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Manual Locations Sniping Guide (Currently not working in 1.1.3)

ShawnHardwick edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 1 revision

###Scheduled Intervals


If UseGPXPathing is set to false, Sniping will execute every Pokestop.


If UseGPXPathing is set to true and GPXFile is found, Sniping will execute every second or based on the value in milliseconds forMinDelayBetweenSnipes (whichever is higher).


Defined by the scheduled interval above, PokeMobBot will utilize PokeVision to scan each location listed and catch the Pokemon specified in the configuration. This feature is NOT intended for catching individual one-off Pokemon, but instead for teleporting to pre-defined nests that have been known to contain specific Pokemon spawns.

###Configuration Each configuration will not be applied until PokeMobBot is restarted.

  1. Enable sniping by setting SnipeAtPokestops to true

  2. Navigate to the config.JSON located in the Config folder and locate the PokemonToSnipe list

  3. Locate the Locations section in the PokemonToSnipe list. This is where we begin setting up our sniping points. Check the Resources section for locations. You can list multiple locations for the PokeMobBot to check. An example of this would be:

"Locations": [ { "Latitude": 38.556807486461118, "Longitude": -121.2383794784546 }, { "Latitude": -33.859019, "Longitude": 151.213098 }, { "Latitude": 47.5014969, "Longitude": -122.0959568 }, { "Latitude": 51.5025343, "Longitude": -0.2055027 } ],

4. Locate the `Pokemon` section in the `PokemonToSnipe` list. This is where we are able to set our list of Pokemon we would like the PokeMobBot to search for at any of the above locations before returning to the default location. 
An example of this would be:

    "Pokemon": [
  1. Once you are done fine tuning all of your settings, save the config.json and run PokeMobBot.exe. If PokeMobBot crashes on startup after configuring sniping, you need to verify that there are no typos in your spelling or syntax. If PokeMobBot is running, remember it must be restarted to push any config updates.

Common Mistakes

Do not add too many Pokemon or locations to the PokemonToSnipe list. When PokeMobBot teleports, it will not claim any Pokestops and since nests tend to be full of Pokemon, PokeMobBot will quickly run out of Pokeballs. Intelligently filter the Pokemon to catch or keep your locations minimal.

An example of a syntax mistake would be:

A) Typing Mr. Mime or Mr. Mime where the correct syntax would be MrMime.

B) Typing a name incorrectly, Pikochu as opposed to the correct Pikachu.

Both of these will force PokeMobBot to crash.