So... copying some files and running a .bat / .sh is not your thing? It's dangerous out there - take this!
This is just an installing utility for ModTheGungeon, a mod for the game "Enter The Gungeon".
For issues with the installer, select the log box, CTRL+A, CTRL+C, create an issue here.
For issues with ModTheGungeon, f.e. crashes, go the EtG.exe folder, then EtG_Data, upload output_log.txt, create an issue in this repo.
Uses MonoMod, Mono.Cecil and a binary blob repository as submodules and de4dot (in said repository) as dependency. Clone recursively!
Previous versions of Core shipped with de4dot. Due to licensing changes with the installer (switching from a weird clause-decided-GPLv3-or-MIT), the de4dot dependency has been replaced with a deobfuscation abstraction layer. See the citrus flavour (GPLv3 licensed) for the "full" installer.