java -jar VidivoxReleaseBC.jar
Ensure that the jar is being run on Java 7 as 8 does not seem to correctly load the button icons.
All files generated and output by the program are stored in a folder named "CustomVidivoxFolder" which is in the current directory, alternatively use the Output Folder to set a custom folder to output files into which will be in the current directory.
Required Libraries are stored in the jar file and additionally provided externally in a folder for use with the source code. The "imgs" folder must be in the same folder as the jar file to allow icons to be loaded into the program.
- Press the Select Video button before doing anything else to select and autoplay a video
- Press the Synthesize Audio button to generate MP3 audio files using text to speech
- Press the Select MP3 File button to add an MP3 file to the video at any point in the video
- After selecting an mp3 file it will be previewed alongside the video
- Previewing audio is not compatible with Fast Forward and Rewind, please finalize the merge to make full use of player functionality
- To finalize the embedding of the audio, press the Merge Selected Audio button to output a video file with the Selected audio embedded into it.
- To re-sync the preview use the ** File -> Reset Preview** button to restart the video and audio together
- Alternatively to revert to the original version of a video before audio was embedded, simply click Strip Audio and select Revert to pre-merged video
- The Strip Audio button may also be used to remove all audio from the selected video file and output an audioless video file
- To use Vidivox as a more standard player it is recommended to hide the sidepanel using **View -> Toggle Side Panel **