Online library General info:
- Application is managing customers and books that can be bought by a customer. Each customer has a list of purchased books.
- The application is written with Java 11 and Spring Boot.
- Customers and books are persisted in memory in static collections for simplicity. There is no real database or in memory database used.
- Collections that were used to persist entities are not thread safe for simplicity.
- The application does not contain any logging functionality for simplicity.
- The application has no units tests.
- Integration tests are testing Customer Controller and covers the controller/service/repository layers.
- Validations were performed with Hibernate Validator.
- The mapping between DTO's and entities is done via ModelMapper.class.
- Custom exceptions are handled by using a ControllerAdvice.
- The application does not have Swagger for API Documentation for simplicity.
USING IDE: Run the main class OnlineLibraryApplication
USING MAVEN: Run from the root directory mvn spring-boot:run
Being a Spring boot application, when starting the Online Library, an embedded application server will start on port 8080 (Tomcat)
The application will be reachable at http://localhost:8080/
Customer endpoints:
- POST /customers creates a customer
- PUT /customers/{id} updates an existing customer
- DELETE /customers/{id} deletes an existing customer
- GET /customers retrieves all customers
- GET /customers/{id} retrieves the customer with the specified path id
Books endpoints: -IMPORTANT NOTE: Book endpoints can be used only if the requests contain a valid tokenin the headers that is obtained by using the login API
- POST /books creates a book
- PUT /books/{id} updates an existing book
- DELETE /books/{id} deletes an existing book
- GET /books retrieves all books
- GET /books/{id} retrieves the book with the specified path id
- POST /books/{id}/buy?customerId={} accepts the customer and the book id that should be bought by the customer - customer id is passed as a query parameter
POST /login accepts the email and password of a customer and generates a token that will be valid for 24 hours
After a token is generated, it is saved in memory. Each token tracks the generation date in order to perform the 24 hours validation.
Requests are intercepted by a custom interceptor which is expecting a valid token in the request headers.