calibrated confusion matrix using the calibration set. The insights from the confusion matrix are useful when analyzing explanations, to determine general prediction and error distributions of the model. An example of using the confusion matrix in the analysis is given in paper Calibrated Explanations for Multi-class.
  • Embraced the update of crepes version 0.7.1, making it possible to add a seed when fitting. Addresses issue #43.
  • Updating terminology and functionality:
    • Introducing the concept of ensured explanations.
      • Changed the name of CounterfactualExplanation to AlternativeExplanation, as it better reflects the purpose and functionality of the class.
      • Added a collection subclass AlternativeExplanations inheriting from CalibratedExplanations, which is used for collections of AlternativeExplanation's. Collection methods referring to methods only available in the AlternativeExplanation are included in the new collection class.
      • Added an explore_alternatives method in CalibratedExplainer and WrapCalibratedExplainer to be used instead of explain_counterfactual, as the name of the later is ambiguous. The explain_counterfactual is still kept for compatibility reasons but only forwards the call to explore_alternatives. All files and notebooks have been updated to only call explore_alternatives. All references to counterfactuals have been changed to alternatives, with obvious exceptions.
      • Added both filtering methods and a ranking metric that can help filter out ensured explanations.
        • The parameters rnk_metric and rnk_weight has been added to the plotting functions and is applicable to all kinds of plots.
        • Both the AlternativeExplanation class (for an individual instance) and the collection subclass AlternativeExplanations contains filter functions only applicable to alternative explanations, such as counter_explanations, semi_explanations, super_explanations, and ensured_explanations.
          • counter_explanations removes all alternatives except those changing prediction.
          • semi_explanations removes all alternatives except those reducing the probability while not changing prediction.
          • super_explanations removes all alternatives except those increasing the probability for the prediction.
          • The concept of potential (uncertain) explanations is introduced. When the uncertainty interval spans across probability 0.5, an explanation is considered a potential. It will normally only be counter-potential and semi-potential, but can in some cases also be super-potential. Potential alternatives can be included or excluded from the above methods using the boolean parameter include_potentials.
          • ensured_explanations removes all alternatives except those with lower uncertainty (i.e. smaller uncertainty interval) than the original prediction.
      • Added a new form of plot for probabilistic predictions is added, clearly visualizing both the aleatoric and the epistemic uncertainty.
        • A global plot is added, plotting all test instances with probability and uncertainty as the x- and y-axes. The area corresponding to potential (uncertain) predictions is marked. The plot can be invoked using the plot(X_test) or plot(X_test, y_test) call.
        • A local plot for alternative explanations, with probability and uncertainty as the x- and y-axes, is added, which can be invoked from an AlternativeExplanation or a AlternativeExplanations using plot(style='triangular'). The optimal use is when combined with the filter_top parameter (see below), to include all alternatives, as follows: plot(style='triangular', filter_top=None).
      • Added prerpint and bibtex to the paper introducing ensured explanations:
    • Introduced fast explanations
      • Introduced a new type of explanation called FastExplanation which can be extracted using the explain_fast method. It differs from a FactualExplanation in that it does not define a rule condition but only provides a feature weight.
      • The new type of explanation is using ideas from ConformaSight, a recently proposed global explanation algorithm based on conformal classification. Acknowledgements have been added.
    • Introduced a new form av probabilistic regression explanation:
      • Introduced the possibility to get explanations for the probability of being inside an interval. This is achieved by assigning a tuple with lower and upper bounds as threshold, e.g., threshold=(low,high) to get the probability of the prediction falling inside the interval (low, high].
      • To the best of our knowledge, this is the only package that provide this functionality with epistemic uncertainty.
    • Introduced the possibility to add new user defined rule conditions, using the add_new_rule_condition method. This is only applicable to numerical features.
      • Factual explanations will create new conditions covering the instance value. Categorical features already get a condition for the instance value during the invocation of explain_factual.
      • Alternative explanations will create new conditions that exclude the instance value. Categorical features already get conditions for all alternative categories during the invocation of explore_alternatives.
    • Parameter naming:
      • The parameter indicating the number of rules to plot is renamed to filter_top (previously n_features_to_show), making the call including all rules (filter_top=None) makes a lot more sense.


  • Added checks to ensure that the learner is not called unless the WrapCalibratedExplainer is fitted.
  • Added checks to ensure that the explainer is not called unless the WrapCalibratedExplainer is calibrated.
  • Fixed incorrect use of np.random.seed.

What's Changed

  • chore(deps): update numpy requirement from <2.1,>=1.20 to >=1.20,<2.2 by @dependabot in #52
  • chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 by @dependabot in #53